path: root/common/classes/tex
diff options
authorSébastien Dailly <sebastien@dailly.me>2024-06-13 10:25:52 +0200
committerSébastien Dailly <sebastien@dailly.me>2024-06-13 10:25:52 +0200
commit29f0b0efcee3b462b5469aec45763e820f3311a2 (patch)
tree0a13074743240bd985c4e817a2e7749336cc867b /common/classes/tex
parent1dafbcc4532d63d389d9d33b3efae15452bcf0bb (diff)
Added all the styles requirements
Diffstat (limited to 'common/classes/tex')
12 files changed, 980 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/common/classes/tex/DUClasses/DUclasses.sty b/common/classes/tex/DUClasses/DUclasses.sty
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..737fbf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/classes/tex/DUClasses/DUclasses.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+\ProvidesPackage{DUclasses}[2019/08/13 Docutils custom classes]
+% Permet d'appliquer des paramètres aux styles de classes, et fournis quelques styles
+% correspondant
+% .. container:: textcolor-white centering
+% Ceci est un test
+% Sur plusieurs lignes
+% Mise à jour de l'environnement DUclass
+% class handling for environments (block-level elements)
+% \begin{DUclass}{foo-bar} tries \DUCLASSfoo[bar] and
+% \end{DUclass}{foo} tries \endDUCLASSfoo
+ \newenvironment{DUclass}[1]%
+ {\StrCut{#1}{-}\csA\csB
+ \def\DocutilsClassFunctionName{DUCLASS\csA}% arg cannot be used in end-part of environment.
+ \csname \DocutilsClassFunctionName \endcsname{\csB}}%
+ {\csname end\DocutilsClassFunctionName \endcsname}%
+% Creation d'une boite de hauteur fixe
+ \parbox[s][#1][c]{\linewidth}{\BODY}
+% Mise en couleur du texte
diff --git a/common/classes/tex/DUStyle/DUStyle.sty b/common/classes/tex/DUStyle/DUStyle.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..666d703
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/classes/tex/DUStyle/DUStyle.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+\ProvidesPackage{DUStyle}[2018/02/25 DUStyle Package]
+% The macro can be used to create your own style :
+% the style will apply by declaring a custom class :
+% .. admonition:: Title
+% :class: warning
+% .. sidebar:: Title
+% :class: note
+% Background color for the frame.
+\definecolor{DUStyle@lightGray}{RGB}{245, 245, 245}
+% arg1 : The circle backround color
+% arg2 : The dot content
+% arg3 : The title environment
+% arg4 : The title
+ \begin{#3}%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{}}
+ {}
+ {%
+ \tikz[baseline]{%
+ \node[circle,fill=#1,inner sep=3pt,anchor=base] at (0, 0)%
+ {\color{DUStyle@lightGray}#2};
+ }%
+ }
+ {#4}
+ \end{#3}
+ \begin{mdframed}[topline=false,
+ bottomline=false,
+ rightline=false,
+ linecolor=#1,
+ linewidth=3pt,
+ skipabove=0.5cm,
+ %backgroundcolor=DUStyle@lightGray
+ ]%
+ #2
+ \end{mdframed}
+% Create two commands with the same style :
+% - for the admonition colored box
+% - for the titles in styles (sidebar, admonitions...)
