path: root/css
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'css')
1 files changed, 27 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/css/merger.ml b/css/merger.ml
index 752a38f..569dd27 100755
--- a/css/merger.ml
+++ b/css/merger.ml
@@ -55,7 +55,9 @@ module AddFile = struct
module DelFile = struct
type t = File.t
let update file state =
let files = state.files##filter
(Js.wrap_callback @@ (fun elt _ _ -> Js.bool (elt.file != file))) in
@@ -64,24 +66,6 @@ module DelFile = struct
{ files ; elements ; result_css }
-(** Read the content from the file *)
-let file_loader
- : file Note.E.send -> File.t -> unit
- = fun event file ->
- let blob = File.as_blob file in
- Fut.await
- (Blob.text blob)
- (Result.iter
- (fun content ->
- let str_content = Jstr.to_string content in
- let css = try
- Some (Css.Parser.parse_stylesheet str_content)
- with
- | _ -> None
- in
- event {file; css} ))
let header =
let button =
@@ -143,26 +127,15 @@ let file_list
let buttons:
- state -> on_change:(Brr.File.t list -> unit) -> El.t list
- = fun state ~on_change ->
- let _ = state in
- (* The input file can't be styled we hide it and use a click forwarding
- button instead. *)
- let i = El.input ()
- ~at:[ At.type' (Jstr.v "file")
- ; (At.v (Jstr.v "accept")) (Jstr.v ".css")
- ] in
- El.set_inline_style El.Style.display (Jstr.v "none") i;
+ state -> El.t -> El.t list
+ = fun state input ->
let b = El.button [ El.txt' "Ajouter un fichier…" ]
~at:[ At.class' (Jstr.v "button")] in
let d = El.button [ El.txt' "Télécharger" ]
~at:[ At.class' (Jstr.v "button")] in
- Ev.listen Ev.click (fun _e -> El.click i) (El.as_target b);
- Ev.listen Ev.change (fun _e -> on_change (El.Input.files i)) (El.as_target i);
+ Ev.listen Ev.click (fun _e -> El.click input) (El.as_target b);
Ev.listen Ev.click (fun _ ->
match state.result_css with
@@ -182,8 +155,8 @@ let buttons:
(Js.wrap_callback (fun elem _idx _arr -> Js.bool (elem.css != None))) in
match Js.to_bool has_css with
- | true -> [i; b; d]
- | false -> [i; b]
+ | true -> [b; d]
+ | false -> [b]
let display_content css =
@@ -228,18 +201,29 @@ let main id =
| false ->
let elements = El.div [] in
- let add_file_event, add_file_sender = Note.E.create () in
let del_file_event, del_file_sender = Note.E.create () in
+ let file_event, input = Elements.Input.file_loader
+ (Jstr.v "css") in
+ let add_file_event =
+ Note.E.map
+ (fun Elements.Input.{file ; content} ->
+ let str_content = Jstr.to_string content in
+ let css = try
+ Some (Css.Parser.parse_stylesheet str_content)
+ with
+ | _ -> None
+ in
+ App.E ( { file ; css }
+ , (module AddFile: App.Event with type t = AddFile.t )))
+ file_event in
let state =
- [ E.map (fun f ->
- App.E ( f
- , (module AddFile: App.Event with type t = AddFile.t )))
- add_file_event
+ [ add_file_event
; del_file_event
@@ -260,17 +244,15 @@ let main id =
(display_content state.result_css))
state) in
- let on_change files =
- file_loader
- add_file_sender
- (List.hd files) in
let header = El.span [] in
+ (* The input is hidden, it will be activated by a button *)
+ El.set_inline_style El.Style.display (Jstr.v "none") input;
(S.map (fun state ->
- buttons ~on_change state)
+ input::(buttons state input))
El.set_children (Jv.Id.of_jv id) [El.p [header]; elements]