path: root/lib/sql
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/sql')
12 files changed, 833 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/sql/date.ml b/lib/sql/date.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8933c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/sql/date.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+(** Parse a text value into a date *)
+let first_day = CalendarLib.Date.make 1899 12 30
+let f : Sqlite3.Data.t -> Sqlite3.Data.t -> Sqlite3.Data.t =
+ fun str data ->
+ match (str, data) with
+ | Sqlite3.Data.TEXT format_, Sqlite3.Data.TEXT content -> (
+ try
+ let date = CalendarLib.Printer.Date.from_fstring format_ content in
+ let period =
+ CalendarLib.Date.sub date first_day
+ |> CalendarLib.Date.Period.nb_days |> Int64.of_int
+ in
+ Sqlite3.Data.INT period
+ with
+ | Invalid_argument e ->
+ prerr_endline e;
+ Sqlite3.Data.NULL)
+ | _ ->
+ (* If the data is already a date, it should be preserved as is *)
+ data
+let register : Sqlite3.db -> unit = fun db -> Sqlite3.create_fun2 db "date" f
diff --git a/lib/sql/db.ml b/lib/sql/db.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89431b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/sql/db.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+open StdLabels
+module CSV = ImportCSV
+module Syntax = ImportConf.Syntax
+module Table = ImportDataTypes.Table
+module Path = ImportDataTypes.Path
+type 'a t = 'a T.t
+let ( let* ) res cont = Result.bind (T.to_result res) cont
+let ( let** ) res cont = Result.bind res cont
+let begin_transaction = T.begin_transaction
+let rollback = T.rollback
+let commit = T.commit
+let finalize = T.finalize
+let reset = T.reset
+let insert_header = Header.insert_header
+let query_headers = Header.query_headers
+let with_db : string -> (Sqlite3.db -> unit T.result) -> unit T.result =
+ fun filename f ->
+ let db = Sqlite3.db_open filename in
+ Match.register db;
+ Date.register db;
+ Year.register db;
+ Join.register db;
+ Math.register db;
+ Trim.register db;
+ (*let* _ = Sqlite3.exec db "PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON" |> to_result in*)
+ Sqlite3.( let& ) db f
+let create_table : 'a t -> ImportAnalyser.Dependency.t -> unit T.result =
+ fun db table ->
+ let source = ImportAnalyser.Dependency.table table in
+ let name = Table.name source in
+ let* _ =
+ Sqlite3.exec db
+ (String.concat ~sep:"" [ "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '"; name; "'" ])
+ in
+ let query = ImportAnalyser.Query.create_table table in
+ let* _ = Sqlite3.exec db query in
+ match Header.create_table db with
+ | Ok () -> Hashs.create_table db
+ | e -> e
+let update_hash : 'a t -> ImportAnalyser.Dependency.t -> unit T.result =
+ fun db mapping ->
+ match Hashs.insert db mapping with
+ | Ok () -> Ok ()
+ | Error _ ->
+ let _ = Hashs.create_table db in
+ Hashs.insert db mapping
+let check_table_schema : 'a t -> ImportAnalyser.Dependency.t -> bool T.result =
+ fun db table ->
+ let source = ImportAnalyser.Dependency.table table in
+ let name = Table.name source in
+ let query =
+ String.concat ~sep:""
+ [ "SELECT sql FROM sqlite_schema WHERE name = '"; name; "'" ]
+ in
+ let stmt = Sqlite3.prepare db query in
+ let rc, result =
+ Sqlite3.fold stmt ~init:false ~f:(fun value row ->
+ if Array.length row <> 1 then value
+ else
+ match Sqlite3.Data.to_string (Array.get row 0) with
+ | Some s ->
+ let query = ImportAnalyser.Query.create_table table in
+ String.equal s query
+ | None -> value)
+ in
+ let* _ = rc in
+ (* The schema is the same, now check the hash in case the indexes changed *)
+ let rc_hash = Hashs.query db source in
+ match rc_hash with
+ | Ok (Some i) ->
+ let hash = Hashs.evaluate table in
+ begin
+ if i == hash then Ok result
+ else
+ let _ = update_hash db table in
+ Ok false
+ end
+ | _ ->
+ let _ = update_hash db table in
+ Ok result
+let prepare_insert :