+ \expandafter\newcommand\csname DUadmonition#1\endcsname[1]{\DUStyle@colorBox{#2}{##1}}
+ \expandafter\newcommand\csname DUtitle#1\endcsname[1]{\DUStyle@iconizedTitle{#2}{#3}{#4}{##1}}
diff --git a/common/classes/tex/DUcenter/DUcenter.sty b/common/classes/tex/DUcenter/DUcenter.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5e0781
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/classes/tex/DUcenter/DUcenter.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+\ProvidesPackage{DUcenter}[2017/04/16 Docutils center role]
+% Permet de centrer un texte en utilisant la classe « center »
+% .. class:: center
+% Ce texte sera centré
diff --git a/common/classes/tex/DUcolumns/DUcolumn.sty b/common/classes/tex/DUcolumns/DUcolumn.sty
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d8e7141
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/classes/tex/DUcolumns/DUcolumn.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+\ProvidesPackage{DUcolumn}[2017/04/16 Docutils multicol]
+% .. container:: paracol2
+% Create a section of two column using paracol
+% .. container:: multicols2
+% Create a section of two column using multicols
+ {\begin{paracol}{2}}
+ {\end{paracol}}
+ {\begin{paracol}{2}}
+ {\end{paracol}}
+ {\begin{multicols}{2}}
+ {\end{multicols}}
+ {\begin{multicols}{3}}
+ {\end{multicols}}
diff --git a/common/classes/tex/DUpygments/DUpygments-arduino.sty b/common/classes/tex/DUpygments/DUpygments-arduino.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1f623b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/classes/tex/DUpygments/DUpygments-arduino.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+\ProvidesPackage{DUpygments-arduino}[2017/04/16 Docutils Pygments]
+% Stylesheet for syntax highlight with Docutils
+% Generated by pygments_css2sty.py from a Pygments CSS style
+% (output of `pygmentize -S <style> -f html`).
+% Comment
+% Error
+% Keyword
+% Name
+% Operator
+% Comment.Hashbang
+% Comment.Multiline
+% Comment.Preproc
+% Comment.PreprocFile
+% Comment.Single
+\expandafter\providecommand\csname DUrolec1\endcsname[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{0.58,0.65,0.65}{#1}}
+% Comment.Special
+% Keyword.Constant
+% Keyword.Declaration
+% Keyword.Namespace
+% Keyword.Pseudo
+% Keyword.Reserved
+% Keyword.Type
+% Literal.Number
+% Literal.String
+% Name.Attribute
+% Name.Builtin
+% Name.Class
+% Name.Constant
+% Name.Decorator
+% Name.Entity
+% Name.Exception
+% Name.Function
+% Name.Label
+% Name.Namespace
+% Name.Other
+% Name.Property
+% Name.Tag
+% Name.Variable
+% Operator.Word
+% Literal.Number.Bin
+% Literal.Number.Float
+% Literal.Number.Hex
+% Literal.Number.Integer
+% Literal.Number.Oct
+% Literal.String.Affix
+% Literal.String.Backtick
+% Literal.String.Char
+% Literal.String.Delimiter
+% Literal.String.Doc
+% Literal.String.Double
+\expandafter\providecommand\csname DUroles2\endcsname[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{0.50,0.55,0.55}{#1}}
+% Literal.String.Escape
+% Literal.String.Heredoc
+% Literal.String.Interpol
+% Literal.String.Other
+% Literal.String.Regex
+% Literal.String.Single
+\expandafter\providecommand\csname DUroles1\endcsname[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{0.50,0.55,0.55}{#1}}
+% Literal.String.Symbol
+% Name.Builtin.Pseudo
+% Name.Function.Magic
+% Name.Variable.Class
+% Name.Variable.Global
+% Name.Variable.Instance
+% Name.Variable.Magic
+% Literal.Number.Integer.Long
diff --git a/common/classes/tex/DUpygments/DUpygments-colorful.sty b/common/classes/tex/DUpygments/DUpygments-colorful.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8a1d13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/classes/tex/DUpygments/DUpygments-colorful.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+\ProvidesPackage{DUpygments-colorful}[2017/04/19 Docutils Pygments]
+% Stylesheet for syntax highlight with Docutils
+% Generated by pygments_css2sty.py from a Pygments CSS style
+% (output of `pygmentize -S <style> -f html`).
