path: root/
diff options
authorSébastien Dailly <>2021-02-05 09:08:39 +0100
committerSébastien Dailly <>2022-02-07 14:39:30 +0100
commit561d0f0155f4906d90eb7e73a3ff9cb28909126f (patch)
tree9a606c2d7832272ea33d7052512a5fa59805d582 /
parent86ec559f913c389e8dc055b494630f21a45e039b (diff)
Update project structure
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 244 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d3baf02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+open StdLabels
+(** Common module for ensuring that the function is evaluated only once *)
+(** This represent a single path, which can be transformed throug a [repr]
+ function. *)
+module type PATH = sig
+ type t
+ (** Represent the path *)
+ val repr
+ : t -> (module Path.Repr.M
+ with type point = Path.Point.t
+ and type t = 's) -> 's -> 's
+type printer =
+ [ `Fill
+ | `Line
+ | `Ductus ]
+module type P = sig
+ include Path.Repr.M
+ type repr
+ val create_path
+ : (repr -> repr) -> t
+ val get
+ : t -> repr
+module MakePrinter(M:Repr.ENGINE) : P
+ with type point = M.point
+ and type t = M.t
+ and type repr = M.repr = struct
+ type t = M.t
+ type point = M.point
+ type repr = M.repr
+ let get
+ : t -> repr
+ = M.get
+ let create_path
+ : (repr -> repr) -> t
+ = M.create_path
+ let start
+ : Path.Point.t -> t -> t
+ = fun pt t ->
+ M.start pt pt t
+ let line_to
+ : Path.Point.t -> Path.Point.t -> t -> t
+ = fun p0 p1 t ->
+ M.line_to
+ ( p0
+ , p1 )
+ ( Path.Point.copy p0 @@ Path.Point.get_coord' p0
+ , Path.Point.copy p1 @@ Path.Point.get_coord' p1 )
+ t
+ let quadratic_to
+ : (Path.Point.t * Gg.v2 * Gg.v2 * Path.Point.t) -> t -> t
+ = fun (p0, ctrl0, ctrl1, p1) t ->
+ let ctrl0' = Path.Point.get_coord' @@ Path.Point.copy p0 ctrl0
+ and ctrl1' = Path.Point.get_coord' @@ Path.Point.copy p1 ctrl1 in
+ M.quadratic_to
+ (p0, ctrl0, ctrl1, p1)
+ (Path.Point.copy p0 @@ Path.Point.get_coord' p0, ctrl0', ctrl1', Path.Point.copy p1 @@ Path.Point.get_coord' p1)
+ t
+ let stop = M.stop
+(** Transform the two path, into a single one. *)
+module ReprSingle = struct
+ type point = Path.Point.t
+ type repr =
+ | Move of (point)
+ | Line_to of (point * point)
+ | Quadratic of (point * Gg.v2 * Gg.v2 * point)
+ module R = struct
+ type t = repr list
+ type point = Path.Point.t
+ let start t actions =
+ (Move t)::actions
+ let line_to p0 p1 actions =
+ Line_to (p0, p1)::actions
+ let quadratic_to
+ : (point * Gg.v2 * Gg.v2 * point) -> t -> t
+ = fun q actions ->
+ (Quadratic q)::actions
+ let stop
+ : t -> t
+ = fun v -> v
+ end
+ let repr
+ : (module PATH with type t = 't) -> 't -> 't -> repr list * repr list
+ = fun (type t) (module P:PATH with type t = t) path back ->
+ let path = P.repr path (module R) []
+ and back = P.repr back (module R) [] in
+ path, back
+(* Canva representation *)
+module FillCanva = FillEngine.Make(CanvaPrinter)
+module LineCanva = LineEngine.Make(CanvaPrinter)
+module DuctusCanva = DuctusEngine.Make(CanvaPrinter)
+(* SVG representation *)
+module FillSVG = FillEngine.Make(Svg)
+module DuctusSVG = DuctusEngine.Make(Svg)
+(** Draw a path to a canva.contents
+ The code may seems scary, but is very repetitive. Firt, all points (from the
+ main stroke, and the interior one) are evaluated. Then, they are both rendered
+ using the selected engine.
