path: root/src/lib/repr/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/repr/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 384 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/repr/ b/src/lib/repr/
deleted file mode 100644
index f9fde05..0000000
--- a/src/lib/repr/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,384 +0,0 @@
-type position_type =
- [ `Above
- | `Below ]
-(** Consonant category *)
-type category =
- | I
- | II
- | III
-type 'a voyel =
- { position : position_type
- ; app : ('a -> string) }
-type 'a consonant =
- { position : 'a
- ; muted: string option
- ; repr : string
- ; primary : bool
- ; category : category }
-type 'a glyph =
- { tengwa : 'a consonant option
- (* The eventual Tehta above the tengwa *)
- ; tehta_above : 'a voyel option
- (* And below *)
- ; tehta_below : 'a voyel option
- }
-let empty_glyph =
- { tengwa = None
- ; tehta_above = None
- ; tehta_below = None }
-let pair
- : 'a voyel -> 'a consonant -> string
- = fun voyel consonant ->
- consonant.position
-let repr_glyph
- : portant:'a consonant -> 'a glyph -> Buffer.t -> unit
- = fun ~portant { tengwa; tehta_above; tehta_below } b ->
- let () = match tengwa with
- | None -> Buffer.add_string b @@ portant.repr
- | Some c ->Buffer.add_string b @@ c.repr in
- let () = match tehta_above, tengwa with
- | None, _ -> ()
- | Some v, Some c -> Buffer.add_string b @@ pair v c
- | Some v, None -> Buffer.add_string b @@ pair v portant in
- let () = match tehta_below, tengwa with
- | None, _ -> ()
- | Some v, Some c -> Buffer.add_string b @@ pair v c
- | Some v, None -> Buffer.add_string b @@ pair v portant in
- ()
-let combine_glyph
- : 'a glyph -> 'a glyph -> 'a glyph option
- = fun g1 g2 ->
- let tengwa = match g1.tengwa, g2.tengwa with
- | Some _, Some _ -> Error ()
- | None, any -> Ok (any)
- | any, None -> Ok (any) in
- let above = match g1.tehta_above, g2.tehta_above with
- | Some _, Some _ -> Error ()
- | None, any -> Ok any
- | any, None -> Ok any in
- let below = match g1.tehta_below, g2.tehta_below with
- | Some _, Some _ -> Error ()
- | None, any -> Ok any
- | any, None -> Ok any in
- (* Combine only if everything is ok *)
- match tengwa, above, below with
- | Ok tengwa, Ok tehta_above, Ok tehta_below ->
- Some { tengwa; tehta_above; tehta_below}
- | _, _, _ -> None
-let add_voyel_to_glyph
- : 'a glyph -> 'a voyel -> 'a glyph
- = fun g v ->
- match v.position with
- | `Above -> { g with tehta_above = Some v }
- | `Below -> { g with tehta_below = Some v }
-type 'a t =
- | Consonant of 'a consonant
- | Voyel of 'a voyel
- | Application of ('a t -> 'a t list)
- | Repr of string
- | Glyph of 'a glyph
- | Nothing
-let none = Nothing
-let space s = Repr s
-let nasal m ng n letter =
- Application
- ( function
- | Consonant { category = II; _} as f ->
- let Consonant c = m [@@warning "-8"] in
- let g = Glyph
- {empty_glyph with
- tengwa = Some c
- ; tehta_above = Some letter } in
- g::f::[]
- | Consonant { category = III; _} as f ->
- let Consonant c = ng [@@warning "-8"] in
- let g = Glyph
- {empty_glyph with
- tengwa = Some c
- ; tehta_above = Some letter } in
- g::f::[]
- | f ->
- let Consonant c = n [@@warning "-8"] in
- let g = Glyph
- {empty_glyph with
- tengwa = Some c
- ; tehta_above = Some letter } in
- g::f::[] )
-let diphtongue
- : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t
- = fun t1 t2 ->
- match t1 with
- | Consonant c->
- let semi_voyel =
- Glyph
- { empty_glyph with tengwa = Some c} in
- Application (fun t -> semi_voyel::t2::t::[])
- | _ ->
- print_endline "Ignoring diphtongue";
- Nothing
-let fold
- : portant:'a consonant -> 'a t list -> string
- = fun ~portant elems ->
- let buff = Buffer.create 16 in
- let rec _fold
- : 'a glyph option -> 'a t list -> unit
- = fun init -> function
- | [] ->
- begin match init with
- | None -> ()
- | Some glyph ->
- repr_glyph ~portant glyph buff
- end
- | hd::tl ->
- match init, hd with
- | any, Nothing -> _fold any tl
- | None, Consonant c ->
- _fold
- (Some {empty_glyph with tengwa = Some c})
- tl
- | None, Voyel v ->
