path: root/shapes/matrix
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'shapes/matrix')
6 files changed, 683 insertions, 0 deletions
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+ (* Exception for from_string. Is raised when from_string is passed something
+ * that is not an elt *)
+ exception NonElt
+ type t
+ (* The zero element *)
+ val zero : t
+ (* The one element *)
+ val one: t
+ (* ts must be comparable *)
+ val compare : t -> t -> Order.order
+ (* Basic mathematical operations must be possible *)
+ val add: t -> t -> t
+ val subtract: t -> t -> t
+ val multiply: t -> t -> t
+ val divide: t -> t -> t
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+(* Takes in a string and a separator, and separates the string into a list of
+ * substrings where each substring is between two separators or between a
+ * separator and the beginning/end of the string *)
+let explode (s: string) (space: string) : string list =
+ let rec build (curr: string) (buffer: string) (lst: string list) : string list =
+ let len = String.length curr in
+ if len = 0 then buffer::lst
+ else
+ let c = String.sub curr (len - 1) 1 in
+ if len = 1 then (c ^ buffer)::lst
+ else
+ let s' = String.sub curr 0 (len - 1) in
+ if c = space then build s' "" (buffer::lst)
+ else build s' (c ^ buffer) lst in
+ build (String.trim s) "" []
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index 0000000..7f1d54b
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@@ -0,0 +1,529 @@
+open Order
+module Order = Order
+(*************** Exceptions ***************)
+exception NonSquare
+exception ImproperDimensions
+(* Functor so we can Abstract away! *)
+module MakeMatrix (C: EltsI.ORDERED_AND_OPERATIONAL) :
+ (MatrixI.MATRIX with type elt = C.t) =
+ (*************** End Exceptions ***************)
+ (*************** Types ***************)
+ type elt = C.t
+ (* A matrix is a pair of dimension (n x p) and a array of arrays
+ * the first array is the row (n) and the second the column (p) *)
+ type matrix = (int * int) * (elt array array)
+ (*************** End Types ***************)
+ (*************** Base Functions ***************)
+ (* catching negative dimensions AND 0 dimensions and too large
+ * of a dimension so we don't have to worry about it later *)
+ let empty (rows: int) (columns: int) : matrix =
+ if rows > 0 && columns > 0 then
+ try
+ let m = Array.make_matrix rows columns in ((rows,columns),m)
+ with _ ->
+ raise ImproperDimensions
+ else (* dimension is negative or 0 *)
+ raise ImproperDimensions
+ (*************** End Base Functions ***************)
+ (*************** Helper Functions ***************)
+ (* get's the nth row of a matrix and returns (r, row) where r is the length
+ * of the row and row is a COPY of the original row. For example, calling
+ * calling get_row m 1 will return (3, |1 3 4 |)
+ * ________
+ * m = | 1 3 4 |
+ * |*2 5 6 |
+ *)
+ (* aside: we don't check whether n < 1 because of our matrix invariant *)
+ let get_row (((n,p),m): matrix) (row: int) : int * elt array =
+ if row <= n then
+ let row' = (fun x -> x) m.(row - 1) in
+ (p, row')
+ else
+ raise (Failure "Row out of bounds.")
+ (* similar to get_row. For m, get_column m 1 will return (2, |1 2|) *)
+ let get_column (((n,p),m): matrix) (column: int) : int * elt array =
+ if column <= p then
+ begin
+ let column' = Array.make n in
+ for i = 0 to n - 1 do
+ column'.(i) <- m.(i).(column - 1)
+ done;
+ (n, column')
+ end
+ else
+ raise (Failure "Column out of bounds.")
+ (* sets the nth row of the matrix m to the specified array a.
+ * This is done IN-PLACE. Therefore the function returns unit. You should
+ * nonetheless enfore immutability whenever possible. For a clarification on
+ * what nth row means, look at comment for get_row above. *)
+ let set_row (((n, p), m): matrix) (row: int) (a: elt array) : unit =
+ if row <= n then
+ begin
+ assert(Array.length a = p);
+ for i = 0 to p - 1 do
+ m.(row - 1).(i) <- a.(i)
+ done;
+ end
+ else
+ raise (Failure "Row out of bounds.")
