path: root/plugins/render_math/Readme.md
diff options
authorSébastien Dailly <sebastien@chimrod.com>2021-01-04 13:40:21 +0100
committerSébastien Dailly <sebastien@chimrod.com>2021-01-05 11:06:20 +0100
commit1cad4c9044d47c6653d804d7fb58581d92f96cc8 (patch)
tree9696b75a4288976a00dbfc694090768ac93cdd14 /plugins/render_math/Readme.md
parent0c09a00a0b298cbd3bbd0082cc1026e22db9b1c5 (diff)
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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/render_math/Readme.md')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 167 deletions
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--- a/plugins/render_math/Readme.md
+++ /dev/null
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-Math Render Plugin For Pelican
-**NOTE: [This plugin has been moved to its own repository](https://github.com/pelican-plugins/render-math). Please file any issues/PRs there. Once all plugins have been migrated to the [new Pelican Plugins organization](https://github.com/pelican-plugins), this monolithic repository will be archived.**
-This plugin gives pelican the ability to render mathematics. It accomplishes
-this by using the [MathJax](http://www.mathjax.org/) javascript engine.
-The plugin also ensures that Typogrify and recognized math "play" nicely together, by
-ensuring [Typogrify](https://github.com/mintchaos/typogrify) does not alter math content.
-Both Markdown and reStructuredText is supported.
- * Pelican version *3.6* or above is required.
- * Typogrify version *2.0.7* or higher is needed for Typogrify to play
- "nicely" with this plugin. If this version is not available, Typogrify
- will be disabled for the entire site.
- * BeautifulSoup4 is required to correct summaries. If BeautifulSoup4 is
- not installed, summary processing will be ignored, even if specified
- in user settings.
-To enable, ensure that `render_math` plugin is accessible.
-Then add the following to settings.py:
- PLUGINS = ["render_math"]
-Your site is now capable of rendering math math using the mathjax JavaScript
-engine. No alterations to the template is needed, just use and enjoy!
-However, if you wish, you can set the `auto_insert` setting to `False` which
-will disable the mathjax script from being automatically inserted into the
-content. You would only want to do this if you had control over the template
-and wanted to insert the script manually.
-### Typogrify
-In the past, using [Typgogrify](https://github.com/mintchaos/typogrify) would
-alter the math contents resulting in math that could not be rendered by MathJax.
-The only option was to ensure that Typogrify was disabled in the settings.
-The problem has been rectified in this plugin, but it requires at a minimum
-[Typogrify version 2.0.7](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/typogrify) (or higher).
-If this version is not present, the plugin will disable Typogrify for the entire
-### BeautifulSoup4
-Pelican creates summaries by truncating the contents to a specified user length.
-The truncation process is oblivious to any math and can therefore destroy
-the math output in the summary.
-To restore math, [BeautifulSoup4](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/beautifulsoup4/4.4.0)
-is used. If it is not installed, no summary processing will happen.
-### Templates
-No alteration is needed to a template for this plugin to work. Just install
-the plugin and start writing your Math.
-### Settings
-Certain MathJax rendering options can be set. These options
-are in a dictionary variable called `MATH_JAX` in the pelican
-settings file.
-The dictionary can be set with the following keys:
- * `align`: [string] controls how displayed math will be aligned. Can be set to either
-`'left'`, `'right'` or `'center'`. **Default Value**: `'center'`.
- * `auto_insert`: [boolean] will insert the mathjax script into content that it is
-detected to have math in it. Setting it to false is not recommended.
-**Default Value**: `True`
- * `indent`: [string] if `align` not set to `'center'`, then this controls the indent
-level. **Default Value**: `'0em'`.
- * `show_menu`: [boolean] controls whether the mathjax contextual menu is shown.
-**Default Value**: `True`
- * `process_escapes`: [boolean] controls whether mathjax processes escape sequences.
