path: root/motus/lib
diff options
authorSébastien Dailly <>2022-01-28 14:44:57 +0100
committerSébastien Dailly <>2022-02-07 16:22:43 +0100
commit741f88ab405995003eb6e9f301d3b065c1e84a4a (patch)
tree08ba9ec2247c56680611d542ed9b096c5f1a083b /motus/lib
parentc0c82a7bfe8300b1bd50fee11074837ff32d3da0 (diff)
Added a motus solver
Diffstat (limited to 'motus/lib')
3 files changed, 124 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/motus/lib/ b/motus/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61bb539
--- /dev/null
+++ b/motus/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+open StdLabels
+type t =
+ | Lenght of int
+ | Contain of char * int option
+ | NotContain of char * int option
+(** Return true if the word match the given filter *)
+let check_filter : string -> t -> bool =
+ fun word f ->
+ match f with
+ | Lenght l -> l = String.length word
+ | Contain (c, pos) ->
+ ( match pos with
+ | None -> String.contains word c
+ | Some i -> Char.equal c (String.get word i) )
+ | NotContain (c, pos) ->
+ ( match pos with
+ | None -> not (String.contains word c)
+ | Some i -> not (Char.equal c (String.get word i)) )
+let is_valid : t -> t -> bool =
+ fun t1 t2 ->
+ match (t1, t2) with
+ | Lenght _, Lenght _ -> false
+ | Contain (c1, _), NotContain (c2, None) -> not (Char.equal c1 c2)
+ | NotContain (c1, None), Contain (c2, _) -> not (Char.equal c1 c2)
+ | Contain (c1, Some i1), Contain (c2, Some i2) -> Char.equal c1 c2 || i1 <> i2
+ | _ -> true
+(** Add a new filter in the list if it is compatible with the existing ones *)
+let add : t -> t list -> t list =
+ fun t filters ->
+ match List.for_all ~f:(is_valid t) filters with
+ | true -> t :: filters
+ | false -> filters
+let merge_lists : init:t list -> t list -> t list =
+ fun ~init news -> List.fold_left ~f:(fun acc t -> add t acc) ~init news
diff --git a/motus/lib/dune b/motus/lib/dune
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b958922
--- /dev/null
+++ b/motus/lib/dune
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ (name
+ motus_lib
+ )
+ )
diff --git a/motus/lib/ b/motus/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1bc20ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/motus/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+type t =
+ { number : int
+ ; element : string list
+ ; freq : (char, int) Hashtbl.t
+ }
+let empty_data () = { number = 0; element = []; freq = Hashtbl.create 26 }
+(** Evaluate the score for each char (lower is better) *)
+let extract_freq : t -> (char * int) list =
+ fun data ->
+ let number_2 = data.number / 2 in
+ Hashtbl.fold (fun k v acc -> (k, abs (v - number_2)) :: acc) data.freq []
+ (* Sort the list for a pretty printing *)
+ |> List.sort (fun v1 v2 -> snd v1 - snd v2)
+let update_freq : (char, int) Hashtbl.t -> char -> unit =
+ fun freq c ->
+ match Hashtbl.find_opt freq c with
+ | None -> Hashtbl.add freq c 1
+ | Some value -> Hashtbl.replace freq c (value + 1)
+let add_word : Criteria.t list -> t -> string -> t =
+ fun filters data word ->
+ match List.for_all (Criteria.check_filter word) filters with
+ | true ->
+ let len = String.length word in
+ let chars =
+ List.init len (fun n -> String.get word n)
+ |> List.sort_uniq
+ in
+ List.iter (update_freq data.freq) chars;
+ { data with number = data.number + 1; element = word :: data.element }
+ | false -> data
+(** Get the word which with the most information in it.
+The information is the score given to each character, representing each
+frequency in the whole word list (lower is better). If the same letter is
+present many times, we consider that succeding letters does not give any more
+informations (do not consider the position here) *)
+let pick_next_word : t -> (char * int) list -> string * int =
+ fun data scores ->
+ let p' : (string * int) option -> string -> (string * int) option =
+ fun prec word ->
+ (* evaluate the score for this word *)
+ let _, eval =
+ String.fold_left
+ (fun (scores, score) c ->
+ match List.assoc_opt c scores with
+ | None ->
+ (* if the character has no score associated, we consider that it
+ does not provide any more information, and give it the max
+ score available *)
+ (scores, score + (data.number / 2))
+ | Some v ->
+ let new_scores =
+ List.filter (fun (c', _) -> not (Char.equal c c')) scores
+ in
+ (new_scores, score + v) )
+ (scores, 0)
+ word
+ in
+ match prec with
+ | None -> Some (word, eval)
+ | Some (_, prec_score) when eval < prec_score -> Some (word, eval)
+ | _ -> prec
+ in
+ match List.fold_left p' None data.element with
+ | None -> ("", 0)
+ | Some r -> r