+ Sqlite3.db -> ImportAnalyser.Dependency.t -> Sqlite3.stmt T.result =
+ fun db mapping ->
+ (* Get the list of columns from the table configuration *)
+ let columns =
+ ImportAnalyser.Dependency.columns mapping
+ |> ImportContainers.IntSet.elements
+ in
+ let table_name = Table.name (ImportAnalyser.Dependency.table mapping) in
+ let open Buffer in
+ let buff = create 20 and value_buff = create 10 and col_buff = create 10 in
+ add_string col_buff "'id',";
+ (* Add the key name if present *)
+ List.iter (ImportAnalyser.Dependency.keys mapping)
+ ~f:(fun { ImportAnalyser.Dependency.name; _ } ->
+ add_string col_buff "'key_";
+ add_string col_buff name;
+ add_string col_buff "',");
+ add_string value_buff ":id,";
+ (* Add the key settings if presents *)
+ List.iter (ImportAnalyser.Dependency.keys mapping) ~f:(fun key ->
+ ImportAnalyser.Query.build_key_insert value_buff key;
+ add_string value_buff ",");
+ List.iter columns ~f:(fun id ->
+ add_string col_buff "'col_";
+ add_string col_buff (string_of_int id);
+ add_string col_buff "',";
+ let col_name = ":col_" ^ string_of_int id in
+ add_string value_buff col_name;
+ add_string value_buff ",");
+ truncate col_buff (length col_buff - 1);
+ truncate value_buff (length value_buff - 1);
+ add_string buff "INSERT INTO '";
+ add_string buff table_name;
+ add_string buff "' (";
+ add_buffer buff col_buff;
+ add_string buff " ) VALUES (";
+ add_buffer buff value_buff;
+ add_string buff " )";
+ let query = contents buff in
+ try Ok (Sqlite3.prepare db query) with
+ | e ->
+ print_endline "Error during this query :";
+ print_endline query;
+ Error e
+let eval_key :
+ 'a t ->
+ Sqlite3.stmt option ->
+ ImportAnalyser.Dependency.key list ->
+ (int * CSV.DataType.t) list ->
+ (Sqlite3.stmt option * Sqlite3.Data.t list) T.result =
+ fun db stmt keys values ->
+ match keys with
+ | [] -> Ok (None, [])
+ | _ ->
+ let buffer = Buffer.create 16 in
+ Buffer.add_string buffer "SELECT ";
+ List.iter keys ~f:(fun key ->
+ ImportAnalyser.Query.build_key_insert buffer key;
+ Buffer.add_string buffer ",");
+ Buffer.truncate buffer (Buffer.length buffer - 1);
+ let query = Buffer.contents buffer in
+ let statement = Sqlite3.prepare_or_reset db (ref stmt) query in
+ (* Extract all the column id used in the keys.
+ *)
+ let keys_id =
+ List.fold_left keys ~init:ImportContainers.IntSet.empty
+ ~f:(fun acc (keys : ImportAnalyser.Dependency.key) ->
+ let columns = Lazy.force keys.ImportAnalyser.Dependency.columns in
+ ImportContainers.IntSet.union acc columns)
+ in
+ let** _ =
+ List.fold_left values ~init:(Ok 1) ~f:(fun idx (id, value) ->
+ let** idx = idx in
+ (* Ensure the column is required in the keys *)
+ match ImportContainers.IntSet.mem (1 + id) keys_id with
+ | false -> Ok (idx + 1)
+ | true ->
+ let sql_data = T.of_datatype value in
+ let col_name = ":col_" ^ string_of_int (1 + id) in
+ let* _ = Sqlite3.bind_name statement col_name sql_data in
+ Ok (idx + 1))
+ in
+ let result, evaluated_keys =
+ Sqlite3.fold statement ~init:[] ~f:(fun _ v -> Array.to_list v)
+ in
+ let* _ = result in
+ Ok (Some statement, evaluated_keys)
+let insert :
+ Sqlite3.db ->
+ Sqlite3.stmt ->
+ id:int ->
+ (int * CSV.DataType.t) list ->
+ unit T.result =
+ fun db statement ~id values ->
+ let** _ = T.savepoint db "PREVIOUS" in
+ let* _ =
+ Sqlite3.bind_name statement ":id" (Sqlite3.Data.INT (Int64.of_int id))
+ in
+ let** _ =
+ List.fold_left values ~init:(Ok 1) ~f:(fun idx (id, value) ->
+ let** idx = idx in
+ let sql_data = T.of_datatype value in
+ let col_name = ":col_" ^ string_of_int (1 + id) in
+ let* _ = Sqlite3.bind_name statement col_name sql_data in
+ Ok (idx + 1))
+ in
+ match T.to_result (Sqlite3.step statement) with
+ | Ok () -> T.release db "PREVIOUS"
+ | Error e ->
+ (* I intentionnaly ignore any error here, as we are already in an
+ error case *)
+ Error e
+(** This simple function convert a query generated by the application into a
+ statement executed with sqlite.
