path: root/lib/analysers/headers.ml
diff options
authorSébastien Dailly <sebastien@dailly.me>2024-03-14 08:26:58 +0100
committerSébastien Dailly <sebastien@dailly.me>2024-03-14 08:26:58 +0100
commit6b377719c10d5ab3343fd5221f99a4a21008e25a (patch)
treea7c1e9a820d339a2f161af3e09cf9e3161286796 /lib/analysers/headers.ml
Initial commitmain
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/analysers/headers.ml')
1 files changed, 55 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/analysers/headers.ml b/lib/analysers/headers.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..916dfee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/analysers/headers.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+open StdLabels
+module I = ImportConf
+module E = ImportExpression.T
+module Syntax = ImportConf.Syntax
+module Table = ImportDataTypes.Table
+module Path = ImportDataTypes.Path
+module SheeetMap = Map.Make (struct
+ type t = Table.t
+ (** We are sure we can’t have the same name for two different table. *)
+ let compare v1 v2 = String.compare (Table.name v1) (Table.name v2)
+type content = string array
+type t = content SheeetMap.t
+(** The map associate a line of headers for each table.
+ The header are always in string. *)
+(** Get the headers. The function has to be called after reading each document,
+ and will reformat the first line with the values from the cell. The
+ functions will not be evaluated (instead they will be displayed "as is".
+ When there is no value for this path, return empty string.
+ *)
+let columns : Syntax.t -> t -> string list =
+ fun conf t ->
+ (* We build here a custom printer which search in the array for the column
+ name.
+ This function will be given as argument in the expression printer. *)
+ let f : Path.t -> Buffer.t -> unit =
+ fun path b ->
+ let source = I.get_table_for_name conf path.alias in
+ match SheeetMap.find_opt source t with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some arr -> (
+ try Buffer.add_string b (Array.get arr (path.column - 1)) with
+ | _ ->
+ prerr_endline
+ @@ Printf.sprintf "No header found for :%s.%s"
+ (Option.value ~default:(I.root_table conf).Table.name
+ path.alias)
+ (ImportCSV.Csv.column_to_string path.column))
+ in
+ List.map conf.Syntax.columns ~f:(fun column ->
+ let b = Buffer.create 4 in
+ ImportExpression.Headers.headers_of_expression b f column;
+ Buffer.contents b)