open StdLabels let identifier = "dead_end" let description = "Check for dead end in the code" let active = ref false module Expression = struct type t = unit include Default.Expression (struct type nonrec t = t let default = () end) let v : t -> t' = fun () -> () end module Instruction = struct type expression = Expression.t' type cause = Missing_else | Unchecked_path type state = { block_pos : S.pos; has_gt : bool; is_gt : bool; pos : (cause * S.pos) option; } type t = state type t' = state (** For each instruction, return thoses two informations : - the intruction contains at [gt] - the last instruction is a [gt] *) let v : t -> t' = fun t -> t let default = { block_pos = (Lexing.dummy_pos, Lexing.dummy_pos); has_gt = false; is_gt = false; pos = None; } (** Call for an instruction like [GT] or [*CLR] *) let call : S.pos -> T.keywords -> expression list -> t = fun pos f _ -> ignore pos; match f with | T.Goto | T.XGoto -> { block_pos = pos; has_gt = true; is_gt = true; pos = None } | T.Gosub -> { block_pos = pos; has_gt = false; is_gt = true; pos = None } | _ -> default (** Label for a loop *) let location : S.pos -> string -> t = fun _ _ -> default (** Comment *) let comment : S.pos -> t = fun _ -> default (** Raw expression *) let expression : expression -> t = fun _ -> default (** The content of a block is very linear, I only need to check the last element *) let check_block : S.pos -> t list -> t = fun pos instructions -> let last_element = List.fold_left instructions ~init:default ~f:(fun t instruction -> let result = instruction in let has_gt = result.has_gt || t.has_gt in let is_gt = result.is_gt || t.is_gt in { result with block_pos = pos; is_gt; has_gt }) in last_element let if_ : S.pos -> (expression, t) S.clause -> elifs:(expression, t) S.clause list -> else_:(S.pos * t list) option -> t = fun pos clause ~elifs ~else_ -> (* For each block, evaluate the instructions *) let res, has_gt, is_gt = List.fold_left ~init:([], false, false) (clause :: elifs) ~f:(fun (acc, has_gt, is_gt) clause -> let pos, _, instructions = clause in let clause_t = check_block pos instructions in let has_gt = has_gt || clause_t.has_gt and is_gt = is_gt || clause_t.is_gt in ((clause_t, pos) :: acc, has_gt, is_gt)) in let else_pos, else_block = match else_ with | Some (pos, instructions) -> let block = check_block pos instructions in (pos, block) | None -> (pos, default) in let has_gt = has_gt || else_block.has_gt and is_gt = is_gt || else_block.is_gt in let blocks = (else_block, else_pos) :: res in (* Check if one of the clauses already holds a dead end*) match List.find_opt res ~f:(fun (res, _) -> res.pos != None) with | Some (v, _) -> v | None -> ( match (is_gt, has_gt) with | _, true -> ( (* There is gt intruction in one of the branch, we need to checks the others *) match List.find_opt blocks ~f:(fun (f, _) -> not f.is_gt) with | None -> (* Every branch in the if is covered. It’s ok. *) { default with block_pos = pos; is_gt; has_gt } | Some (_, pos) -> (* TODO check if [pos] is the whole block *) let cause = match else_ with None -> Missing_else | _ -> Unchecked_path in { default with block_pos = pos; pos = Some (cause, pos) }) | _, _ -> { default with block_pos = pos; has_gt; is_gt }) let act : S.pos -> label:expression -> t list -> t = fun pos ~label expressions -> ignore label; check_block pos expressions let assign : S.pos -> (S.pos, expression) S.variable -> T.assignation_operator -> expression -> t = fun _ _ _ _ -> default end module Location = struct type t = Report.t list type instruction = Instruction.t' let v = let location : S.pos -> instruction list -> t = fun _pos instructions -> List.fold_left instructions ~init:[] ~f:(fun report t -> match (t.Instruction.is_gt, t.Instruction.pos) with | false, Some (cause, value) -> ignore cause; if t.Instruction.block_pos != value then match cause with | Missing_else -> Report.debug value "Possible dead end (no else fallback)" :: report | Unchecked_path -> Report.warn value "Possible dead end (unmatched path)" :: report else report | _ -> report) end