path: root/lib/syntax/check.ml
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1 files changed, 23 insertions, 60 deletions
diff --git a/lib/syntax/check.ml b/lib/syntax/check.ml
index 9292a7a..b642945 100644
--- a/lib/syntax/check.ml
+++ b/lib/syntax/check.ml
@@ -1,51 +1,14 @@
-(** This module provide a way to create new Id dynamically in the runtime,
- and some fonctions for comparing them. *)
-module Id : sig
- type 'a typeid
- (** The type created on-the-fly. *)
- val newtype : unit -> 'a typeid
- (** Create a new instance of a dynamic type *)
- type ('a, 'b) eq = Eq : ('a, 'a) eq
- val try_cast : 'a typeid -> 'b typeid -> ('a, 'b) eq option
- (** Compare two types using the Eq pattern *)
-end = struct
- type 'a witness = ..
- module type Witness = sig
- type t
- type _ witness += Id : t witness
- end
- type 'a typeid = (module Witness with type t = 'a)
- type ('a, 'b) eq = Eq : ('a, 'a) eq
- let try_cast : type a b. a typeid -> b typeid -> (a, b) eq option =
- fun x y ->
- let module X : Witness with type t = a = (val x) in
- let module Y : Witness with type t = b = (val y) in
- match X.Id with Y.Id -> Some Eq | _ -> None
- let newtype (type u) () =
- (* The extensible type need to be extended in a module, it is not possible
- to declare a type in a function. That’s why we need to pack a module
- here *)
- let module Witness = struct
- type t = u
- type _ witness += Id : t witness
- end in
- (module Witness : Witness with type t = u)
+module Id = Type.Id
(** The the Id module, wrap a value in an existencial type with a witness
associate with. *)
-type result = R : { value : 'a; witness : 'a Id.typeid } -> result
+type result = R : { value : 'a; witness : 'a Id.t } -> result
-let get : type a. a Id.typeid -> result -> a option =
+let get : type a. a Id.t -> result -> a option =
fun typeid (R { value; witness }) ->
- match Id.try_cast typeid witness with Some Eq -> Some value | None -> None
+ match Id.provably_equal typeid witness with
+ | Some Type.Equal -> Some value
+ | None -> None
type t =
| E : {
@@ -57,12 +20,12 @@ type t =
and type Instruction.t' = 'd
and type Location.t = 'e
and type context = 'f);
- expr_witness : 'a Id.typeid;
- expr' : 'b Id.typeid;
- instr_witness : 'c Id.typeid;
- instr' : 'd Id.typeid;
- location_witness : 'e Id.typeid;
- context : 'f Id.typeid;
+ expr_witness : 'a Id.t;
+ expr' : 'b Id.t;
+ instr_witness : 'c Id.t;
+ instr' : 'd Id.t;
+ location_witness : 'e Id.t;
+ context : 'f Id.t;
-> t
@@ -74,14 +37,14 @@ let build :
and type Instruction.t' = _
and type Location.t = 'a
and type context = _) ->
- 'a Id.typeid * t =
+ 'a Id.t * t =
fun module_ ->
- let expr_witness = Id.newtype ()
- and expr' = Id.newtype ()
- and instr_witness = Id.newtype ()
- and instr' = Id.newtype ()
- and location_witness = Id.newtype ()
- and context = Id.newtype () in
+ let expr_witness = Id.make ()
+ and expr' = Id.make ()
+ and instr_witness = Id.make ()
+ and instr' = Id.make ()
+ and location_witness = Id.make ()
+ and context = Id.make () in
let t =
@@ -106,9 +69,9 @@ end
open StdLabels
module Helper = struct
- type 'a expr_list = { witness : 'a Id.typeid; values : 'a list }
+ type 'a expr_list = { witness : 'a Id.t; values : 'a list }
- let expr_i : result array list -> 'a Id.typeid -> int -> 'a expr_list =
+ let expr_i : result array list -> 'a Id.t -> int -> 'a expr_list =
fun args witness i ->
let result =
List.fold_left args ~init:{ values = []; witness }
@@ -355,8 +318,8 @@ module Make (A : App) = struct
let rebuild_clause :
type a b.
int ->
- a Id.typeid ->
- b Id.typeid ->
+ a Id.t ->
+ b Id.t ->
S.pos * result array * result array list ->
(b, a) S.clause =
fun i instr_witness expr' clause ->