path: root/
diff options
authorSébastien Dailly <>2021-01-02 16:20:42 +0100
committerSébastien Dailly <>2021-01-02 16:20:42 +0100
commit20addbe8fd0ac4c79c8a69a4f888ec320a9ca4c3 (patch)
tree2c3f0b13a8037500bb58504aadc13315c301f1f9 /
parent3d3ac5d05cf2851444b835b5bbc0236111f53673 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 326 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3e52f5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+open StdLabels
+open Note
+open Brr
+open Brr_note
+module Mouse = Brr_note_kit.Mouse
+let get_height el =
+ match (Jstr.v "height") el with
+ | None -> 0
+ | Some att ->
+ Option.value ~default:0 (Jstr.to_int att)
+(** Create the element in the page, and the event handler *)
+let canva
+ : Brr.El.t -> [> State.canva_events] Note.E.t * (float * float) option Note.S.t * Brr_canvas.Canvas.t
+ = fun element ->
+ (* Adapt the width to the window *)
+ El.set_inline_style
+ El.Style.width
+ (Jstr.v "100%")
+ element;
+ (* See *)
+ El.set_inline_style
+ El.Style.height
+ (Jstr.v "100%")
+ element;
+ El.set_prop
+ El.Prop.width
+ (El.prop Elements.Prop.offsetWidth element)
+ element;
+ El.set_prop
+ El.Prop.height
+ (El.prop Elements.Prop.offsetHeight element)
+ element;
+ El.set_inline_style
+ El.Style.width
+ (Jstr.v "")
+ element;
+ let module C = Brr_canvas.Canvas in
+ let c = C.of_el element in
+ (* Mouse events *)
+ let mouse = Brr_note_kit.Mouse.on_el
+ ~normalize:false
+ (fun x y -> (x, y)) element in
+ let click =
+ Brr_note_kit.Mouse.left_down mouse
+ |> (fun c -> `Click c) in
+ let up =
+ Brr_note_kit.Mouse.left_up mouse
+ |> (fun c -> `Out c) in
+ let position = Mouse.pos mouse in
+ let pos = S.l2 (fun b pos ->
+ if b then
+ Some pos
+ else
+ None
+ ) (Mouse.left mouse) position in
+ [click; up], pos, c
+let click_event el =
+ Evr.on_el
+ Evr.unit
+ el
+let show_value input =
+ El.txt (Jstr.of_float input)
+let set_sidebar
+ : El.t -> State.state -> unit E.t * float S.t * float S.t *unit E.t
+ = fun element state ->
+ let open El in
+ let delete =
+ button
+ [ El.i
+ ~at:At.[ class' (Jstr.v "fas")
+ ; class' (Jstr.v "fa-times-circle") ]
+ []
+ ; txt' "Delete "] in
+ let delete_event = click_event delete in
+ let export =
+ button
+ [ El.i
+ ~at:At.[ class' (Jstr.v "fas")
+ ; class' (Jstr.v "fa-download") ]
+ []
+ ; txt' "Download"] in
+ let export_event = click_event export in
+ let nib_size, nib_size_event =
+ Elements.Input.slider
+ ~at:At.[ type' (Jstr.v "range")
+ ; v (Jstr.v "min") (Jstr.v "1")
+ ; v (Jstr.v "max") (Jstr.v "50")
+ ; At.value (Jstr.of_float state.width)
+ ] in
+ let width = El.div [] in
+ Elr.def_children
+ width
+ (nib_size_event
+ |> (fun v ->
+ [ txt' "Width : "
+ ; show_value v ]
+ )
+ );
+ let input_angle, angle_event =
+ Elements.Input.slider
+ ~at:At.[ type' (Jstr.v "range")
+ ; v (Jstr.v "min") (Jstr.v "0")
+ ; v (Jstr.v "max") (Jstr.v "90")
+ ; At.value (Jstr.of_float state.angle)
+ ] in
+ let angle = El.div [] in
+ Elr.def_children
+ angle
+ (angle_event
+ |> (fun v ->
+ [ txt' "Angle : "
+ ; show_value v
+ ; txt' "°" ]
+ )
+ );
+ let render =
+ [ El.option ~at:At.[value (Jstr.v "Fill")]
+ [ txt' "Fill"]
+ ; El.option ~at:At.[value (Jstr.v "Wireframe")]
+ [ txt' "Wireframe"]
+ ; El.option ~at:At.[value (Jstr.v "Ductus")]
+ [ txt' "Ductus"]
+ ] in
+ let rendering' = El.div
+ [ txt' "Rendering : "
+ ; render ] in
+ let () =
+ El.append_children element
+ [ hr ()
+ ; delete
+ ; export
+ ; rendering'
+ ; hr ()
+ ; width
+ ; nib_size
+ ; angle
+ ; input_angle
+ ]
+ in
+ delete_event, angle_event, nib_size_event, export_event
+let backgroundColor = Blog.Nord.nord0
+let white = Jstr.v "#eceff4"
+let green = Jstr.v "#a3be8c"
+(** Redraw the canva on update *)
+let on_change canva mouse_position state =
+ let module Cd2d = Brr_canvas.C2d in
+ let w, h = Brr_canvas.Canvas.(float_of_int @@ w canva, float_of_int @@ h canva) in
+ let context = Cd2d.create canva in
+ Cd2d.set_fill_style context (Cd2d.color backgroundColor);
+ Cd2d.fill_rect context
+ ~x:0.0
+ ~y:0.0
+ ~w
+ ~h;
+ Cd2d.set_stroke_style context (Cd2d.color white);
+ Cd2d.set_fill_style context (Cd2d.color white);
+ (* If we are in edit mode, we add a point under the cursor.