+ (* Similar to set_row but sets the nth column instead *)
+ let set_column (((n,p),m): matrix) (column: int) (a: elt array) : unit =
+ if column <= p then
+ begin
+ assert(Array.length a = n);
+ for i = 0 to n - 1 do
+ m.(i).(column - 1) <- a.(i)
+ done;
+ end
+ else
+ raise (Failure "Column out of bounds.")
+ (* returns the ij-th element of a matrix (not-zero indexed) *)
+ let get_elt (((n,p),m): matrix) ((i,j): int*int) : elt =
+ if i <= n && j <= p then
+ m.(i - 1).(j - 1)
+ else
+ raise ImproperDimensions
+ (* Changes the i,j-th element of a matrix to e. Is not zero-indexed, and
+ * changes the matrix in place *)
+ let set_elt (((n,p),m): matrix) ((i,j): int*int) (e: elt) : unit =
+ if i <= n && j <= p then
+ m.(i - 1).(j - 1) <- e
+ else
+ raise ImproperDimensions
+ (* similar to map, but applies to function to the entire matrix
+ * Returns a new matrix *)
+ let map (f: elt -> elt) (mat: matrix) : matrix =
+ let (dim,m) = mat in
+ (dim, ( f) m)
+ (* Just some wrapping of Array.iter made for Matrices! *)
+ let iter (f: elt -> unit) (mat: matrix) : unit =
+ let _, m = mat in
+ Array.iter (Array.iter f) m
+ (* Just some wrapping of Array.iteri. Useful for pretty
+ * printing matrix. The index is (i,j). NOT zero-indexed *)
+ let iteri (f: int -> int -> elt -> unit) (mat: matrix) : unit =
+ let _, m = mat in
+ Array.iteri (fun i row -> Array.iteri (fun j e -> f i j e) row) m
+ (* folds over each row using base case u and function f *)
+ (* could be a bit more efficient? *)
+ let reduce (f: 'a -> elt -> 'a) (u: 'a) (((p,q),m): matrix) : 'a =
+ let total = ref u in
+ for i = 0 to p - 1 do
+ for j = 0 to q - 1 do
+ total := f (!total) m.(i).(j)
+ done;
+ done;
+ !total
+ let fold_row ~(f: elt array -> 'b) ((_,m): matrix) : 'b list =
+ let call_row acc v = (f v)::acc in
+ Array.fold_left call_row [] m
+ |> List.rev
+ (* given two arrays, this will calculate their dot product *)
+ (* It seems a little funky, but this is done for efficiency's sake.
+ * In short, it tries to multiply each element by it's respective
+ * element until the one array is indexed out of bounds. If the
+ * other array is also out of bounds, then it returns their value.
+ * Otherwise, the arrays were the wrong size and raises ImproperDimension
+ Instead we calculate the length before starting
+ *)
+ let dot (v1: elt array) (v2: elt array) : elt =
+ let rec dotting (i: int) (total: elt) : elt =
+ if i = 0 then total
+ else
+ let curr = C.multiply v1.(i-1) v2.(i-1) in
+ dotting (i - 1) (C.add curr total) in
+ let len1, len2 = Array.length v1, Array.length v2 in
+ if len1 = len2 then dotting len1
+ else raise ImproperDimensions
+ (* function to expose the dimensions of a matrix *)
+ let get_dimensions (m: matrix) : (int * int) =
+ let ((x,y), _) = m in (x,y)
+ (*************** End Helper Functions ***************)
+ (*************** Primary Matrix Functions ***************)
+ (* scales a matrix by the appropriate factor *)
+ let scale (m: matrix) (sc: elt) : matrix = map (C.multiply sc) m
+ (* Generates a matrix from a list of lists. The inners lists are the rows *)
+ let from_list (lsts : elt list list) : matrix =
+ let check_length (length: int) (lst: elt list) : int =
+ if List.length lst = length then length
+ else raise ImproperDimensions in
+ let p = List.length lsts in
+ match lsts with
+ | [] -> raise ImproperDimensions
+ | hd::tl ->
+ let len = List.length hd in
+ if List.fold_left check_length len tl = len then
