module Check = Make_checkTest.M (Qsp_syntax.Nested_strings) let _position = (Lexing.dummy_pos, Lexing.dummy_pos) let _test_instruction : string -> Qsp_syntax.Report.t list -> unit = Check._test_instruction let report = [ { Qsp_syntax.Report.level = Debug; Qsp_syntax.Report.loc = _position; Qsp_syntax.Report.message = "This expression can be simplified"; }; ] let nothing () = _test_instruction {|"value = <<$variable>>"|} [] let string () = _test_instruction {|"<<'ABC'>>"|} report let string_variable () = _test_instruction {|"<<$variable>>"|} report (** It’s OK to use this system to convert a numeric value into a string *) let integer () = _test_instruction {|"<<123>>"|} [] let integer_variable () = _test_instruction {|"<>"|} [] let test = ( "Nested_strings checker", [ Alcotest.test_case "Ok" `Quick nothing; Alcotest.test_case "String variable" `Quick string_variable; Alcotest.test_case "Integer" `Quick integer; Alcotest.test_case "String" `Quick string; Alcotest.test_case "Integer variable" `Quick integer_variable; ] )