module Ast = Qsp_syntax.Tree.Ast module S = Qsp_syntax.S let _position = (Lexing.dummy_pos, Lexing.dummy_pos) type 'a report = { level : Qsp_syntax.Report.level; loc : 'a; message : string } [@@deriving eq, show] let report : S.pos report Alcotest.testable = let equal = equal_report (fun _ _ -> true) in let pp = pp_report (fun formater _ -> Format.fprintf formater "_position") in Alcotest.testable pp equal let get_report : (S.pos Syntax.location, Qsp_syntax.Report.t) result -> S.pos report = function | Ok _ -> failwith "No error" | Error { level; loc; message } -> { level; loc; message } let _test_instruction : ?k:(S.pos report -> unit) -> string -> S.pos report -> unit = fun ?k literal expected -> let _location = Printf.sprintf {|# Location %s ------- |} literal in let actual = get_report @@ Syntax.parse _location and msg = literal in let () = Alcotest.(check' report ~msg ~expected ~actual) in match k with None -> () | Some f -> f actual let else_column () = _test_instruction {|IF 1: 0 ELSE: 1 END|} { level = Error; loc = _position; message = "Unexpected operator after `ELSE`"; } let elseif_no_column () = _test_instruction {|IF 1: 0 ELSEIF 0 1 END|} { level = Error; loc = _position; message = "The `ELIF` expression does not end properly. A `:` is expected before \ any instruction."; } let unclosed_paren () = _test_instruction {|(1 |} { level = Error; loc = _position; message = "Unexpected '('. Did you forgot a function before ?"; } let act_no_column () = _test_instruction {|ACT 1 0 END|} { level = Error; loc = _position; message = "Invalid `ACT` label. You probably missed a ':'"; } let missing_ampersand () = let result = { level = Error; loc = _position; message = "Missing separator between instructions"; } in let () = _test_instruction "b = 1 a = 2" result and () = _test_instruction "let b = 1 a = 2" result and () = _test_instruction "set b = 1 a = 2" result in () let unclose_comment () = _test_instruction {| ! that's it|} { level = Error; loc = _position; message = "Unclosed text" } let syntax_error () = _test_instruction {|*clr $ cla|} { level = Error; loc = _position; message = "Unexpected character \"\"" } let missing_operand () = let result = { level = Error; loc = _position; message = "Missing operand" } in let () = _test_instruction {|if and other: 1|} result and () = _test_instruction {|a = and other: 1|} result in () let unknow_function () = _test_instruction "a = ran(1, 2)" { level = Error; loc = _position; message = "Unexpected expression here." } let inline_elif () = _test_instruction {| if a = 1: elseif a = 1: a = 1 end|} { level = Error; loc = _position; message = "Mix between `IF` block and inline `ELIF`"; } let unclosed_block () = _test_instruction {| if $ARGS[0] = 'arg': act'action': end|} { level = Error; loc = _position; message = "Unclosed `IF` block. Another block ends before the `END` instruction."; }; _test_instruction {| IF 1: ELSE 0 |} { level = Error; loc = _position; message = "Unclosed `ELSE` block. Another block ends before the `END` \ instruction."; }; _test_instruction {| IF 1: ELSEIF 0: 0 |} { level = Error; loc = _position; message = "Unclosed `ELIF` block. Another block ends before the `END` \ instruction."; } let comment_as_operator () = let result = { level = Error; loc = _position; message = "Missing separator between instructions"; } in _test_instruction "gs 'a', 'b' ! target" result; _test_instruction "gs 'a' ! target" result let missing_comparable () = let result = { level = Error; loc = _position; message = "Missing boolean after operator"; } in _test_instruction "1 and >= 0" result; _test_instruction "1 >= and 0" result; _test_instruction "1 > and 0" result; _test_instruction "1 < and 0" result; _test_instruction "1 or >= 0" result; _test_instruction "1 >= or 0" result; _test_instruction "1 <= or 0" result; _test_instruction "1 = or 0" result (** This code looks like a new location, but is actualy invalid. The application should report the old location. *) let location_change () = let result = { level = Error; loc = _position; message = "Missing boolean after operator"; } in _test_instruction "1 and >= # invalid" result ~k:(fun actual -> let actual = (fst actual.loc).Lexing.pos_fname in Alcotest.( check' ~msg:"The location name is not valid" string ~actual ~expected:"Location")) (* The location name *) let test = ( "Syntax Errors", [ Alcotest.test_case "else:" `Quick else_column; Alcotest.test_case "elseif" `Quick elseif_no_column; Alcotest.test_case "(1" `Quick unclosed_paren; Alcotest.test_case "act 1" `Quick act_no_column; Alcotest.test_case "no &" `Quick missing_ampersand; Alcotest.test_case "unclose_comment" `Quick unclose_comment; Alcotest.test_case "Syntax error $" `Quick syntax_error; Alcotest.test_case "Missing operand" `Quick missing_operand; Alcotest.test_case "Unknown function" `Quick unknow_function; Alcotest.test_case "Inline elif" `Quick inline_elif; Alcotest.test_case "Unclosed block" `Quick unclosed_block; Alcotest.test_case "Unclosed block" `Quick comment_as_operator; Alcotest.test_case "Missing comparable" `Quick missing_comparable; Alcotest.test_case "Location change" `Quick location_change; ] )