+ The function expect a perfect match between the query and the parameters. *)
+let execute_query :
+ Sqlite3.db -> ImportAnalyser.Query.query -> Sqlite3.stmt T.result =
+ fun db query ->
+ let statement =
+ try Sqlite3.prepare db query.q with
+ | e ->
+ print_endline "Error during this query :";
+ print_endline query.q;
+ raise e
+ in
+ (* Add the binded parameters *)
+ let values =
+ Seq.map (fun v -> T.of_datatype v) query.parameters |> List.of_seq
+ in
+ let* _ = Sqlite3.bind_values statement values in
+ Ok statement
+let query :
+ f:((Path.t ImportExpression.T.t * CSV.DataType.t) array -> unit) ->
+ Sqlite3.db ->
+ Syntax.t ->
+ unit T.result =
+ fun ~f db output ->
+ (* Extract the query from the configuration. *)
+ let** query_analysis =
+ match ImportAnalyser.Query.select output with
+ | exception e -> Error e
+ | other -> Ok other
+ in
+ let query, columns = query_analysis in
+ let** statement = execute_query db query in
+ let* _ =
+ Sqlite3.iter statement ~f:(fun data ->
+ let values =
+ Array.map2 data columns ~f:(fun value column ->
+ (column, T.to_datatype value))
+ in
+ f values)
+ in
+ Ok ()
+let create_view : Sqlite3.db -> Syntax.t -> unit T.result =
+ fun db output ->
+ ignore output;
+ let* drop = Sqlite3.exec db "DROP VIEW IF EXISTS 'result'" in
+ ignore drop;
+ Ok ()
+ let query, _ = ImportAnalyser.Query.select output in
+ let query =
+ { query with q = Printf.sprintf "CREATE VIEW result AS %s" query.q }
+ in
+ let** statement = execute_query db query in
+ Sqlite3.step statement |> T.to_result
+ *)
+let check_foreign :
+ f:((string * CSV.DataType.t) array -> unit) ->
+ Sqlite3.db ->
+ Syntax.t ->
+ Syntax.extern ->
+ unit T.result =
+ fun ~f db conf external_ ->
+ let query = ImportAnalyser.Query.check_external conf external_ in
+ let** statement = execute_query db query in
+ Sqlite3.iter statement ~f:(fun data ->
+ let values =
+ Array.mapi data ~f:(fun i value ->
+ (Sqlite3.column_name statement i, T.to_datatype value))
+ in
+ f values)
+ |> T.to_result
+let clear_duplicates :
+ f:((string * ImportCSV.DataType.t) array -> unit) ->
+ 'a t ->
+ ImportDataTypes.Table.t ->
+ ImportAnalyser.Dependency.key list ->
+ unit T.result =
+ fun ~f db table keys ->
+ let table_name = Table.name table in
+ List.fold_left keys ~init:(Ok ())
+ ~f:(fun state { ImportAnalyser.Dependency.name; _ } ->
+ let** _ = state in
+ let select_query =
+ String.concat ~sep:""
+ [
+ "SELECT '";
+ table_name;
+ "'.id, '";
+ table_name;
+ "'.'key_";
+ name;
+ "', '";
+ name;
+ "' FROM '";
+ table_name;
+ "' INNER JOIN (SELECT id, row_number() OVER(PARTITION BY '";
+ table_name;
+ "'.'key_";
+ name;
+ "' ORDER BY (id)) AS row_num from '";
+ table_name;
+ "') other_table WHERE other_table.row_num <> 1 and '";
+ table_name;
+ "'.id = other_table.id";
+ ]
+ in
+ let stmt = Sqlite3.prepare db select_query in
+ ignore
+ @@ Sqlite3.iter stmt ~f:(fun data ->
+ let values =
+ Array.mapi data ~f:(fun i value ->
+ (Sqlite3.column_name stmt i, T.to_datatype value))
+ in
+ f values);
+ let delete_query =
+ Printf.sprintf