+ ((p,len), Array.of_list (Array.of_list lsts))
+ else
+ raise ImproperDimensions
+ (* Generates a matrix from a list of lists. The inners lists are the rows *)
+ let from_array (arrs : elt array array) : matrix =
+ let check_length (length: int) (arr: elt array) : unit =
+ if Array.length arr = length then ()
+ else raise ImproperDimensions in
+ let p = Array.length arrs in
+ match Array.length arrs with
+ | 0 -> raise ImproperDimensions
+ | _ ->
+ let len = Array.length (Array.get arrs 0) in
+ Array.iter (check_length len) arrs;
+ ((p, len), arrs)
+ (* Adds two matrices. They must have the same dimensions *)
+ let add ((dim1,m1): matrix) ((dim2,m2): matrix) : matrix =
+ if dim1 = dim2 then
+ let n, p = dim1 in
+ let (dim', sum_m) = empty n p in
+ for i = 0 to n - 1 do
+ for j = 0 to p - 1 do
+ sum_m.(i).(j) <- C.add m1.(i).(j) m2.(i).(j)
+ done;
+ done;
+ (dim',sum_m)
+ else
+ raise ImproperDimensions
+ (* Multiplies two matrices. If the matrices have dimensions m x n and p x q, n
+ * and p must be equal, and the resulting matrix will have dimension n x q *)
+ let mult (matrix1: matrix) (matrix2: matrix) : matrix =
+ let ((m,n), _), ((p,q), _) = matrix1, matrix2 in
+ if n = p then
+ let (dim, result) = empty m q in
+ for i = 0 to m - 1 do
+ for j = 0 to q - 1 do
+ let (_,row), (_,column) = get_row matrix1 (i + 1),
+ get_column matrix2 (j + 1) in
+ result.(i).(j) <- dot row column
+ done;
+ done;
+ (dim,result)
+ else
+ raise ImproperDimensions
+ (*************** Helper Functions for Row Reduce ***************)
+ (*
+ (* returns the index of the first non-zero elt in an array*)
+ let zero (arr: elt array) : int option =
+ let index = ref 1 in
+ let empty (i: int option) (e: elt) : int option =
+ match i, e with
+ | None, Equal -> (index := !index + 1; None)
+ | None, _ -> Some (!index)
+ | _, _ -> i in
+ Array.fold_left empty None arr
+ (* returns the the location of the nth non-zero
+ * element in the matrix. Scans column wise. So the nth non-zero element is
+ * the FIRST non-zero element in the nth non-zero column *)
+ let nth_nz_location (m: matrix) (_: int): (int*int) option =
+ let ((n,p), _) = m in
+ let rec check_col (to_skip: int) (j: int) =
+ if j <= p then
+ let (_,col) = get_column m j in
+ match zero col with
+ | None -> check_col to_skip (j + 1)
+ | Some i ->
+ if to_skip = 0 then
+ Some (i,j)
+ else (* we want a later column *)
+ check_col (to_skip - 1) (j + 1)
+ else None in
+ check_col (n - 1) 1
+ (* returns the the location of the first
+ * non-zero and non-one elt. Scans column wise, from
+ * left to right. Basically, it ignores columns
+ * that are all zero or that *)
+ let fst_nz_no_loc (m: matrix): (int*int) option =
+ let ((_, p), _) = m in
+ let rec check_col (j: int) =
+ if j <= p then
+ let (_,col) = get_column m j in
+ match zero col with
+ | None -> check_col (j + 1)
+ | Some i ->
+ match col.(i-1) with
+ | Equal -> check_col (j + 1)
+ | _ -> Some (i,j)
+ else None in
+ check_col 1
+ *)
+ (* Compares two elements in an elt array and returns the greater and its
+ * index. Is a helper function for find_max_col_index *)
+ let compare_helper (e1: elt) (e2: elt) (ind1: int) (ind2: int) : (elt*int) =
+ match e1 e2 with
+ | Equal -> (e2, ind2)
+ | Greater -> (e1, ind1)
+ | Less -> (e2, ind2)
+ (* Finds the element with the greatest absolute value in a column. Is not
+ * 0-indexed. If two elements are both the maximum value, returns the one with
+ * the lowest index. Returns None if this element is zero (if column is all 0)