- _fold
- (Some (
- add_voyel_to_glyph
- {empty_glyph with tehta_above = Some v}
- v) )
- tl
- | None, Repr r ->
- Buffer.add_string buff r;
- _fold
- None tl
- | any, Application n ->
- let next, rest = match tl with
- | [] -> Nothing, []
- | other::ll -> other, ll in
- let result = n next in
- _fold any (result @ rest)
- | Some t, Repr s ->
- repr_glyph ~portant t buff;
- Buffer.add_string buff s;
- _fold
- None
- tl
- | Some ({ tengwa = Some _ ; _} as t), Consonant c ->
- repr_glyph ~portant t buff;
- _fold
- (Some {empty_glyph with tengwa = Some c})
- tl
- | Some ({ tehta_below = None ; _} as t), Voyel ({position = `Below; _} as v) ->
- _fold
- (Some {t with tehta_below = Some v})
- tl
- | Some ({ tehta_below = Some _ ; _} as t), Voyel ({position = `Below; _} as v) ->
- repr_glyph ~portant t buff;
- _fold
- (Some {empty_glyph with tehta_below = Some v})
- tl
- | Some ({ tehta_below = Some _ ; _} as t), Consonant c ->
- repr_glyph ~portant t buff;
- _fold
- (Some {empty_glyph with tengwa = Some c})
- tl
- | Some t, Voyel ({position = `Above; _} as v) ->
- repr_glyph ~portant t buff;
- _fold
- (Some {empty_glyph with tehta_above = Some v})
- tl
- | Some ({ tengwa = None ; _} as t), Consonant c ->
- _fold
- (Some {t with tengwa = Some c})
- tl
- | None, Glyph g ->
- _fold
- (Some g)
- tl
- | Some g1, Glyph g2 ->
- begin match combine_glyph g1 g2 with
- | Some _ as res ->
- _fold
- res
- tl
- | None ->
- repr_glyph ~portant g1 buff;
- _fold
- (Some g2)
- tl
- end
- in
- _fold None elems;
- Buffer.contents buff
-let p repr muted position = Consonant
- { position
- ; muted
- ; category = II
- ; primary = true
- ; repr }
-and b repr muted position = Consonant
- { position
- ; muted
- ; category = II
- ; primary = true
- ; repr }
-and t repr muted position = Consonant
- { position
- ; muted
- ; category = I
- ; primary = true
- ; repr }
-and d repr muted position = Consonant
- { position
- ; muted
- ; category = I
- ; primary = true
- ; repr }
-and k repr muted position = Consonant
- { position
- ; muted
- ; category = III
- ; primary = true
- ; repr }
-and g repr muted position = Consonant
- { position
- ; muted
- ; category = III
- ; primary = true
- ; repr }
-and f repr position = Consonant
- { position
- ; muted = None
- ; category = II
- ; primary = true
- ; repr }
-and v repr position = Consonant
- { position
- ; muted = None
- ; category = II
- ; primary = true
- ; repr }
-and ch repr position = Consonant
- { position
- ; muted = None
- ; category = III
- ; primary = true
- ; repr }
-and j repr position = Consonant
- { position
- ; muted = None
- ; category = III
- ; primary = true
- ; repr }
-and s repr muted position = Consonant
- { position
- ; muted
- ; category = I
- ; primary = true
- ; repr }
-and z repr position = Consonant
- { position
- ; muted = None
- ; category = I
- ; primary = true
- ; repr }
-and m repr position = Consonant
- { position
- ; muted = None
- ; category = II
- ; primary = true
- ; repr }
-and n repr position = Consonant
- { position
- ; muted = None
- ; category = I
- ; primary = true
- ; repr }
-and gn repr position = Consonant
- { position
- ; muted = None
- ; category = III
- ; primary = false
- ; repr }
-and ng repr position = Consonant
- { position
- ; muted = None
- ; category = III
- ; primary = true
- ; repr }
-and r repr muted position = Consonant
- { position
- ; muted
- ; category = I
- ; primary = false
- ; repr }
-and semi_voyel_w repr position = Consonant
- { position
- ; muted = None
- ; category = II
- ; primary = false
- ; repr }
-and semi_voyel_y repr position = Consonant
- { position
- ; muted = None
- ; category = II
- ; primary = false
- ; repr }
-and semi_voyel_u repr position = Consonant
- { position
- ; muted = None
- ; category = II
- ; primary = false
- ; repr }
-let l repr position =
- let default =
- { position
- ; muted = None
- ; category = II
- ; primary = false
- ; repr } in
- Consonant default
-let portant repr position =
- { position
- ; muted = None
- ; category = I
- ; primary = false
- ; repr }