module Sig = Sig module Repr = Repr type t val muted : t -> t val a : t val e : [`Closed | `Opened] -> t val eu : t val o : t val schwa : unit -> t (** This is an empty sound. It can be used to replace any element in a syllabus *) val none: t (** This is the voyel i like in "ici" When nazalized, the voyel become [in] like in "ainsi" *) val i : t (** This is the sound present with letter [ai]. It is the e like in "semaine". When nazalized, the voyel become [in] *) val voyel_ai : t (** This is the sound ou like in "ouvrier" When nazalized, the voyel does not change *) val voyel_u : t (** This is the sound u like in "unis" When nazalized, the voyel become [un] like in "brun" *) val voyel_y : t (** Create a diphtongue from a semi-voyel and a voyel *) val diphtongue: t -> t -> t val nasal: t -> t option val p: t val b: t val t: t val d: t val k: t val g: t val f: t val v: t val s: t val z: t val sz: t val ch: t val j: t val n: t val m: t val r: t val l: t val semi_voyel_w: t val semi_voyel_y: t val is_voyel : t -> bool val is_nasal : t -> bool val repr : (module Sig.REPR with type t = 'a) -> t -> 'a