+ *)
+ let find_max_col_index (array1: elt array) (start_index: int) : int option =
+ let rec find_index (max_index: int) (curr_max: elt) (curr_index: int)
+ (arr: elt array) =
+ if curr_index = Array.length arr then
+ (if curr_max = then None
+ else Some (max_index+1)) (* Arrays are 0-indexed but matrices aren't *)
+ else
+ (match arr.(curr_index) with
+ | Equal -> find_index max_index curr_max (curr_index+1) arr
+ | Greater ->
+ (let (el, index) = compare_helper (arr.(curr_index))
+ curr_max curr_index max_index in
+ find_index index el (curr_index+1) arr)
+ | Less ->
+ (let abs_curr_elt = C.subtract arr.(curr_index) in
+ let (el, index) = compare_helper abs_curr_elt curr_max curr_index
+ max_index in
+ find_index index el (curr_index+1) arr))
+ in
+ find_index 0 (start_index -1) array1
+ (* Basic row operations *)
+ (* Scales a row by sc *)
+ let scale_row (m: matrix) (num: int) (sc: elt) : unit =
+ let (_, row) = get_row m num in
+ let new_row = (C.multiply sc) row in
+ set_row m num new_row
+ (* Swaps two rows of a matrix *)
+ let swap_row (m: matrix) (r1: int) (r2: int) : unit =
+ let (len1, row1) = get_row m r1 in
+ let (len2, row2) = get_row m r2 in
+ let _ = assert (len1 = len2) in
+ let _ = set_row m r1 row2 in
+ let _ = set_row m r2 row1 in
+ ()
+ (* Subtracts a multiple of r2 from r1 *)
+ let sub_mult (m: matrix) (r1: int) (r2: int) (sc: elt) : unit =
+ let (len1, row1) = get_row m r1 in
+ let (len2, row2) = get_row m r2 in
+ let _ = assert (len1 = len2) in
+ for i = 0 to len1 - 1 do (* Arrays are 0-indexed *)
+ row1.(i) <- C.subtract row1.(i) (C.multiply sc row2.(i))
+ done;
+ set_row m r1 row1
+ (*************** End Helper Functions for Row Reduce ***************)
+ (* Returns the row reduced form of a matrix. Is not done in place, but creates
+ * a new matrix *)
+ let row_reduce (mat: matrix) : matrix =
+ let[@tailcall] rec row_reduce_h (n_row: int) (n_col: int) (mat2: matrix) : unit =
+ let ((num_row, _), _) = mat2 in
+ if (n_col = num_row + 1) then ()
+ else
+ let (_,col) = get_column mat2 n_col in
+ match find_max_col_index col n_row with
+ | None (* Column all 0s *) -> row_reduce_h n_row (n_col+1) mat2
+ | Some index ->
+ begin
+ swap_row mat2 index n_row;
+ let pivot = get_elt mat2 (n_row, n_col) in
+ scale_row mat2 (n_row) (C.divide pivot);
+ for i = 1 to num_row do
+ if i <> n_row then sub_mult mat2 i n_row (get_elt mat2 (i,n_col))
+ done;
+ row_reduce_h (n_row+1) (n_col+1) mat2
+ end
+ in
+ (* Copies the matrix *)
+ let ((n,p),m) = mat in
+ let (dim,mat_cp) = empty n p in
+ for i = 0 to n - 1 do
+ for j = 0 to p - 1 do
+ mat_cp.(i).(j) <- m.(i).(j)
+ done;
+ done;
+ let _ = row_reduce_h 1 1 (dim,mat_cp) in (dim,mat_cp)
+ (*************** End Main Functions ***************)
+ (*************** Optional module functions ***************)
+ (* calculates the trace of a matrix *)
+ let trace (((n,p),m): matrix) : elt =
+ let rec build (elt: elt) (i: int) =
+ if i > -1 then
+ build (C.add m.(i).(i) elt) (i - 1)
+ else
+ elt in
+ if n = p then build (n - 1)
+ else raise ImproperDimensions
+ (* calculates the transpose of a matrix and retuns a new one *)
+ let transpose (((n,p),m): matrix) =
+ let (dim,m') = empty p n in
+ for i = 0 to n - 1 do
+ for j = 0 to p - 1 do
+ m'.(j).(i) <- m.(i).(j)
+ done;
+ done;
+ assert(dim = (p,n));
+ ((p,n),m')
+ (* Returns the inverse of a matrix. Uses a pretty simple algorithm *)
+ let inverse (mat: matrix) : matrix =
