module type T = sig type t val muted : t -> t val a : t val e : [`Closed | `Opened] -> t val eu : [`Closed | `Opened] -> t val o : [`Closed | `Opened] -> t val schwa : unit -> t val i : t val voyel_u : t val voyel_y : t (** Create a diphtongue from a semi-voyel and a voyel *) val diphtongue: t -> t -> t val nasal: t -> t option val none: t val p: t val b: t val t: t val d: t val k: t val g: t val f: t val v: t val s: t val sz: t val ch: t val z: t val n: t val m: t val r: t val l: t val semi_voyel_w: t val semi_voyel_y: t val is_voyel : t -> bool val is_nasal : t -> bool end module T = struct type kind = | None | Voyel type code = | None | SZ | Voyel_A | Voyel_E | Voyel_I | Voyel_O | Voyel_U (* OU like in Ouvrir *) | Voyel_Y (* U like in Unique *) | SemiVoyel_W | SemiVoyel_Y | Diphtonge of t * t and t = { code : code ; repr : string ; mutable_: bool (* Can the sound be muted ? *) ; kind : kind ; nasal : bool } end module Repr = struct type t = string let a = "a" and a_nasal = "@" and o = "o" and o_nasal = "§" and i = "i" and i_nasal = "5" and y = "y" and y_nasal = "1" and u = "u" and p = "p" and b = "b" and t = "t" and d = "d" and k = "k" and g = "g" and f = "f" and v = "v" and ch = "S" and s = "s" and z = "z" and m = "m" and n = "n" and l = "L" and r = "R" and semi_voyel_w = "w" and semi_voyel_y = "j" end module S = struct include T let is_voyel t = t.kind = Voyel let is_nasal t = t.nasal let none = { repr = "" ; mutable_ = true ; kind = None ; nasal = false ; code = None } let voyel = { none with kind = Voyel } let diphtongue v1 v2 = { voyel with repr = (v1.repr) ^ (v2.repr) ; code = Diphtonge (v1, v2) } let code t = t.code let a = { voyel with repr = Repr.a ; code = Voyel_A } let e = function | `Closed -> { voyel with repr = "e" ; code = Voyel_E } | `Opened -> { voyel with repr = "E" ; code = Voyel_E } let eu = function | `Closed -> { voyel with repr = "2" } | `Opened -> { voyel with repr = "9" } let schwa () = { voyel with repr = "°" } let o _ = { voyel with repr = Repr.o ; code = Voyel_O } let i = { voyel with repr = Repr.i ; code = Voyel_I } let voyel_y = { voyel with repr = Repr.y ; code = Voyel_Y } let voyel_u = { voyel with repr = Repr.u ; code = Voyel_U } let p = { none with repr = Repr.p ; mutable_ = false } let b = { none with repr = Repr.b ; mutable_ = false } let t = { none with repr = Repr.t } let d = { none with repr = Repr.d } let k = { none with repr = Repr.k ; mutable_ = false } let g = { none with repr = Repr.g } let f = { none with repr = Repr.f } let v = { none with repr = Repr.v } let s = { none with repr = Repr.s } let sz = { s with code = SZ } let ch = { none with repr = ; mutable_ = false } let z = { none with repr = Repr.z } let n = { none with repr = Repr.n ; nasal = true } let m = { none with repr = Repr.m ; nasal = true } let l = { none with repr = Repr.l } let r = { none with repr = Repr.r } let semi_voyel_w = { none with repr = Repr.semi_voyel_w ; code = SemiVoyel_W} let semi_voyel_y = { none with repr = Repr.semi_voyel_y ; code = SemiVoyel_Y} let nasal t = match t.code with | Voyel_A -> Some { t with repr = Repr.a_nasal ; nasal = true } | Voyel_O -> Some { t with repr = Repr.o_nasal ; nasal = true } | Voyel_I -> Some { t with repr = Repr.i_nasal ; nasal = true } | Voyel_Y -> Some { t with repr = Repr.y_nasal ; nasal = true } | Diphtonge (s1, s2) -> begin match s1.code, s2.code with | (SemiVoyel_W, Voyel_I) -> (* The only case we could have the nasalisation of such diphtongue, is the case O I, N -> wich is transformed into O, I N *) Some ( diphtongue semi_voyel_w { t with repr = Repr.i_nasal ; nasal = true } ) | (SemiVoyel_W, Voyel_A) -> (* The only case we could have the nasalisation of such diphtongue, is the case O I, N -> wich is transformed into O, I N *) Some ( diphtongue semi_voyel_w { t with repr = Repr.i_nasal ; nasal = true } ) | (Voyel_I, Voyel_E) -> (* The only case we could have the nasalisation of such diphtongue, is the case O I, N -> wich is transformed into O, I N *) Some ( diphtongue i { t with repr = Repr.i_nasal ; nasal = true } ) | _ -> None end | _ -> None let muted f = match f.mutable_ with | false -> f | true -> { none with repr = "(" ^ f.repr ^ ")" } let rec repr : t -> Repr.t = fun letter -> match letter.code, letter.nasal with | None, _ -> "" | SZ, _ -> "" | Voyel_A, false -> Repr.a | Voyel_A, true -> Repr.a_nasal | Voyel_E, _ -> "" | Voyel_I, false -> Repr.i | Voyel_I, true -> Repr.i_nasal | Voyel_O, true -> Repr.o_nasal | Voyel_O, false -> Repr.o | Voyel_U, _ -> Repr.u | Voyel_Y, false -> Repr.y | Voyel_Y, true -> Repr.y_nasal | SemiVoyel_W, _ -> Repr.semi_voyel_w | SemiVoyel_Y, _ -> Repr.semi_voyel_y | Diphtonge (l1, l2), _ -> (repr l1) ^ (repr l2) end include S