-**Default Value**: `True`
- * `mathjax_font`: [string] will force mathjax to use the chosen font. Current choices
-for the font is `sanserif`, `typewriter` or `fraktur`. If this is not set, it will
-use the default font settings. **Default Value**: `default`
- * `latex_preview`: [string] controls the preview message users are shown while mathjax is
-rendering LaTex. If set to `'Tex'`, then the TeX code is used as the preview
-(which will be visible until it is processed by MathJax). **Default Value**: `'Tex'`
- * `color`: [string] controls the color of the mathjax rendered font. **Default Value**: `'inherit'`
- * `linebreak_automatic`: [boolean] If set, Mathjax will try to *intelligently* break up displayed math
-(Note: It will not work for inline math). This is very useful for a responsive site. It
-is turned off by default due to it potentially being CPU expensive. **Default Value**: `False`
- * `tex_extensions`: [list] a list of [latex extensions](http://docs.mathjax.org/en/latest/tex.html#tex-and-latex-extensions)
-accepted by mathjax. **Default Value**: `[]` (empty list)
- * `responsive`: [boolean] tries to make displayed math render responsively. It does by determining if the width
-is less than `responsive_break` (see below) and if so, sets `align` to `left`, `indent` to `0em` and `linebreak_automatic` to `True`.
-**Default Value**: `False` (defaults to `False` for backward compatibility)
- * `responsive_break`: [integer] a number (in pixels) representing the width breakpoint that is used
-when setting `responsive_align` to `True`. **Default Value**: 768
- * `process_summary`: [boolean] ensures math will render in summaries and fixes math in that were cut off.
-Requires [BeautifulSoup4](http://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/bs4/doc/) be installed. **Default Value**: `True`
- * `message_style`: [string] This value controls the verbosity of the messages in the lower left-hand corner. Set it to `None` to eliminate all messages.
-**Default Value**: normal
-#### Settings Examples
-Make math render in blue and displaymath align to the left:
- MATH_JAX = {'color':'blue','align':left}
-Use the [color](http://docs.mathjax.org/en/latest/tex.html#color) and
-[mhchem](http://docs.mathjax.org/en/latest/tex.html#mhchem) extensions:
- MATH_JAX = {'tex_extensions': ['color.js','mhchem.js']}
-#### Resulting HTML
-Inlined math is wrapped in `span` tags, while displayed math is wrapped in `div` tags.
-These tags will have a class attribute that is set to `math` which
-can be used by template designers to alter the display of the math.
-This plugin implements a custom extension for markdown resulting in math
-being a "first class citizen" for Pelican.
-### Inlined Math
-Math between `$`..`$`, for example, `$`x^2`$`, will be rendered inline
-with respect to the current html block. Note: To use inline math, there
-must *not* be any whitespace before the ending `$`. So for example:
- * **Relevant inline math**: `$e=mc^2$`
- * **Will not render as inline math**: `$40 vs $50`
-### Displayed Math
-Math between `$$`..`$$` will be rendered "block style", for example, `$$`x^2`$$`, will be rendered centered in a
-new paragraph.
-#### Other Latex Display Math commands
-The other LaTeX commands which usually invoke display math mode from text mode
-are supported,
-and are automatically treated like `$$`-style displayed math
-in that they are rendered "block" style on their own lines.
-For example, `\begin{equation}` x^2 `\end{equation}`,
-will be rendered in its own block with a right justified equation number
-at the top of the block. This equation number can be referenced in the document.
-To do this, use a `label` inside of the equation format and then refer to that label
-using `ref`. For example: `\begin{equation}` `\label{eq}` X^2 `\end{equation}`.
-Now refer to that equation number by `$`\ref{eq}`$`.
-If there is math detected in reStructuredText document, the plugin will automatically
-set the [math_output](http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/user/config.html#math-output) configuration setting to `MathJax`.
-### Inlined Math
-Inlined math needs to use the [math role](http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/ref/rst/roles.html#math):
-The area of a circle is :math:`A_\text{c} = (\pi/4) d^2`.
-### Displayed Math
-Displayed math uses the [math block](http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/ref/rst/directives.html#math):
-.. math::
- α_t(i) = P(O_1, O_2, … O_t, q_t = S_i λ)