+% Comment
+% Error
+% Keyword
+% Literal
+% Name
+% Operator
+% Punctuation
+% Comment.Hashbang
+% Comment.Multiline
+% Comment.Preproc
+% Comment.PreprocFile
+% Comment.Single
+\expandafter\providecommand\csname DUrolec1\endcsname[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{0.25,0.53,0.23}{#1}}
+% Comment.Special
+% Generic.Deleted
+% Generic.Emph
+% Generic.Heading
+% Generic.Inserted
+% Generic.Prompt
+% Generic.Strong
+% Generic.Subheading
+% Keyword.Constant
+% Keyword.Declaration
+% Keyword.Namespace
+% Keyword.Pseudo
+% Keyword.Reserved
+% Keyword.Type
+% Literal.Date
+% Literal.Number
+% Literal.String
+% Name.Attribute
+% Name.Builtin
+% Name.Class
+% Name.Constant
+% Name.Decorator
+% Name.Entity
+% Name.Exception
+% Name.Function
+% Name.Label
+% Name.Namespace
+% Name.Other
+% Name.Property
+% Name.Tag
+% Name.Variable
+% Operator.Word
+% Text.Whitespace
+% Literal.Number.Bin
+% Literal.Number.Float
+% Literal.Number.Hex
+% Literal.Number.Integer
+% Literal.Number.Oct
+% Literal.String.Affix
+% Literal.String.Backtick
+% Literal.String.Char
+% Literal.String.Delimiter
+% Literal.String.Doc
+% Literal.String.Double
+\expandafter\providecommand\csname DUroles2\endcsname[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{0.28,0.71,0.52}{#1}}
+% Literal.String.Escape
+% Literal.String.Heredoc
+% Literal.String.Interpol
+% Literal.String.Other
+% Literal.String.Regex
+% Literal.String.Single
+\expandafter\providecommand\csname DUroles1\endcsname[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{0.28,0.71,0.52}{#1}}
+% Literal.String.Symbol
+% Name.Builtin.Pseudo
+% Name.Function.Magic
+% Name.Variable.Class
+% Name.Variable.Global
+% Name.Variable.Instance
+% Name.Variable.Magic
+% Literal.Number.Integer.Long
diff --git a/common/classes/tex/DUpygments/DUpygments-default.sty b/common/classes/tex/DUpygments/DUpygments-default.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf0fa8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/classes/tex/DUpygments/DUpygments-default.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+\ProvidesPackage{DUpygments-default}[2017/04/16 Docutils Pygments]
+% Stylesheet for syntax highlight with Docutils
+% Generated by makesty.py from a Pygments CSS style
+% (output of `pygmentize -S <style> -f html`).
+% Comment
+% Error
+% Keyword
+% Operator
+% Comment.Multiline
+% Comment.Preproc
+% Comment.Single
+\expandafter\providecommand\csname DUrolec1\endcsname[1]{\textit{\textcolor[rgb]{0.25,0.50,0.50}{#1}}}
+% Comment.Special
+% Generic.Deleted
+% Generic.Emph
+% Generic.Error
+% Generic.Heading
+% Generic.Inserted
+% Generic.Output
+% Generic.Prompt
+% Generic.Strong
+% Generic.Subheading
+% Generic.Traceback
+% Keyword.Constant
+% Keyword.Declaration
+% Keyword.Namespace
+% Keyword.Pseudo
+% Keyword.Reserved
+% Keyword.Type
+% Literal.Number
+% Literal.String
+% Name.Attribute
+% Name.Builtin
+% Name.Class
+% Name.Constant
+% Name.Decorator
+% Name.Entity
+% Name.Exception
+% Name.Function
+% Name.Label
+% Name.Namespace
+% Name.Tag
+% Name.Variable
+% Operator.Word
+% Text.Whitespace
+% Literal.Number.Float
+% Literal.Number.Hex
+% Literal.Number.Integer
+% Literal.Number.Oct
+% Literal.String.Backtick
+% Literal.String.Char
+% Literal.String.Doc
+% Literal.String.Double
+\expandafter\providecommand\csname DUroles2\endcsname[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{0.73,0.13,0.13}{#1}}
+% Literal.String.Escape
+% Literal.String.Heredoc
+% Literal.String.Interpol
+% Literal.String.Other
+% Literal.String.Regex
+% Literal.String.Single
+\expandafter\providecommand\csname DUroles1\endcsname[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{0.73,0.13,0.13}{#1}}
+% Literal.String.Symbol
+% Name.Builtin.Pseudo
+% Name.Variable.Class
+% Name.Variable.Global
+% Name.Variable.Instance
+% Literal.Number.Integer.Long
diff --git a/common/classes/tex/DUpygments/DUpygments-monokai.sty b/common/classes/tex/DUpygments/DUpygments-monokai.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e95f4dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/classes/tex/DUpygments/DUpygments-monokai.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+% Stylesheet for syntax highlight with Docutils
+% Generated by pygments_css2sty.py from a Pygments CSS style
+% (output of `pygmentize -S <style> -f html`).