+ {|UPDATE '%s'
+SET key_%s = NULL
+ SELECT id, row_number() OVER(PARTITION BY key_%s ORDER BY (id)) AS row_num
+ from '%s'
+) other_table
+WHERE other_table.row_num <> 1
+and '%s'.id = other_table.id|}
+ table_name name name table_name table_name
+ in
+ Sqlite3.exec db delete_query |> T.to_result)
+type 'a result = ('a, exn) Result.t
diff --git a/lib/sql/db.mli b/lib/sql/db.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..465b159
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/sql/db.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+module Syntax = ImportConf.Syntax
+type 'a t
+type 'a result = ('a, exn) Result.t
+val with_db : string -> ('a t -> unit result) -> unit result
+val check_table_schema : 'a t -> ImportAnalyser.Dependency.t -> bool result
+(** Check if a table with the same structure already exists in the database.
+ This query allow to reuse the same data without reloading the file if
+ nothing changed. *)
+val create_table : 'a t -> ImportAnalyser.Dependency.t -> unit result
+(** [create_table db name] will create a new table in the
+ db with the given name, and the columns from the configuration (see
+ [ImportAnalyser.Query.create_table])
+ Any previous table with the same name will be deleted. *)
+val prepare_insert : 'a t -> ImportAnalyser.Dependency.t -> Sqlite3.stmt result
+(** Create a statement to use in an insert.
+ [prepare_insert db table] will prepare a statement for inserting
+ the columns at the given index. *)
+val finalize : Sqlite3.stmt -> unit result
+(** Finalize the statement. The function shall be called once each insert are
+ done, or after an error in the insert. *)
+val reset : Sqlite3.stmt -> unit result
+val eval_key :
+ 'a t ->
+ Sqlite3.stmt option ->
+ ImportAnalyser.Dependency.key list ->
+ (int * ImportCSV.DataType.t) list ->
+ (Sqlite3.stmt option * Sqlite3.Data.t list) result
+(** Evaluate the keys in sqlite and get the results.
+ The function is intended to check if the values are null before inserting
+ them in a batch *)
+val insert :
+ 'a t ->
+ Sqlite3.stmt ->
+ id:int ->
+ (int * ImportCSV.DataType.t) list ->
+ unit result
+(** Insert a new row in the database.
+ [insert db ~id statement values] will add a new row in the given table with
+ [id]. The columns are identified with their index number (there is a
+ difference by one with the column number)
+ Thanks to SQLite Flexible Typing (https://www.sqlite.org/flextypegood.html)
+ each column can contain values typed differently which is how the spreadsheet
+ also works.
+ This function is expected to be run inside a transaction. *)
+val begin_transaction : 'a t -> unit result
+val commit : 'a t -> unit result
+val rollback : 'a t -> unit result
+val query :
+ f:
+ ((ImportDataTypes.Path.t ImportExpression.T.t * ImportCSV.DataType.t) array ->
+ unit) ->
+ 'a t ->
+ Syntax.t ->
+ unit result
+(** This one the most important function from the application. The function
+ will transform the configuration into an sql query and will fetch the
+ result from the sqlite engine.
