module T = Sounds (** Transform the S into Z if the S is the opening consonant and there is no ending consonant before *) let process : 'a Sig.modifier = fun init -> let (((v1, v2), c) , ending) = init in match c with | None -> init | Some op -> (* The voyel may be none in case of ending word. In such case, we shall not transform the S into Z *) let is_voyel = T.is_voyel v1 && T.is_voyel v2 in match is_voyel, op.Sig.opening, op.Sig.ending with | true, hd::[], None when hd = -> let c = Some { op with opening = [T.z] } in (((v1, v2), c) , ending) | true, hd::n::[], None when hd = && T.is_voyel n-> (* The s is followed by a semi-voyel *) let c = Some { op with opening = [T.z; n] } in (((v1, v2), c) , ending) | _ -> init