open StdLabels module S = Qsp_syntax.S module T = Qsp_syntax.T module Report = Qsp_syntax.Report let identifier = "dynamics" let description = "Report all dynamics string in the module" let is_global = true let active = ref false type text = { content : string; position : S.pos } [@@deriving eq, ord] module StringSet = Set.Make (struct type t = text [@@deriving ord] end) type context = StringSet.t ref let initialize () = ref StringSet.empty module Expression = struct (** Elements wich can be given to dynamic. For Text, I do not evaluate text containing expression. This need to be a plain text. In the case of variable, indexes will probably not work if they include function or complex expression *) type t = None | Text of text | Variable of (unit, t) S.variable [@@deriving eq, ord] (** Remove all the locations inside a variable in order to be able to compare two of them at differents locations *) let rec anonymize_variable : (unit, t) S.variable -> (unit, t) S.variable = fun ({ index; _ } as variable) -> let index = (function | None -> None | Text { content; _ } -> let position = (Lexing.dummy_pos, Lexing.dummy_pos) in Text { content; position } | Variable var -> Variable (anonymize_variable var)) index in { variable with index } include Default.Expression (struct type nonrec t = t let default = None end) let v : t -> t' = (** Only keep the raw strings *) let literal : S.pos -> t T.literal list -> t = fun position content -> ignore position; match content with | [ T.Text content ] -> Text { content; position } | _ -> ( (* Here I analyse if the expression is a string or numeric. In case of numeric, it is possible to replace it with a default value *) let buffer = Buffer.create 16 in let res = List.fold_left ~init:`Ok content ~f:(fun state literal -> match (state, literal) with | `None, _ -> `None | `Ok, T.Expression None -> `None | `Ok, T.Expression (Text content) -> Buffer.add_string buffer content.content; `Ok | `Ok, T.Text content -> Buffer.add_string buffer content; `Ok | `Ok, T.Expression (Variable { name; _ }) -> let res = if Char.equal '$' name.[0] then `None else ( Buffer.add_char buffer '0'; `Ok) in res) in match res with | `Ok -> Text { content = Buffer.contents buffer; position } | _ -> None) (** Consider the integer as text. This is easier for evaluating the indices in the arrays (it use the same code as text indices), and will report bad use of dynamics. *) let integer : S.pos -> string -> t = fun position content -> Text { content; position } (** If the identifier uses any unmanaged expression in the indices, ignore it. *) let ident : (S.pos, t) S.variable -> t = fun ({ index; _ } as ident) -> let is_valid = Option.fold ~none:true index ~some:(fun opt -> match opt with None -> false | _ -> true) in match is_valid with | false -> None | true -> Variable (anonymize_variable { ident with pos = () }) end module Instruction = struct (** This map holds the values for each variable seen in the code *) module StringMap = struct include Hashtbl.Make (struct type t = (unit, Expression.t) S.variable [@@deriving eq] let hash = Hashtbl.hash end) (** Recursive search in the table *) let rec_find : Expression.t' t -> (unit, Expression.t) S.variable -> StringSet.t = fun table key -> let rec _f init key = let values = find_all table key in List.fold_left values ~init ~f:(fun acc value -> match value with | Expression.None -> acc | Expression.Text text -> StringSet.add text acc | Expression.Variable variable -> _f acc variable) in _f StringSet.empty key end module VariableSet = Set.Make (struct type t = (unit, Expression.t) S.variable [@@deriving ord] end) type context = { catalog : Expression.t' StringMap.t; texts : StringSet.t; blacklist : VariableSet.t; variable_called : VariableSet.t; } (** Keep the content of each string in order to parse it later *) (** This module do two things : keep a track of the raw strings in the location, and identify the calls to the function dynamic. The dynamic parameter are reported as is, and are evaluated only at the end of the module. *) type t = context -> context type t' = t let v = include Default.Instruction (Expression) (struct type nonrec t = t let fold : t Seq.t -> t = fun seq init_context -> let result = Seq.fold_left (fun context (instr : t) -> instr context) init_context seq in result let default context = context end) (** Keep the track of dynamic instructions *) let call : S.pos -> T.keywords -> Expression.t' list -> t = fun position keyword arg context -> ignore position; ignore arg; match keyword with | T.Dynamic -> ( match arg with | [ Expression.Text text ] -> let texts = StringSet.add text context.texts in { context with texts } | [ Expression.Variable var ] -> let variable_called = VariableSet.add var context.variable_called in { context with variable_called } | _ -> context) | _ -> context let assign : S.pos -> (S.pos, Expression.t') S.variable -> T.assignation_operator -> Expression.t' -> t = fun pos variable op expression context -> ignore pos; let variable' = Expression.anonymize_variable { variable with pos = () } in let is_blacklisted = VariableSet.mem variable' context.blacklist in let is_string =[0] = '$' in match (op, expression, is_blacklisted, is_string) with | T.Eq', Expression.Text content, false, true when not (String.equal content.content "") -> StringMap.add context.catalog variable' expression; context | T.Eq', Expression.Variable _, false, _ -> StringMap.add context.catalog variable' expression; context | _ -> (* If the assignation is not direct, we **remove** all the bindings from the catalog. *) StringMap.find_all context.catalog variable' |> List.iter ~f:(fun _ -> StringMap.remove context.catalog variable'); (* We also black list this variable and prevent further additions *) let blacklist = VariableSet.add variable' context.blacklist in { context with blacklist } end module Location = struct type t = unit type instruction = Instruction.t' let location : context -> S.pos -> instruction list -> t = fun context pos instr -> ignore pos; let catalog = Instruction.StringMap.create 16 in let init = Instruction. { catalog; texts = !context; blacklist = VariableSet.empty; variable_called = VariableSet.empty; } in let res = List.fold_left instr ~init ~f:(fun acc instr -> instr acc) in (* Now, for each dynamics calling a variable, looks in the catalog if we can find the associated string *) let texts = Instruction.VariableSet.fold (fun variable acc -> let indirects = Instruction.StringMap.rec_find res.catalog variable in StringSet.union acc indirects) res.variable_called res.texts in context := texts let v : t -> Report.t list = fun _ -> [] end let finalize context = ignore context; [] let dynamics_string : context -> text Seq.t = fun context -> StringSet.to_seq !context