+ The function [f] given in argument will be called for each line
+ *)
+val create_view : 'a t -> Syntax.t -> unit result
+(** Create a view which represent the result *)
+val check_foreign :
+ f:((string * ImportCSV.DataType.t) array -> unit) ->
+ 'a t ->
+ Syntax.t ->
+ Syntax.extern ->
+ unit result
+val clear_duplicates :
+ f:((string * ImportCSV.DataType.t) array -> unit) ->
+ 'a t ->
+ ImportDataTypes.Table.t ->
+ ImportAnalyser.Dependency.key list ->
+ unit result
+(** Remove all duplicated keys in the table by setting them to NULL. *)
+val insert_header :
+ 'a t ->
+ ImportDataTypes.Table.t ->
+ (int * ImportCSV.DataType.t) array ->
+ unit T.result
+val query_headers :
+ 'a t -> ImportDataTypes.Table.t -> ImportCSV.DataType.t array T.result
+(** Get all the headers from the database (used or not) *)
diff --git a/lib/sql/dune b/lib/sql/dune
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f9f205
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/sql/dune
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ (name importSQL)
+ (libraries
+ re
+ sqlite3
+ calendar
+ importAnalyser
+ importCSV
+ importConf
+ importContainers
+ importDataTypes
+ importErrors
+ importExpression
+ )
diff --git a/lib/sql/hashs.ml b/lib/sql/hashs.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af1f092
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/sql/hashs.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ This module store the hash of the indexes ([extern_key]) for each table in
+ order to update the file if the configuration changed.
+ The hashes are stored in a table named [hashes] and are evaluated just
+ before inserting the values.
+open StdLabels
+module Table = ImportDataTypes.Table
+let ( let* ) = Result.bind
+let create_table : 'a T.t -> unit T.result =
+ fun db ->
+ Sqlite3.exec db
+ "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 'hashes' ('table' TEXT, 'hash' INTEGER, \
+ PRIMARY KEY ('table'))"
+ |> T.to_result
+let evaluate : ImportAnalyser.Dependency.t -> int =
+ fun table ->
+ (* Extract all the references to this table *)
+ let keys =
+ List.map (ImportAnalyser.Dependency.keys table)
+ ~f:(fun ImportAnalyser.Dependency.{ name; columns; expression } ->
+ ignore columns;
+ (name, expression))
+ in
+ Hashtbl.hash keys
+let insert : 'a T.t -> ImportAnalyser.Dependency.t -> unit T.result =
+ fun db table ->
+ let source = ImportAnalyser.Dependency.table table in
+ let table_name = Table.name source in
+ let hash = evaluate table in
+ let query =
+ String.concat ~sep:""
+ [
+ "INSERT INTO 'hashes' ('table', 'hash') VALUES ('";
+ table_name;
+ "', :hash) ON CONFLICT(hashes.'table') DO UPDATE SET 'hash' = :hash";
+ ]
+ in
+ let* statement =
+ try Ok (Sqlite3.prepare db query) with
+ | e -> Error e
+ in
+ let* _ = T.begin_transaction db in
+ let sql_data = Sqlite3.Data.INT (Int64.of_int hash) in
+ let* _ = Sqlite3.bind_name statement ":hash" sql_data |> T.to_result in
+ let* _ = T.to_result (Sqlite3.step statement) in
+ T.commit db
+let query : 'a T.t -> ImportDataTypes.Table.t -> int option T.result =
+ fun db table ->
+ let table_name = Table.name table in
+ let query =
+ String.concat ~sep:""
+ [ "SELECT hash FROM 'hashes' WHERE hashes.'table' = '"; table_name; "'" ]
+ in
+ let* stmt =
+ try Ok (Sqlite3.prepare db query) with
+ | e -> Error e
+ in
+ let state, res =
+ Sqlite3.fold stmt ~init:None ~f:(fun _ d ->
+ Some (T.to_datatype (Array.get d 0)))
+ in
+ let* _ = T.to_result state in
+ match res with
+ | Some (ImportCSV.DataType.Integer i) -> Ok (Some i)
+ | _ -> Ok None
diff --git a/lib/sql/header.ml b/lib/sql/header.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3cac5fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/sql/header.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+open StdLabels
+module Table = ImportDataTypes.Table