+% Comment
+% Error
+% Keyword
+% Literal
+% Name
+% Operator
+% Punctuation
+% Comment.Hashbang
+% Comment.Multiline
+% Comment.Preproc
+% Comment.PreprocFile
+% Comment.Single
+\expandafter\providecommand\csname DUrolec1\endcsname[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{0.46,0.44,0.37}{#1}}
+% Comment.Special
+% Generic.Deleted
+% Generic.Emph
+% Generic.Inserted
+% Generic.Strong
+% Generic.Subheading
+% Keyword.Constant
+% Keyword.Declaration
+% Keyword.Namespace
+% Keyword.Pseudo
+% Keyword.Reserved
+% Keyword.Type
+% Literal.Date
+% Literal.Number
+% Literal.String
+% Name.Attribute
+% Name.Builtin
+% Name.Class
+% Name.Constant
+% Name.Decorator
+% Name.Entity
+% Name.Exception
+% Name.Function
+% Name.Label
+% Name.Namespace
+% Name.Other
+% Name.Property
+% Name.Tag
+% Name.Variable
+% Operator.Word
+% Text.Whitespace
+% Literal.Number.Bin
+% Literal.Number.Float
+% Literal.Number.Hex
+% Literal.Number.Integer
+% Literal.Number.Oct
+% Literal.String.Affix
+% Literal.String.Backtick
+% Literal.String.Char
+% Literal.String.Delimiter
+% Literal.String.Doc
+% Literal.String.Double
+\expandafter\providecommand\csname DUroles2\endcsname[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{0.90,0.86,0.45}{#1}}
+% Literal.String.Escape
+% Literal.String.Heredoc
+% Literal.String.Interpol
+% Literal.String.Other
+% Literal.String.Regex
+% Literal.String.Single
+\expandafter\providecommand\csname DUroles1\endcsname[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{0.90,0.86,0.45}{#1}}
+% Literal.String.Symbol
+% Name.Builtin.Pseudo
+% Name.Function.Magic
+% Name.Variable.Class
+% Name.Variable.Global
+% Name.Variable.Instance
+% Name.Variable.Magic
+% Literal.Number.Integer.Long
diff --git a/common/classes/tex/DUpygments/DUpygments-tango.sty b/common/classes/tex/DUpygments/DUpygments-tango.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5a8fd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/classes/tex/DUpygments/DUpygments-tango.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+% Stylesheet for syntax highlight with Docutils
+% Generated by pygments_css2sty.py from a Pygments CSS style
+% (output of `pygmentize -S <style> -f html`).