+ Otherwise, we would only display the previous registered point, which can
+ be far away in the past, and would give to the user a sensation of lag.
+ *)
+ let pos = S.rough_value mouse_position in
+ let current =
+ begin match state.State.mode, pos with
+ | Edit, Some point ->
+ State.insert_or_replace state point state.current
+ | _ ->
+ state.current
+ end
+ in
+ let repr = `Fill in
+ Path.to_canva (module Path.Path_Builder) current context repr;
+ List.iter state.paths
+ ~f:(fun path ->
+ let () = match state.mode with
+ | Selection id ->
+ begin match id = ( path) with
+ | true ->
+ (* If the element is the selected one, change the color *)
+ Cd2d.set_fill_style context (Cd2d.color Blog.Nord.nord8);
+ Cd2d.set_stroke_style context (Cd2d.color Blog.Nord.nord8)
+ | false ->
+ Cd2d.set_stroke_style context (Cd2d.color white);
+ Cd2d.set_fill_style context (Cd2d.color white);
+ end
+ | _ -> ()
+ in
+ Path.to_canva (module Path.Fixed) path context repr
+ );
+ ()
+let page_main id =
+ let delete_event', angle_signal', width_signal', export_event' =
+ begin match Blog.Sidebar.get () with
+ | None ->
+ Jv.throw (Jstr.v "No sidebar")
+ | Some el ->
+ Blog.Sidebar.clean el;
+ set_sidebar el State.init
+ end in
+ let delete_event = (fun () -> `Delete) delete_event'
+ and export_event = (fun () -> `Export) export_event'
+ and angle_event = S.changes angle_signal'
+ |> (fun value -> `Angle value)
+ and width_event = S.changes width_signal'
+ |> (fun value -> `Width value)
+ in
+ (*begin match Document.find_el_by_id G.document id with*)
+ begin match (Jv.is_none id) with
+ | true -> Console.(error [str "No element with id '%s' found"; id])
+ | false ->
+ (* Add the events to the canva :
+ - The mouse position is a signal used for both the update and the
+ canva refresh
+ - Get also the click event for starting to draw
+ *)
+ let canva_events, mouse_position, canva = canva (Jv.Id.of_jv id) in
+ let tick_event =
+ S.sample_filter mouse_position
+ ~on:State.tick
+ (fun pos f -> (fun p -> `Point (f, p)) pos ) in
+ (* The first evaluation is the state. Which is the result of all the
+ successives events to the initial state *)
+ let state =
+ [ canva_events
+ ; tick_event
+ ; angle_event
+ ; width_event
+ ; delete_event
+ ; export_event ]
+ |> State.do_action
+ |> Note.S.accum State.init in
+ (* The seconde evaluation is the canva refresh, which only occurs when
+ the mouse is updated, or on delete events *)
+ let _ =
+ [ (fun _ -> ()) (S.changes mouse_position)
+ ; (fun _ -> ()) (S.changes angle_signal')
+ ; (fun _ -> ()) (S.changes width_signal')
+ ; delete_event' ]
+ |> fun ev -> E.log ev (fun _ -> on_change canva mouse_position (S.value state) )
+ |> Option.iter Logr.hold in
+ (* Draw the canva for first time *)
+ on_change canva mouse_position State.init;
+ (* Hold the state *)
+ let _ = Logr.hold (S.log state (fun _ -> ())) in
+ ()
+ end
+let () =
+ if Brr_webworkers.Worker.ami () then
+ ()
+ else (
+ let open Jv in
+ let drawer = obj
+ [| "run", (repr page_main)
+ |] in
+ set global "drawer" drawer
+ )