+let ( let* ) = Result.bind
+let create_table : 'a T.t -> unit T.result =
+ fun db ->
+ Sqlite3.exec db
+ "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 'header' ('table' TEXT, 'column' INTEGER, \
+ 'label', PRIMARY KEY ('table', 'column'))"
+ |> T.to_result
+let insert_header :
+ 'a T.t ->
+ ImportDataTypes.Table.t ->
+ (int * ImportCSV.DataType.t) array ->
+ unit T.result =
+ fun db table values ->
+ let table_name = Table.name table in
+ let query =
+ String.concat ~sep:""
+ [
+ "INSERT INTO 'header' ('table', 'column', 'label') VALUES ('";
+ table_name;
+ "', :column, :label) ON CONFLICT(header.'table', header.'column') DO \
+ UPDATE SET 'label' = :label";
+ ]
+ in
+ let statement = Sqlite3.prepare db query in
+ let* _ = T.begin_transaction db in
+ let* _ =
+ Array.fold_left values ~init:(Ok ()) ~f:(fun acc (column, value) ->
+ let* _ = acc in
+ let sql_data = T.of_datatype value in
+ let* _ = Sqlite3.bind_name statement ":label" sql_data |> T.to_result in
+ let* _ =
+ Sqlite3.bind_name statement ":column"
+ (Sqlite3.Data.INT (Int64.of_int column))
+ |> T.to_result
+ in
+ let* _ = T.to_result (Sqlite3.step statement) in
+ T.reset statement)
+ in
+ T.commit db
+let query_headers :
+ 'a T.t -> ImportDataTypes.Table.t -> ImportCSV.DataType.t array T.result =
+ fun db table ->
+ let table_name = Table.name table in
+ let query =
+ String.concat ~sep:""
+ [
+ "SELECT label FROM 'header' WHERE header.'table' = '";
+ table_name;
+ "' ORDER BY column DESC";
+ ]
+ in
+ let* stmt =
+ try Ok (Sqlite3.prepare db query) with
+ | e -> Error e
+ in
+ let state, res =
+ Sqlite3.fold stmt ~init:[] ~f:(fun acc d ->
+ let value = T.to_datatype (Array.get d 0) in
+ value :: acc)
+ in
+ let* _ = T.to_result state in
+ Ok (Array.of_list res)
diff --git a/lib/sql/join.ml b/lib/sql/join.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f82b92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/sql/join.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+module D = Sqlite3.Data
+let f : Sqlite3.Data.t array -> Sqlite3.Data.t =
+ fun arguments ->
+ if Array.length arguments < 2 then Sqlite3.Data.NULL
+ else
+ let sep = Array.get arguments 0 in
+ (* Shift all the elements into an list*)
+ let contents =
+ Array.to_seqi arguments
+ |> Seq.filter_map (fun (i, value) ->
+ if i = 0 then None
+ else
+ match value with
+ | D.INT i -> Some (Int64.to_string i)
+ | D.FLOAT f -> Some (Float.to_string f)
+ | D.NONE -> None
+ | D.NULL -> None
+ | D.TEXT s | D.BLOB s ->
+ if String.length s = 0 then None else Some (String.trim s))
+ |> List.of_seq
+ in
+ D.TEXT (String.concat (D.to_string_coerce sep) contents)
+let register : Sqlite3.db -> unit =
+ fun db ->
+ Sqlite3.create_funN db "join" f;
+ Sqlite3.create_funN db "concat" f
diff --git a/lib/sql/match.ml b/lib/sql/match.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82fc1da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/sql/match.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+let f : Sqlite3.Data.t -> Sqlite3.Data.t -> Sqlite3.Data.t =
+ let memo = Hashtbl.create 16 in
+ fun str data_1 ->
+ match (str, data_1) with
+ | Sqlite3.Data.TEXT s, Sqlite3.Data.TEXT content -> (
+ let regex =
+ match Hashtbl.find_opt memo s with
+ | None ->
+ let regex = Re.Posix.compile_pat s in
+ Hashtbl.add memo s regex;
+ regex
+ | Some v -> v
+ in
+ match Re.exec_opt regex content with
+ | None -> Sqlite3.Data.NULL
+ | Some g ->
+ let matched = Re.Group.get g 1 in
+ Sqlite3.Data.TEXT matched)
+ | _, _ -> data_1
+let register : Sqlite3.db -> unit = fun db -> Sqlite3.create_fun2 db "match" f
diff --git a/lib/sql/math.ml b/lib/sql/math.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..576d9f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/sql/math.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+(** Math functions *)