+let to_canva
+ : (module PATH with type t = 's) -> 's * 's -> Brr_canvas.C2d.t -> printer -> unit
+ = fun (type s) (module R:PATH with type t = s) (path, back) ctx engine ->
+ let f, b = ReprSingle.repr (module R) path back in
+ match engine with
+ | `Fill ->
+ let t = List.fold_left2 f b
+ ~init:(FillCanva.create_path (fun p -> Brr_canvas.C2d.fill ctx p; p))
+ ~f:(fun ctx f b ->
+ match (f, b) with
+ | ReprSingle.Move p0, ReprSingle.Move p0' -> FillCanva.start p0 p0' ctx
+ | ReprSingle.Line_to l, ReprSingle.Line_to l' -> FillCanva.line_to l l' ctx
+ | ReprSingle.Quadratic q, ReprSingle.Quadratic q' -> FillCanva.quadratic_to q q' ctx
+ | _ -> ctx
+ ) in
+ FillCanva.get t
+ |> Brr_canvas.C2d.stroke ctx
+ | `Line ->
+ let t = List.fold_left2 f b
+ ~init:(LineCanva.create_path (fun p -> Brr_canvas.C2d.fill ctx p; p))
+ ~f:(fun ctx f b ->
+ match (f, b) with
+ | ReprSingle.Move p0, ReprSingle.Move p0' -> LineCanva.start p0 p0' ctx
+ | ReprSingle.Line_to l, ReprSingle.Line_to l' -> LineCanva.line_to l l' ctx
+ | ReprSingle.Quadratic q, ReprSingle.Quadratic q' -> LineCanva.quadratic_to q q' ctx
+ | _ -> ctx
+ ) in
+ LineCanva.get t
+ |> Brr_canvas.C2d.stroke ctx
+ | `Ductus ->
+ let t = List.fold_left2 f b
+ ~init:(DuctusCanva.create_path (fun p -> Brr_canvas.C2d.fill ctx p; p))
+ ~f:(fun ctx f b ->
+ match (f, b) with
+ | ReprSingle.Move p0, ReprSingle.Move p0' -> DuctusCanva.start p0 p0' ctx
+ | ReprSingle.Line_to l, ReprSingle.Line_to l' -> DuctusCanva.line_to l l' ctx
+ | ReprSingle.Quadratic q, ReprSingle.Quadratic q' -> DuctusCanva.quadratic_to q q' ctx
+ | _ -> ctx
+ ) in
+ DuctusCanva.get t
+ |> Brr_canvas.C2d.stroke ctx
+(** Draw a path and represent it as SVG *)
+let to_svg
+ : (module PATH with type t = 's) -> color:Jstr.t -> 's * 's -> printer -> Brr.El.t
+ = fun (type s) (module R:PATH with type t = s) ~color (path, back) engine ->
+ let f, b = ReprSingle.repr (module R) path back in
+ match engine with
+ | `Fill ->
+ (* In order to deal with over crossing path, I cut the path in as
+ many segment as there is curve, and fill them all. Then, all of theme
+ are grouped inside a single element *)
+ let paths = ref [] in
+ let init = (FillSVG.create_path
+ (fun p ->
+ let repr = Svg.path
+ ~at:Brr.At.[ v (Jstr.v "d") p ]
+ [] in
+ paths := repr::!paths;
+ Jstr.empty)) in
+ let _ = List.fold_left2 f b
+ ~init
+ ~f:(fun ctx f b ->
+ match (f, b) with
+ | ReprSingle.Move p0, ReprSingle.Move p0' -> FillSVG.start p0 p0' ctx
+ | ReprSingle.Line_to l, ReprSingle.Line_to l' -> FillSVG.line_to l l' ctx
+ | ReprSingle.Quadratic q, ReprSingle.Quadratic q' -> FillSVG.quadratic_to q q' ctx
+ | _ -> ctx
+ ) in
+ Brr.El.v (Jstr.v "g")
+ ~at:Brr.At.[
+ v (Jstr.v "fill") color
+ ; v (Jstr.v "stroke") color]
+ !paths
+ | `Ductus ->
+ let init = DuctusSVG.create_path (fun _ -> Jstr.empty) in
+ let svg_path = List.fold_left2 f b
+ ~init
+ ~f:(fun ctx f b ->
+ match (f, b) with
+ | ReprSingle.Move p0, ReprSingle.Move p0' -> DuctusSVG.start p0 p0' ctx
+ | ReprSingle.Line_to l, ReprSingle.Line_to l' -> DuctusSVG.line_to l l' ctx
+ | ReprSingle.Quadratic q, ReprSingle.Quadratic q' -> DuctusSVG.quadratic_to q q' ctx
+ | _ -> ctx
+ )
+ |> DuctusSVG.get in
+ Svg.path
+ ~at:Brr.At.[
+ v (Jstr.v "fill") color
+ ; v (Jstr.v "stroke") color
+ ; v (Jstr.v "d") svg_path ]
+ []
+ | `Line ->
+ raise Not_found