#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import random from transformations import * class Game(object): """" A game loaded from a sgf data source. """ def __init__(self, cursor): """ Create a new Game on the current cursor position. :cursor: The cursor opened at the game. """ node = cursor.currentNode() # display problem name name = '' if 'GN' in node: name = node['GN'][0][:15] self.name = name while not ('AG' in node or 'AW' in node \ or 'B' in node or 'W' in node): node = cursor.next() self.min_x, self.min_y = 19, 19 self.max_x, self.max_y = 0, 0 # Get the board size from the whole possibles positions and create the # game tree self.tree = Game.create_tree(cursor, self.extend_board_size, []) x_space = 2 y_space = 2 if self.min_y > y_space: self.min_y -= y_space if self.min_x > x_space: self.min_x -= x_space if self.max_y < 19 - y_space: self.max_y += y_space if self.max_x < 19 - x_space: self.max_x += x_space self.side = { "TOP": self.min_y != 0, "LEFT": self.min_x != 0, "RIGHT": self.max_x != 19, "BOTTOM": self.max_y != 19, } def extend_board_size(self, pos): """ Extend the board size to include the position given. """ x, y = Game.conv_coord(pos) self.min_x = min(x, self.min_x) self.max_x = max(x, self.max_x) self.min_y = min(y, self.min_y) self.max_y = max(y, self.max_y) return (x, y) @staticmethod def create_tree(cursor, fun, acc=None): """ Walk over the whole node in the game and call fun for each of them. :cursor: The cursor in the sgf parser. :fun: Function called for each position read """ if acc is None: acc = [] node = cursor.currentNode().copy() for key in ['AB', 'AW', 'B', 'W']: if key in node: node[key] = [fun(pos) for pos in node[key]] acc.append(node) childs = cursor.noChildren() if childs == 1: # When there is only one child, we just add it to the current path cursor.next() Game.create_tree(cursor, fun, acc) cursor.previous() elif childs > 1: # Create a new list containing each subtree sub_nodes = [] for i in range(childs): cursor.next(i) sub_nodes.append(Game.create_tree(cursor, fun)) cursor.previous() acc.append(sub_nodes) return acc def get_size(self): #return self.max_x, self.max_y x_size = self.max_x - self.min_x y_size = self.max_y - self.min_y return min(19, x_size + 1), min(19, y_size + 1) @staticmethod def conv_coord(x): """ This takes coordinates in SGF style (aa - qq) and returns the corresponding integer coordinates (between 1 and 19). """ print(x) return tuple([ord(c) - 96 for c in x]) def parse_tree(self, fun, elements=None): """" Parse the current tree, and apply fun to each element. """ if elements is None: elements = self.tree for elem in elements: if isinstance(elem, dict): for key in ['AB', 'AW', 'B', 'W']: if key in elem: elem[key] = [fun(pos) for pos in elem[key]] # for type, values in elem.items(): # elem[type] = [fun(coord) for coord in values] else: for l in elem: self.parse_tree(fun, l) def normalize(self): """ Create a normalized board, translated on lower coord. """ for transformation in [Translation(self), Rotation(self), Translation(self), Symmetry(self)]: if not transformation.is_valid(): continue self.parse_tree(transformation.apply_points) self.min_x, self.min_y, self.max_x, self.max_y = transformation.get_new_size() self.side = transformation.get_new_side()