path: root/editor/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'editor/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 248 deletions
diff --git a/editor/ b/editor/
deleted file mode 100755
index 794171f..0000000
--- a/editor/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
-open Brr
-open Js_of_ocaml
-module PM = Prosemirror
-let footNoteSpec = object%js
- val mutable group = Jstr.v "inline"
- val mutable content = Jstr.v "inline*" (* The star is very important ! *)
- val mutable inline = Js._true
- val mutable draggable = Js._true
- (* This makes the view treat the node as a leaf, even though it
- technically has content *)
- val mutable atom = Js._true
- val toDOM
- : (PM.Model.node Js.t -> PM.Model.domOutputSpec Js.t) Js.callback
- = Js.wrap_callback (fun _ ->
- let open PM.Model.Dom_output_spec in
- v "footnote"
- [ hole ])
- val parseDOM
- : PM.Model.parse_rule Js.t Js.js_array Js.t Js.opt
- = Js.some @@ Js.array
- [|PM.Model.ParseRule.tag (Jstr.v "footnote")|]
-let footnote_schema pm defaultSchema =
- let nodes = defaultSchema##.spec##.nodes
- and marks = defaultSchema##.spec##.marks in
- let specs = PM.Model.schema_spec
- (nodes##addToEnd (Jstr.v "footnote") (Js.Unsafe.coerce footNoteSpec))
- (Some marks)
- None in
- PM.Model.schema pm
- specs
-let build_menu pm schema =
- let menu = PM.Example.buildMenuItems pm schema in
- let itemSpec = PM.Menu.menuItemSpec () in
- itemSpec##.title := Js.some @@ Jstr.v "Insert footnote";
- itemSpec##.label := Js.some @@ Jstr.v "Footnote";
- := Js.wrap_meth_callback (fun _ (state:PM.State.editor_state Js.t) ->
- match PM.O.get schema##.nodes "footnote" with
- | None -> Js._false
- | Some footnote_node ->
- let res = Js.Opt.test @@ PM.Transform.insertPoint
- pm
- state##.doc
- ~pos:state##.selection##.from
- footnote_node
- in
- Js.bool res);
- :=
- Js.wrap_meth_callback (fun _this state dispatch _ _ ->
- match PM.O.get schema##.nodes "footnote" with
- | None -> ()
- | Some footnote_node ->
- let from' = PM.State.selection_from state##.selection
- and to' = PM.State.selection_to state##.selection in
- let content =
- if state##.selection##.empty != Js._true
- && from'##sameParent to' = Js._true
- && from'##.parent##.inlineContent = Js._true then (
- from'##.parent##.content##cut
- (from'##.parentOffset)
- (Js.some @@ to'##.parentOffset)
- ) else (
- PM.Model.empty_fragment pm
- ) in
- let new_node = footnote_node##create_withFragmentContent
- Js.null
- (Js.some content)
- Js.null
- in
- dispatch @@
- new_node
- Js.null
- );
- let item = PM.Menu.menu_item pm itemSpec in
- let _ = menu##.insertMenu##.content##push item in
- menu
-let fromOutside
- : bool PM.State.meta_data Js.t
- = PM.State.create_str_meta_data (Jstr.v "fromOutside")
-let footnote_view
- : PM.t -> PM.Model.node Js.t -> PM.View.editor_view Js.t -> (unit -> int) -> < .. > Js.t
- = fun pm init_node outerView get_pos ->
- (* These are used when the footnote is selected *)
- let innerView
- : PM.View.editor_view Js.t Js.opt ref
- = ref Js.null in
- let dispatchInner
- : PM.View.editor_view Js.t -> PM.State.transaction Js.t -> unit
- = fun view tr ->
- let res = view##.state##applyTransaction tr in
- view##updateState res##.state;
- let meta = Js.Optdef.get (tr##getMeta fromOutside) (fun () -> false) in
- if (not meta) then (
- let outerTr =
- and offsetMap = PM.Transform.offset pm ((get_pos()) + 1) in
