open StdLabels type t = { buffer : Sedlexing.lexbuf; mutable start_p : Lexing.position option; state : state Stack.t; reset_line : bool; } and lexer = t -> Tokens.token and buffer_builder = ?nested:bool -> Buffer.t -> lexer and stringWraper = { start_string : lexer -> lexer; (** Start a new string. This function is used insed the token lexer, in order to identify how to start a new string *) wrap : buffer_builder -> buffer_builder; (** function used to escape the character and add it to the buffer. This function is used inside the string lexer. *) end_string : lexer; (** Function used to match the end of the string. This function is used after the string lexer, in order to identify the end patten for a string *) } and state = | Token | String of stringWraper | MString of int | EndString of stringWraper | Expression let pp_state format = function | Token -> Format.fprintf format "Token" | String _ -> Format.fprintf format "String" | MString _ -> Format.fprintf format "MString" | EndString _ -> Format.fprintf format "EndString" | Expression -> Format.fprintf format "Expression" let state : t -> state option = fun t -> Stack.top_opt t.state let enter_state : t -> state -> unit = fun t state -> Stack.push state t.state let leave_state : t -> unit = fun t -> ignore @@ Stack.pop_opt t.state let buffer : t -> Sedlexing.lexbuf = fun t -> t.buffer let start : t -> unit = fun t -> let _start_pos, end_pos = Sedlexing.lexing_positions t.buffer in let () = if not t.reset_line then Sedlexing.set_position t.buffer { end_pos with Lexing.pos_lnum = 1 } in Stack.clear t.state; t.start_p <- None let positions : t -> Lexing.position * Lexing.position = fun t -> let default, end_p = Sedlexing.lexing_positions t.buffer in let start_p = Option.value ~default t.start_p in (start_p, end_p) let content : t -> string = fun t -> Sedlexing.Utf8.lexeme t.buffer let from_lexbuf : ?reset_line:bool -> Sedlexing.lexbuf -> t = fun ?(reset_line = true) t -> { buffer = t; start_p = None; reset_line; state = Stack.create () } let set_start_position : t -> Lexing.position -> unit = fun t position -> match t.start_p with | None -> t.start_p <- Some position | _ -> (* We are already inside a block code, don’t stack it *) () let tokenize : (t -> 'a) -> t -> unit -> 'a * Lexing.position * Lexing.position = fun f t -> let lexer () = (* Clear the previous registered start position if any *) t.start_p <- None; let token = f t in let default, curr_p = positions t in let start_p = Option.value ~default t.start_p in t.start_p <- None; (token, start_p, curr_p) in lexer let rollback : t -> unit = fun t -> Sedlexing.rollback t.buffer let overlay : t -> lexer -> lexer = fun t lexer -> let rev_list = Stack.fold (fun acc a -> a :: acc) [] t.state in List.fold_left rev_list ~init:lexer ~f:(fun (acc : lexer) layer -> match layer with | String wraper | EndString wraper -> wraper.start_string acc | _ -> acc)