create_missing_dir "/var/lib/mpd/" if ! grep -qE '/var/lib/mpd' "${TARGET_DIR}/etc/fstab"; then cat << __EOF__ >> "${TARGET_DIR}/etc/fstab" tmpfs /var/lib/mpd tmpfs rw 0 0 __EOF__ fi add_tmpfs "/home/playlists" cat << __EOF__ > "${TARGET_DIR}/etc/mpd.conf" # Use a proxy to another instance music_directory "nfs://" database { plugin "proxy" host "" port "6600" } # Directory where user-made playlists are stored (RW) playlist_directory "/home/playlists" # Log file (RW) # disable the logs log_file "/dev/null" # Process ID file (RW) pid_file "/var/run/" # State file (RW) state_file "/var/lib/mpd/state" # User id to run the daemon as #user "nobody" # TCP socket binding bind_to_address "any" #bind_to_address "localhost" # Unix socket to listen on bind_to_address "/var/lib/mpd/socket" audio_output { type "pulse" name "Pulseaudio" server "" } __EOF__ find "$BR2_EXTERNAL_PIAUDIO_PATH/local/playlists" -name '*.m3u' -type f -print0 | xargs -0 -I '{}' cp {} "${TARGET_DIR}/home/" cat << __EOF__ > "${TARGET_DIR}/etc/systemd/system/playlists.service" [Unit] Description=Playlists [Service] Type=unit ExecStart=find /home/ -name '*.m3u' -exec cp {} /home/playlists \; [Install] __EOF__ # Create the link to the system configuration ln -sf /etc/systemd/system/playlists.service "${TARGET_DIR}/usr/lib/systemd/system/"