+ let ((n, p), _) = mat in
+ if n = p then
+ (* create augmented matrix *)
+ let augmented = empty n (2*n) in
+ for i = 1 to n do
+ let (dim,col) = get_column mat i in
+ let arr = Array.make n in
+ begin
+ assert(dim = n);
+ arr.(i-1) <-;
+ set_column augmented i col;
+ set_column augmented (n + i) arr
+ end
+ done;
+ let augmented' = row_reduce augmented in
+ (* create the inverted matrix and fill in with appropriate values *)
+ let inverse = empty n n in
+ for i = 1 to n do
+ let (dim, col) = get_column augmented' (n + i) in
+ let _ = assert(dim = n) in
+ let _ = set_column inverse i col in
+ ()
+ done;
+ inverse
+ else
+ raise NonSquare
+ (***************** HELPER FUNCTIONS FOR DETERMINANT *****************)
+ (* creates an identity matrix of size n*)
+ let create_identity (n:int) : matrix =
+ let (dim,m) = empty n n in
+ for i = 0 to n - 1 do
+ m.(i).(i) <-
+ done;
+ (dim,m)
+ (* Finds the index of the maximum value of an array *)
+ let find_max_index (arr: elt array) (start_index : int) : int =
+ let rec find_index (max_index: int) (curr_index: int) =
+ if curr_index = Array.length arr then max_index+1
+ else
+ match arr.(curr_index) arr.(max_index) with
+ | Equal | Less -> find_index max_index (curr_index + 1)
+ | Greater -> find_index curr_index (curr_index + 1) in
+ find_index (start_index - 1) start_index
+ (* Creates the pivoting matrix for A. Returns swqps. Adapted from
+ * *)
+ let pivotize (((n,p),m): matrix) : matrix * int =
+ if n = p then
+ let swaps = ref 0 in
+ let pivot_mat = create_identity n in
+ for j = 1 to n do
+ let (_,col) = get_column ((n,p),m) j in
+ let max_index = find_max_index col j in
+ if max_index <> j then
+ (swaps := !swaps + 1; swap_row pivot_mat max_index j)
+ else ()
+ done;
+ (pivot_mat,!swaps)
+ else raise ImproperDimensions
+ (* decomposes a matrix into a lower triangualar, upper triangualar
+ * and a pivot matrix. It returns (L,U,P). Adapted from
+ * *)
+ let lu_decomposition (((n,p),m): matrix) : (matrix*matrix*matrix)*int =
+ if n = p then
+ let mat = ((n,p),m) in
+ let lower, upper, (pivot,s) = empty n n, empty n n, pivotize mat in
+ let (_ ,l),(_ ,u), _ = lower,upper,pivot in
+ let ((_, _),mat') = mult pivot mat in
+ for j = 0 to n - 1 do
+ l.(j).(j) <-;
+ for i = 0 to j do
+ let sum = ref in
+ for k = 0 to i - 1 do
+ sum := C.add (!sum) (C.multiply u.(k).(j) l.(i).(k))
+ done;
+ u.(i).(j) <- C.subtract mat'.(i).(j) (!sum)
+ done;
+ for i = j to n - 1 do
+ let sum = ref in
+ for k = 0 to j - 1 do
+ sum := C.add (!sum) (C.multiply u.(k).(j) l.(i).(k))
+ done;
+ let sub = C.subtract mat'.(i).(j) (!sum) in
+ l.(i).(j) <- C.divide sub u.(j).(j)
+ done;
+ done;
+ (lower,upper,pivot),s
+ else raise ImproperDimensions
+ (* Computes the determinant of a matrix *)
+ let determinant (m: matrix) : elt =
+ try
+ let ((n,p), _) = m in
+ if n = p then
+ let rec triangualar_det (a,mat) curr_index acc =
+ if curr_index < n then
+ let acc' = C.multiply mat.(curr_index).(curr_index) acc in
+ triangualar_det (a,mat) (curr_index + 1) acc'
+ else acc in
+ let ((dim1,l),(dim2,u), _),s = lu_decomposition m in
+ let det1, det2 = triangualar_det (dim1,l) 0,
+ triangualar_det (dim2,u) 0 in
+ if s mod 2 = 0 then C.multiply det1 det2
+ else C.subtract (C.multiply det1 det2)
+ else raise ImproperDimensions
+ with
+ | _ ->
+ (*************** Optional module functions ***************)
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+exception NonSquare
+exception ImproperDimensions
