path: root/lib/qsp_expression.mly
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/qsp_expression.mly')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 86 deletions
diff --git a/lib/qsp_expression.mly b/lib/qsp_expression.mly
deleted file mode 100644
index 06cfadd..0000000
--- a/lib/qsp_expression.mly
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-(* %start <(Elements.pos) Elements.exppression>expression *)
-%public arguments(X):
- (** This rule allow the difference between elements with a single argument
- (when the separator is required) which allow to write a spectif case when
- we only have one element.
- *)
- | hd = X
- tl = separated_nonempty_list(COMA, X)
- { hd :: tl }
- (** The case where we have nothing is easy to manage here *)
- |
- { [] }
- (** The remaining case (only one argument) is handled outside of this
- block: if we have a single argument we don’t have to bother with the
- paren, they belongs to the expression.
- *)
-%inline argument(X):
- | a = delimited(L_PAREN, arguments(X), R_PAREN) { a }
- | a = X { [ a ] }
-(** Declare an expression *)
-%public expression:
- | ex = delimited(L_PAREN, expression, R_PAREN)
- { ex }
- | op = unary_operator
- expr = expression
- { Analyzer.Expression.uoperator $loc op expr }
- %prec NO
- |
- expr1 = expression
- op = binary_operator
- expr2 = expression
- { Analyzer.Expression.boperator $loc op expr1 expr2 }
- | v = LITERAL { Analyzer.Expression.literal $loc v }
- | i = INTEGER { Analyzer.Expression.integer $loc i }
- | v = variable { Analyzer.Expression.ident v }
- %prec p_variable
- | k = FUNCTION
- arg = argument(expression)
- {
- (Analyzer.Expression.function_ $loc k arg)
- }
- | OBJ
- | NO { T.No }
- | MINUS { T.Neg }
- | PLUS { T.Add }
-%inline binary_operator:
- | EQUAL { T.Eq }
- | LT GT { T.Neq }
- | PLUS { T.Plus }
- | MINUS { T.Minus }
- | STAR { T.Product }
- | DIV { T.Div }
- | MOD { T.Mod }
- | GT { T.Gt }
- | LT { T.Lt }
- | AND { T.And }
- | GT EQUAL { T.Gte }
- | LT EQUAL { T.Lte }
- | EQUAL GT { T.Gte }
- | EQUAL LT { T.Lte }
- | OR { T.Or }
-(** Declare a variable, either in the assignation (let var = …) or as a
- reference is an expression
- *)
-%public variable:
- | name = IDENT
- brackets = delimited(L_BRACKET, expression?, R_BRACKET)?
- {
- let index = match brackets with
- | None ->
- (* No declaration, consider index at 0 *)
- None
- | Some other -> other in
- Analyzer.Expression.{ pos = $loc ; name ; index }
- }