%token LOCATION_START %token LOCATION_END %token PLUS %token MINUS %token INCR DECR %token MULT_EQUAL %token STAR %token DIV %token MOD %token AMPERSAND %token COMA %token EQUAL %token COLUMN %token L_BRACKET R_BRACKET %token L_PAREN R_PAREN %token LT GT %token EXCLAMATION %token AND OR %token EOL %token IDENT %token LITERAL %token INTEGER %token TEXT_MARKER %token ENTER_EMBED LEAVE_EMBED %token COMMENT %token ACT %token IF %token ELSE %token ELIF %token END %token LET %token SET %token OBJ %token NO %token KEYWORD %token FUNCTION (* (b) if the token was declared left-associative, then the conflict is resolved in favor of reduction; (c) if the token was declared right-associative, then the conflict is resolved in favor of shifting. *) (* Exclamation should have the lower priority because the comments shall never take place of the statements *) %right NO (* The priority for the variable should be lower than the equality priority if I want to allow declare new variables *) %left p_variable %left OR %left AND %left EQUAL %left GT LT %left EXCLAMATION %left PLUS MINUS %left STAR DIV %left MOD %left FUNCTION %left L_PAREN %right R_PAREN %left COMA %left KEYWORD %%