path: root/motus/js/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'motus/js/')
1 files changed, 173 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/motus/js/ b/motus/js/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85755aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/motus/js/
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+open Brr
+open Note
+open Brr_note
+open StdLabels
+type elements = Brr.El.t list
+(** Depending of the class, extract the letter validity.
+ If no class is specified, consider the letter is at the right position.
+ *)
+let get_validity_from_element : El.t -> State.letter_validity =
+ fun el ->
+ if El.class' (Jstr.v "missing") el
+ then State.Missing
+ else if El.class' (Jstr.v "misplaced") el
+ then State.Misplaced
+ else State.Wellplaced
+let get_rules : elements -> State.proposition =
+ fun t ->
+ ~f:(fun input ->
+ let value = El.prop El.Prop.value input in
+ if Jstr.equal Jstr.empty value
+ then None
+ else
+ let validity = get_validity_from_element input in
+ Some (value, validity) )
+ t
+let get_class : State.letter_validity -> Jstr.t = function
+ | Wellplaced -> Jstr.v "wellplaced"
+ | Misplaced -> Jstr.v "misplaced"
+ | _ -> Jstr.v "missing"
+(** Create the field list modifiied by the user *)
+let make : int -> (int * Jstr.t * State.letter_validity) E.send -> elements =
+ fun len change_sender ->
+ List.init ~len ~f:(fun i ->
+ let input =
+ El.input
+ ~at:
+ At.
+ [ type' (Jstr.v "text")
+ ; v (Jstr.v "maxLength") (Jstr.v "1")
+ ; value Jstr.empty
+ ; class' (Jstr.v "missing")
+ ; v (Jstr.v "readonly") (Jstr.v "true")
+ ]
+ ()
+ in
+ Ev.listen
+ Ev.change
+ (fun _ ->
+ let validity = get_validity_from_element input in
+ change_sender (i, El.prop El.Prop.value input, validity) )
+ (El.as_target input);
+ Ev.listen
+ (fun _ ->
+ let validity =
+ match get_validity_from_element input with
+ | State.Missing -> State.Misplaced
+ | State.Misplaced -> State.Wellplaced
+ | State.Wellplaced -> State.Missing
+ in
+ change_sender (i, El.prop El.Prop.value input, validity) )
+ (El.as_target input);
+ [ input ] )
+(** Set the element class depending of the proposition validity for each letter
+ *)
+let set_with_props :
+ State.proposition -> elements -> Motus_lib.Criteria.t list -> unit =
+ fun current_prop fields rules ->
+ let i = ref 0 in
+ List.iter2 current_prop fields ~f:(fun prop field ->
+ (* Check if we have a rule for this letter *)
+ let wellplaced =
+ List.exists rules ~f:(function
+ | Motus_lib.Criteria.Contain (_, Some i') when !i = i' -> true
+ | _ -> false )
+ in
+ incr i;
+ match (wellplaced, El.children field, prop) with
+ | true, hd :: _, Some (letter, _) ->
+ El.set_prop El.Prop.value letter hd;
+ El.set_class (Jstr.v "wellplaced") true hd;
+ El.set_class (Jstr.v "misplaced") false hd;
+ El.set_class (Jstr.v "missing") false hd;
+ El.set_at (Jstr.v "readonly") (Some (Jstr.v "true")) hd
+ | _, hd :: _, None ->
+ El.set_class (Jstr.v "wellplaced") false hd;
+ El.set_class (Jstr.v "misplaced") false hd;
+ El.set_class (Jstr.v "missing") false hd
+ | false, hd :: _, Some (letter, validity) ->
+ El.set_prop El.Prop.value letter hd;
+ El.set_class (Jstr.v "wellplaced") false hd;
+ El.set_class (Jstr.v "misplaced") false hd;
+ El.set_class (Jstr.v "missing") false hd;
+ El.set_class (get_class validity) true hd
+ | _, [], _ -> () )
+let build : El.t -> int S.t -> State.proposition S.t =
+ fun container length ->
+ (* Build the element list *)
+ S.bind length (fun len ->
+ let elements =
+ List.init ~len ~f:(fun _ ->
+ let input =
+ El.input
+ ~at:
+ At.
+ [ type' (Jstr.v "text")
+ ; v (Jstr.v "maxLength") (Jstr.v "1")
+ ; value Jstr.empty
+ ]
+ ()
+ in
+ input )
+ in
+ let events =
+ List.mapi
+ ~f:(fun i input ->
+ Evr.on_el
+ Ev.input
+ (fun _ ->
+ let value = El.prop El.Prop.value input in
+ if Jstr.equal Jstr.empty value
+ then (i, None)
+ else
+ let validity = State.Wellplaced in
+ (i, Some (Jstr.uppercased value, validity)) )
+ input )
+ elements
+ (* As the state is in a list, we have no way to be sure that the list
+ length is the same as the number of elements… except to rely on the
+ compiler contract.
+ But this would cause nasty bug if we had a difference here.
+ *)
+ and init_prop = List.init ~len ~f:(fun _ -> None) in
+ (* Replace the children in the element *)
+ El.set_children
+ container
+ [ El.table
+ [ (* The table has only one row *)
+ ( elements ~f:(fun el ->
+ [ (* Each cell is the input element *) el ] ) )
+ ]
+ ];
+ let change =
+ events
+ |> (fun (position, value) acc ->
+ List.mapi acc ~f:(fun i prop ->
+ if i <> position then prop else value ) )
+ in
+ let initial_proposition = S.accum init_prop change in
+ initial_proposition )