- res##.transactions##forEach
- (Js.wrap_callback @@
- fun (elem:PM.State.transaction Js.t) _ _ ->
- elem##.steps##forEach
- (Js.wrap_callback @@ fun (step:PM.Transform.step Js.t) _ _ ->
- let _ = outerTr##step (step##map offsetMap) in
- ()
- ));
- if (outerTr##.docChanged = Js._true) then (
- outerView##dispatch outerTr)
- );
- in
- object%js (_self)
- val mutable node: PM.Model.node Js.t = init_node
- (* The node's representation in the editor (empty, for now) *)
- val dom = El.v (Jstr.v "footnote") []
- method _open =
- (* Append a tooltip to the outer node *)
- let tooltip = El.div []
- ~at:At.([class' (Jstr.v "popin")]) in
- El.append_children _self##.dom
- [ tooltip ];
- let dispatch_fn
- : PM.State.transaction Js.t -> unit
- = fun tr -> outerView##dispatch tr in
- let state_properties = Js.Unsafe.coerce (object%js
- val doc = Js.some _self##.node;
- val plugins = Js.some @@ Js.array @@ [|
- PM.Keymap.keymap pm
- [| ( "Mod-z"
- , (fun _ _ -> PM.History.undo pm outerView##.state (Js.some dispatch_fn)))
- ; ( "Mod-y"
- , (fun _ _ -> PM.History.redo pm outerView##.state (Js.some dispatch_fn)))
- |]
- |];
- end) in
- let view_properties = PM.View.direct_editor_props () in
- view_properties##.state := PM.State.create pm state_properties;
- (* This is the magic part *)
- view_properties##.dispatchTransaction :=
- (Js.wrap_meth_callback dispatchInner);
- view_properties##.handleDOMEvents := PM.O.init
- [| ( "mousedown"
- , Js.wrap_callback (fun _ _ ->
- (* Kludge to prevent issues due to the fact that the
- whole footnote is node-selected (and thus DOM-selected)
- when the parent editor is focused. *)
- if (outerView##hasFocus () = Js._true) then (
- Js.Opt.iter !innerView (fun view -> view##focus ())
- );
- Js._false ))|];
- innerView := Js.some
- (PM.View.editor_view pm
- tooltip
- view_properties);
- method close =
- Js.Opt.iter (!innerView)
- (fun view ->
- view##destroy;
- innerView := Js.null;
- El.set_prop
- (El.Prop.jstr (Jstr.v "textContent"))
- (Jstr.empty)
- _self##.dom
- )
- method update
- : PM.Model.node Js.t -> bool Js.t
- = fun node ->
- if (node##sameMarkup _self##.node = Js._false) then (
- Js._false
- ) else (
- _self##.node := node;
- Js.Opt.iter !innerView (fun view ->
- let state = view##.state in
- Js.Opt.iter (node##.content##findDiffStart state##.doc##.content) (fun start ->
- let res_opt = (node##.content##findDiffEnd state##.doc##.content) in
- Js.Opt.iter res_opt (fun end_diff ->
- let overlap = start - (min end_diff##.a end_diff##.b) in
- let endA, endB =
- if overlap > 0 then
- ( end_diff##.a + overlap
- , end_diff##.b + overlap )
- else
- ( end_diff##.a
- , end_diff##.b )
- in
- let tr =
- ##(replace
- ~from:start
- ~to_:endB
- (Js.some @@ node##slice ~from:start ~to_:(Js.some endA)))
- ##(setMeta fromOutside true) in
- view##dispatch tr)));
- Js._true
- )
- method destroy =
- Js.Opt.iter !innerView (fun _ -> _self##close)
- method stopEvent e =
- !innerView
- (fun () -> Js._false)
- (fun view ->
- let dom = view##.dom in
- (Jv.Id.to_jv dom) "contains" [||]
- |> Jv.Id.of_jv)
- method ignoreMutation =
- Js._true
- method selectNode =
- El.set_class (Jstr.v "ProseMirror-selectednode") true _self##.dom;
- if not (Js.Opt.test !innerView) then (
- _self##_open
- )
- method deselectNode =
- El.set_class (Jstr.v "ProseMirror-selectednode") false _self##.dom;
- if (Js.Opt.test !innerView) then
- _self##close
- end