open StdLabels module Report = Qsp_syntax.Report type result = Report.t list [@@deriving show] (** Filter the results given by the analysis *) let filter_report : Args.filters -> Report.t list -> Report.t -> Report.t list = fun filters reports r -> let is_ok = match filters.level with | None -> true | Some level -> Report.level_to_enum level >= Report.level_to_enum r.level in match is_ok with true -> r :: reports | _ -> reports type ctx = { error_nb : int; warn_nb : int; debug_nb : int } (** Read the source file until getting a report (the whole location has been read properly), or until the first syntax error. *) let parse_location : ctx:ctx -> Qparser.Lexbuf.t -> Args.filters -> ctx = fun ~ctx lexbuf filters -> let result = Qparser.Analyzer.parse (module Qsp_syntax.Type_of) lexbuf |> (fun (_, f) -> List.fold_left f ~init:[] ~f:(filter_report filters)) in match result with | Ok report -> ( (* Display the result *) match report with | [] -> ctx | _ -> let start_position, _ = Qparser.Lexbuf.positions lexbuf in Format.fprintf Format.std_formatter "Location@ %s@;@[%a@]@." start_position.Lexing.pos_fname pp_result report; List.fold_left report ~init:ctx ~f:(fun ctx report -> match report.Report.level with | Error -> { ctx with error_nb = ctx.error_nb + 1 } | Warn -> { ctx with warn_nb = ctx.warn_nb + 1 } | Debug -> { ctx with debug_nb = ctx.debug_nb + 1 })) | Error e -> let start_position, _ = Qparser.Lexbuf.positions lexbuf in Format.fprintf Format.std_formatter "Location@ %s@;@[%a]@." start_position.Lexing.pos_fname Report.pp e; { ctx with error_nb = ctx.error_nb + 1 } let default_ctx = { error_nb = 0; warn_nb = 0; debug_nb = 0 } let () = let file_names, parameters = Args.parse () in let file_name = List.hd file_names in let ic = Stdlib.open_in_bin file_name in (*let lexer = Lexing.from_channel ~with_positions:true ic in*) let lexer, parameters = match Filename.extension file_name with | ".qsrc" -> (* The source file are in UTF-8, and we can use the file line number as we have only a single location. *) (Sedlexing.Utf8.from_channel ic, { parameters with reset_line = false }) | ".txt" -> (Sedlexing.Utf16.from_channel ic (Some Little_endian), parameters) | _ -> raise (Failure "unknown extension") in let lexer = Qparser.Lexbuf.from_lexbuf ~reset_line:parameters.reset_line lexer in let ctx = ref default_ctx in let () = try while true do ctx := parse_location ~ctx:!ctx lexer parameters.filters done with Qparser.Lexer.EOF -> () in let () = match (!ctx.error_nb, !ctx.warn_nb) with | 0, 0 -> print_endline "No errors found" | _ -> Printf.printf "Found %d error(s), %d warning(s)\n" !ctx.error_nb !ctx.warn_nb in let () = match parameters.interractive with | true -> print_endline "Press to terminate"; ignore @@ read_line () | _ -> () in ()