path: root/lib/configuration/read_conf.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/configuration/read_conf.ml')
1 files changed, 216 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/configuration/read_conf.ml b/lib/configuration/read_conf.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d467a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/configuration/read_conf.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+open StdLabels
+module Table = ImportDataTypes.Table
+module Path = ImportDataTypes.Path
+module ExpressionParser : sig
+ type 'a path_builder
+ val path : Path.t path_builder
+ val column : Path.column path_builder
+ val of_string :
+ 'a path_builder -> string -> ('a ImportExpression.T.t, string) result
+end = struct
+ module MI = Expression_parser.MenhirInterpreter
+ module E = MenhirLib.ErrorReports
+ module L = MenhirLib.LexerUtil
+ type error = {
+ message : string;
+ start_line : int;
+ start_pos : int;
+ end_pos : int;
+ }
+ let range_message start_pos end_pos message =
+ let start_c = start_pos.Lexing.pos_cnum - start_pos.Lexing.pos_bol
+ and end_c = end_pos.Lexing.pos_cnum - end_pos.Lexing.pos_bol in
+ {
+ message;
+ start_line = start_pos.Lexing.pos_bol;
+ start_pos = start_c;
+ end_pos = end_c;
+ }
+ (** Extract the line in error from the whole expression, and print some
+ characters just under the faulty part *)
+ let get_line_error : error -> string -> string =
+ fun error content ->
+ let sub_text =
+ try
+ let end_pos = String.index_from content error.start_line '\n' in
+ String.sub content ~pos:error.start_line
+ ~len:(end_pos - error.start_line)
+ with
+ | Not_found ->
+ (* There is no new line, extract the ending part *)
+ let len = String.length content - error.start_line in
+ String.sub content ~pos:error.start_line ~len
+ in
+ (* I’m not sure how to produce it, but the error may be over two lines.
+ This line is here to prevent the underline to overflow. *)
+ let stop_pos = min error.end_pos (String.length sub_text) in
+ let error_length = stop_pos - error.start_pos in
+ String.concat ~sep:""
+ [
+ sub_text;
+ "\n";
+ String.make error.start_pos ' ';
+ String.make error_length '^';
+ ]
+ let get_parse_error default_position env : error =
+ match MI.stack env with
+ | (lazy Nil) ->
+ range_message default_position.Lexing.lex_start_p
+ default_position.Lexing.lex_curr_p "Invalid syntax\n"
+ | (lazy (Cons (MI.Element (state, _, start_pos, end_pos), _))) ->
+ let message =
+ try Expression_parser_messages.message (MI.number state) with
+ | Not_found -> "Invalid syntax (no specific message for this eror)\n"
+ in
+ range_message start_pos end_pos message
+ type 'a path_builder =
+ Lexing.position -> 'a ImportExpression.T.t MI.checkpoint
+ let rec _parse lexbuf (checkpoint : 'a ImportExpression.T.t MI.checkpoint) =
+ match checkpoint with
+ | MI.InputNeeded _env ->
+ let token = Expression_lexer.token lexbuf in
+ let startp = lexbuf.lex_start_p and endp = lexbuf.lex_curr_p in
+ let checkpoint = MI.offer checkpoint (token, startp, endp) in
+ _parse lexbuf checkpoint
+ | MI.Shifting _ | MI.AboutToReduce _ ->
+ let checkpoint = MI.resume checkpoint in
+ _parse lexbuf checkpoint
+ | MI.HandlingError _env ->
+ let err = get_parse_error lexbuf _env in
+ Error err
+ | MI.Accepted v -> Ok v
+ | MI.Rejected ->
+ let err =
+ range_message lexbuf.lex_start_p lexbuf.lex_curr_p
+ "invalid syntax (parser rejected the input)"
+ in
+ Error err
+ let of_string :
+ 'a path_builder -> string -> ('a ImportExpression.T.t, string) result =
+ fun f str_expression ->
+ try
+ let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string str_expression in
+ let init = f lexbuf.lex_curr_p in
+ match _parse lexbuf init with
+ | Ok res -> Ok res
+ | Error e ->
+ let message =
+ String.concat ~sep:"\n"
+ [ e.message; get_line_error e str_expression ]
+ in
+ Error message
+ with
+ | Expression_lexer.UnclosedQuote { line; content } ->
+ let message =
+ Printf.sprintf "Unclosed quote at line %d : \"%s\"" line content
+ in
+ Error message
+ | e ->
+ let message = Printexc.to_string e in
+ Error message
+ let path = Expression_parser.Incremental.path_expr
+ let column = Expression_parser.Incremental.column_expr
+module Make (S : Decoders.Decode.S) = struct
+ let ( let* ) = S.( let* )
+ let ( and* ) = S.( and* )
+ let ( >>= ) = S.( >>= )
+ let ( >|= ) = S.( >|= )
+ class loader =
+ object (self)
+ method parse_expression : type a.
+ a ExpressionParser.path_builder ->
+ S.value ->
+ (a ImportExpression.T.t, S.value Decoders.Error.t) result =
+ fun path ->
+ S.string >>= fun v ->
+ match ExpressionParser.of_string path v with
+ | Ok expr -> S.succeed expr
+ | Error e -> S.fail_with Decoders.Error.(make e)
+ method source =
+ let* file = S.field "file" S.string
+ and* name = S.field "name" S.string
+ and* tab = S.field_opt_or ~default:1 "tab" S.int in
+ S.succeed { Table.file; name; tab }
+ method external_ name =
+ let* intern_key =
+ S.field "intern_key" (self#parse_expression ExpressionParser.path)
+ and* extern_key =
+ S.field "extern_key" (self#parse_expression ExpressionParser.column)
+ and* file = S.field "file" S.string
+ and* tab = S.field_opt_or ~default:1 "tab" S.int
+ and* allow_missing =
+ S.field_opt_or ~default:false "allow_missing" S.bool
+ in
+ S.succeed
+ Syntax.
+ {
+ intern_key;
+ extern_key;
+ target = { name; file; tab };
+ allow_missing;
+ match_rule = None;
+ }
+ method sheet =
+ let* columns =
+ S.field "columns"
+ @@ S.list (self#parse_expression ExpressionParser.path)
+ and* filters =
+ S.field_opt_or ~default:[] "filters"
+ @@ S.list (self#parse_expression ExpressionParser.path)
+ and* sort =
+ S.field_opt_or ~default:[] "sort"
+ @@ S.list (self#parse_expression ExpressionParser.path)
+ and* uniq =
+ S.field_opt_or ~default:[] "uniq"
+ @@ S.list (self#parse_expression ExpressionParser.path)
+ in
+ S.succeed @@ fun version source externals ->
+ Syntax.{ version; source; externals; columns; filters; sort; uniq }
+ method conf =
+ let* source = S.field "source" self#source
+ and* externals =
+ S.field_opt_or ~default:[] "externals"
+ (S.key_value_pairs_seq self#external_)
+ in
+ let* sheet =
+ S.field "sheet" self#sheet >|= fun v -> v 1 source externals
+ in
+ S.succeed sheet
+ end
+ let read_file file =
+ S.decode_file (new loader)#conf file
+ |> Result.map_error (fun v ->
+ let formatter = Format.str_formatter in
+ Format.fprintf formatter "%a@." S.pp_error v;
+ Format.flush_str_formatter ())
+ let read toml =
+ S.decode_value (new loader)#conf toml
+ |> Result.map_error (fun v ->
+ let formatter = Format.str_formatter in
+ Format.fprintf formatter "%a@." S.pp_error v;
+ Format.flush_str_formatter ())