import QtQuick 2.0 import Sailfish.Silica 1.0 import io.thp.pyotherside 1.3 Item { anchors.fill: parent id : board; Column { id : column; anchors.fill: parent; spacing: 25 Row { id: row width: parent.width; IconButton { width: (parent.width - parent.height) / 2; icon.source: "image://theme/icon-m-back" onClicked: goban.undo(); } Image { width: parent.height; source: "../content/gfx/" + (goban.currentPlayer ? "white":"black") + ".png" height: parent.height; scale: 0.5 } IconButton { width: (parent.width - parent.height) / 2; icon.source: "image://theme/icon-m-refresh" onClicked: goban.start() } } Goban { id:goban width: parent.width; height: column.height - (row.height + view.height); onCompletedLevel: { overlay.text = status ? "X" : "✓"; overlay.color = status ? "red" : "green" ; } } SlideshowView { id: view width: parent.width height: 200 itemWidth: width / 2 onCurrentIndexChanged: {'board.getGame', [view.currentIndex], goban.setGoban) } model: 1 delegate: Text { horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter; verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter; color: Theme.primaryColor; Theme.fontFamily; font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeMedium; width: view.itemWidth; height: view.height; text: "Problem " + (index + 1); } } } Text { id: overlay opacity: goban.completed ? 1 : 0 anchors { centerIn:parent } Theme.fontFamily; font.pixelSize: goban.height; Behavior on opacity { NumberAnimation { duration: 500 } } } function loadBoard(path) { py.loadBoard(path); } Python { id:py Component.onCompleted: { var pythonpath = Qt.resolvedUrl('../python').substr('file://'.length); addImportPath(pythonpath); console.log(pythonpath); importModule('board', function() { console.log('module loaded'); console.log('Python version: ' + pythonVersion()); }); setHandler('log', function (content) { console.log(content); }); call('board.setPath', [pythonpath]); call('board.loadBoard', ["easy.sgf"], function (result) { console.log(result + " problems found in the file"); view.model = result call('board.getGame', [0], goban.setGoban); }); } function loadBoard(path) { call('board.loadBoard', [path], function (result) { console.log(result + " problems found in the file"); view.model = result call('board.getGame', [0], goban.setGoban); }); } } function showHint() { goban.showHint(); } }