path: root/draw/
diff options
authorSébastien Dailly <>2020-12-16 14:39:42 +0100
committerSébastien Dailly <>2020-12-16 14:39:42 +0100
commit4f262d6540281487f79870aff589ca92f5d2f6c6 (patch)
tree940e59d943715366d1aa72bb93f248dcd65ab992 /draw/
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'draw/')
1 files changed, 78 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/draw/ b/draw/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..150bc8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/draw/
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+open StdLabels
+type t =
+ { p: Gg.v2
+ ; size : float
+ ; angle: float
+ }
+let create x y =
+ { p = Gg.V2.v x y
+ ; size = 0.1
+ ; angle = Gg.Float.pi_div_4
+ }
+let (+) p1 p2 =
+ { p1 with p = Gg.V2.(+) p1.p p2 }
+let get_coord { p; _ } = p
+let get_coord'
+ : t -> Gg.v2
+ = fun t ->
+ let open Gg.V2 in
+ let trans = of_polar @@ v t.size t.angle in
+ t.p + trans
+let return_segment
+ : Curves.Bezier.t -> Curves.Bezier.t list -> Curves.Bezier.t list
+ = fun bezier beziers ->
+ (* We gave the points in reverse order, so we have to revert the
+ curve *)
+ let bezier' = Curves.Bezier.reverse bezier in
+ bezier'::beziers
+let get_new_segment connexion0 p5 p4 p3 p2 p1 =
+ let p5' = get_coord p5
+ and p4' = get_coord p4
+ and p3' = get_coord p3
+ and p2' = get_coord p2
+ and p1' = get_coord p1 in
+ let points_to_link =
+ [ p1'
+ ; p2'
+ ; p3'
+ ; p4'
+ ; p5' ] in
+ Curves.Bspline.to_bezier ?connexion0 points_to_link
+let add_point_in_path
+ : float -> float -> t list -> Curves.Bezier.t list -> t list * Curves.Bezier.t list
+ = fun x y path beziers ->
+ let lastClick = create x y in
+ let (let*) v f =
+ match v with
+ | Ok bezier ->
+ if Array.length bezier > 0 then
+ f (Array.get bezier 0)
+ else
+ lastClick::path, beziers
+ | _ ->
+ lastClick::path, beziers
+ in
+ let connexion0 = match beziers with
+ | hd::_ -> Some hd.Curves.Bezier.p1
+ | _ -> None in
+ match path with
+ | p4::p3::p2::p1::_ ->
+ let* bezier = get_new_segment connexion0
+ lastClick p4 p3 p2 p1 in
+ (* We remove the last point and add the bezier curve in the list*)
+ let firsts = lastClick::p4::p3::p2::[] in
+ firsts, return_segment bezier beziers
+ | _ ->
+ lastClick::path, beziers