+module type MATRIX =
+ (******** TYPES ********)
+ type elt
+ type matrix
+ (* empty matrix of nxp dimensions *)
+ val empty : int -> int -> matrix
+ (* Takes a list of lists and converts that to a matrix *)
+ val from_list : (elt list list) -> matrix
+ val from_array: elt array array -> matrix
+ (******** OPERATIONS ON ONE MATRIX ********)
+ (* Takes in a matrix and returns its dimensions. ie, nxp *)
+ val get_dimensions : matrix -> (int * int)
+ (* get's the row of a matrix: Not zero-indexed. *)
+ val get_row : matrix -> int -> (int * elt array)
+ (* similar to get_row *)
+ val get_column: matrix -> int -> (int * elt array)
+ (* sets the row of a matrix in place! Not zero-index *)
+ val set_row: matrix -> int -> elt array -> unit
+ (* similar to set_row, but for a column *)
+ val set_column: matrix -> int -> elt array -> unit
+ (* gets the element at the specified index. *)
+ val get_elt: matrix -> (int * int) -> elt
+ (* sets the element at the specified index *)
+ val set_elt: matrix -> (int * int) -> elt -> unit
+ (* Scales every element in the matrix by another elt *)
+ val scale : matrix -> elt -> matrix
+ (* Returns the row reduced form of a matrix *)
+ val row_reduce: matrix -> matrix
+ (* We will implement the algorithm found in the link above *)
+ (* Returns the inverse of a matrix *)
+ val inverse: matrix -> matrix
+ (*Transposes a matrix. If the input has dimensions m x n, the output will
+ * have dimensions n x m *)
+ val transpose: matrix -> matrix
+ (* Returns the trace of the matrix *)
+ val trace: matrix -> elt
+ (******** OPERATIONS ON TWO MATRICES ********)
+ (* Adds two matrices. They must have the same dimensions *)
+ val add : matrix -> matrix -> matrix
+ (* Multiplies two matrices. If the matrices have dimensions m x n and p x q, n
+ * and p must be equal, and the resulting matrix will have dimension m x q *)
+ val mult: matrix -> matrix -> matrix
+ (**** Other Library Functions ***)
+ (* Function to make over our matrices *)
+ val map : (elt -> elt) -> matrix -> matrix
+ (*val iter : (elt -> unit) -> matrix -> unit*)
+ (* Returns the LUP decomposition of a matrix *)
+ val lu_decomposition : matrix -> (matrix * matrix * matrix) * int
+ (* Returns the determinant of the matrix *)
+ val determinant: matrix -> elt
+ (************** Other Library Functions *************)
+ val iter : (elt -> unit) -> matrix -> unit
+ val iteri : (int -> int -> elt -> unit) -> matrix -> unit
+ (* folds over each row using base case u and function f *)
+ val reduce: ('a -> elt -> 'a) -> 'a -> matrix -> 'a
+ val fold_row: f:(elt array -> 'b) -> matrix -> 'b list
+ (********** Specific for Simplex Algorithm ***********)
+ (** All of the following functions will raise ImproperDimensions
+ * Exception if the matrix is not the right size for the operation
+ **)
+ (* Scales a row *)
+ val scale_row: matrix -> int -> elt -> unit
+ (* Swaps two rows *)
+ val swap_row: matrix -> int -> int -> unit
+ (* Subtracts a multiple of one row (the 2nd int) from another (the 1st int) *)
+ val sub_mult: matrix -> int -> int -> elt -> unit
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+(* Defines a general ordering type *)
+type order = Equal | Less | Greater
diff --git a/shapes/matrix/dune b/shapes/matrix/dune
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1c0cab6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shapes/matrix/dune
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ (name matrix)