+let int : Sqlite3.Data.t -> Sqlite3.Data.t =
+ fun data ->
+ match data with
+ (* If the data is already an int, do not change it *)
+ | Sqlite3.Data.INT _ -> data
+ | Sqlite3.Data.FLOAT content -> Sqlite3.Data.INT (Int64.of_float content)
+ | Sqlite3.Data.BLOB content | Sqlite3.Data.TEXT content -> begin
+ match Int64.of_string_opt content with
+ | Some i -> Sqlite3.Data.INT i
+ | None -> begin
+ match Float.of_string_opt content with
+ | Some f -> Sqlite3.Data.INT (Int64.of_float f)
+ | None -> Sqlite3.Data.NULL
+ end
+ end
+ | _ -> Sqlite3.Data.NULL
+let register : Sqlite3.db -> unit = fun db -> Sqlite3.create_fun1 db "int" int
diff --git a/lib/sql/t.ml b/lib/sql/t.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..202c535
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/sql/t.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+exception SqlError of Sqlite3.Rc.t
+type 'a t = Sqlite3.db
+type 'a result = ('a, exn) Result.t
+let to_result : Sqlite3.Rc.t -> unit result = function
+ | Sqlite3.Rc.OK | Sqlite3.Rc.DONE -> Ok ()
+ | res -> Error (SqlError res)
+let begin_transaction : Sqlite3.db -> unit result =
+ fun db ->
+ let query = "BEGIN" in
+ Sqlite3.exec db query |> to_result
+let commit : Sqlite3.db -> unit result =
+ fun db ->
+ let query = "COMMIT" in
+ Sqlite3.exec db query |> to_result
+let rollback : Sqlite3.db -> unit result =
+ fun db ->
+ let query = "ROLLBACK" in
+ Sqlite3.exec db query |> to_result
+let savepoint : Sqlite3.db -> string -> unit result =
+ fun db name ->
+ let query = "SAVEPOINT " ^ name in
+ Sqlite3.exec db query |> to_result
+let release : Sqlite3.db -> string -> unit result =
+ fun db name ->
+ let query = "RELEASE SAVEPOINT " ^ name in
+ Sqlite3.exec db query |> to_result
+let finalize : Sqlite3.stmt -> unit result =
+ fun statement -> to_result (Sqlite3.finalize statement)
+let reset : Sqlite3.stmt -> unit result =
+ fun statement -> to_result (Sqlite3.reset statement)
+let of_datatype = function
+ | ImportCSV.DataType.Float f -> Sqlite3.Data.FLOAT f
+ | ImportCSV.DataType.Integer i -> Sqlite3.Data.INT (Int64.of_int i)
+ | ImportCSV.DataType.Null -> Sqlite3.Data.NULL
+ | ImportCSV.DataType.Error _ -> Sqlite3.Data.NULL
+ | ImportCSV.DataType.Content s -> Sqlite3.Data.TEXT s
+let to_datatype : Sqlite3.Data.t -> ImportCSV.DataType.t = function
+ | Sqlite3.Data.NONE | Sqlite3.Data.NULL -> ImportCSV.DataType.Null
+ | Sqlite3.Data.INT i -> ImportCSV.DataType.Integer (Int64.to_int i)
+ | Sqlite3.Data.FLOAT f -> ImportCSV.DataType.Float f
+ | Sqlite3.Data.TEXT t | Sqlite3.Data.BLOB t -> ImportCSV.DataType.Content t
diff --git a/lib/sql/trim.ml b/lib/sql/trim.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e4bcf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/sql/trim.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+(* Override the trim function with another which also remove the retchar *)
+let f : Sqlite3.Data.t -> Sqlite3.Data.t =
+ fun data ->
+ match data with
+ | Sqlite3.Data.TEXT content -> Sqlite3.Data.TEXT (String.trim content)
+ | _ -> data
+let register : Sqlite3.db -> unit = fun db -> Sqlite3.create_fun1 db "trim" f
diff --git a/lib/sql/year.ml b/lib/sql/year.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e9c599
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/sql/year.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+(** Parse a text value into a date *)
+open CalendarLib
+let first_day = CalendarLib.Date.make 1899 12 30
+let f : Sqlite3.Data.t -> Sqlite3.Data.t =
+ fun data ->
+ match data with
+ | Sqlite3.Data.INT content ->
+ let nb = Int64.to_int content in
+ let date = Date.add first_day (Date.Period.day nb) in
+ let year = CalendarLib.Date.year date in
+ Sqlite3.Data.INT (Int64.of_int year)
+ | _ -> data
+let register : Sqlite3.db -> unit = fun db -> Sqlite3.create_fun1 db "year" f