+% Comment
+% Error
+% Generic
+% Keyword
+% Literal
+% Name
+% Operator
+% Other
+% Punctuation
+% Comment.Hashbang
+% Comment.Multiline
+% Comment.Preproc
+% Comment.PreprocFile
+% Comment.Single
+\expandafter\providecommand\csname DUrolec1\endcsname[1]{\textit{\textcolor[rgb]{0.56,0.35,0.01}{#1}}}
+% Comment.Special
+% Generic.Deleted
+% Generic.Emph
+% Generic.Error
+% Generic.Heading
+% Generic.Inserted
+% Generic.Output
+% Generic.Prompt
+% Generic.Strong
+% Generic.Subheading
+% Generic.Traceback
+% Keyword.Constant
+% Keyword.Declaration
+% Keyword.Namespace
+% Keyword.Pseudo
+% Keyword.Reserved
+% Keyword.Type
+% Literal.Date
+% Literal.Number
+% Literal.String
+% Name.Attribute
+% Name.Builtin
+% Name.Class
+% Name.Constant
+% Name.Decorator
+% Name.Entity
+% Name.Exception
+% Name.Function
+% Name.Label
+% Name.Namespace
+% Name.Other
+% Name.Property
+% Name.Tag
+% Name.Variable
+% Operator.Word
+% Text.Whitespace
+% Literal.Number.Bin
+% Literal.Number.Float
+% Literal.Number.Hex
+% Literal.Number.Integer
+% Literal.Number.Oct
+% Literal.String.Affix
+% Literal.String.Backtick
+% Literal.String.Char
+% Literal.String.Delimiter
+% Literal.String.Doc
+% Literal.String.Double
+\expandafter\providecommand\csname DUroles2\endcsname[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{0.31,0.60,0.02}{#1}}
+% Literal.String.Escape
+% Literal.String.Heredoc
+% Literal.String.Interpol
+% Literal.String.Other
+% Literal.String.Regex
+% Literal.String.Single
+\expandafter\providecommand\csname DUroles1\endcsname[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{0.31,0.60,0.02}{#1}}
+% Literal.String.Symbol
+% Name.Builtin.Pseudo
+% Name.Function.Magic
+% Name.Variable.Class
+% Name.Variable.Global
+% Name.Variable.Instance
+% Name.Variable.Magic
+% Literal.Number.Integer.Long
diff --git a/common/classes/tex/DUpygments/pygments_css2sty.py b/common/classes/tex/DUpygments/pygments_css2sty.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..185050b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/classes/tex/DUpygments/pygments_css2sty.py
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# coding: utf8
+# Copyright: Raphael 'kena' Poss <r.c.poss@uva.nl>
+# this file is placed in the public domain.
+# Convert a CSS stylesheet into one for Docutils' LaTeX output.
+# Usage example::
+# pygmentize -S default -f html | pygments_css2sty.py >pygments-default.sty
+# Versions:
+# 2012-05-09: Günter Milde <milde@users.sf.net>:
+# Bugfix: do not fail at lines without comment.
+# Support for digits in role names.
+# ``\providecommand`` instead of ``\newcommand``.
+# Renamed from makesty.py to pygments_css2sty.py.
+# 2013-03-27: Günter Milde:
+# Implement bugfix from Juan Luis Cano Rodríguez for csnames.
+import sys
+import re
+print '% Stylesheet for syntax highlight with Docutils'
+print '% Generated by pygments_css2sty.py from a Pygments CSS style'
+print '% (output of `pygmentize -S <style> -f html`).'
+print r'\RequirePackage{color}'
+cnt = 0
+for l in sys.stdin:
+ if '/*' in l:
+ print "% " + l.split('*')[1]
+ key = l.split(' ', 1)[0][1:]
+ s = '#1'
+ if 'color:' in l:
+ col = l.split('#',1)[1][:6]
+ r = float(int(col[0:2], 16)) / 255.
+ g = float(int(col[2:4], 16)) / 255.
+ b = float(int(col[4:6], 16)) / 255.
+ s = r'\textcolor[rgb]{%.2f,%.2f,%.2f}{%s}' % (r, g, b, s)
+ if 'font-style: italic' in l:
+ s = r'\textit{%s}' % s
+ if 'font-weight: bold' in l:
+ s = r'\textbf{%s}' % s
+ if 'border:' in l:
+ col = l.split('#',1)[1][:6]
+ r = float(int(col[0:2], 16)) / 255.
+ g = float(int(col[2:4], 16)) / 255.
+ b = float(int(col[4:6], 16)) / 255.
+ cname = 'DUcolor%d' % cnt
+ cnt += 1
+ print r'\definecolor{%s}{rgb}{%.2f,%.2f,%.2f}' % (cname, r, g, b)
+ s = r'\colorbox{%s}{%s}' % (cname, s)
+ if re.match(r'.*[0-9]', key) is None:
+ print(r'\providecommand*\DUrole%s[1]{%s}' % (key, s))
+ else:
+ print(r'\expandafter\providecommand\csname DUrole%s\endcsname[1]{%s}'
+ % (key, s))
diff --git a/common/classes/tex/DUsidebar/DUsidebar.sty b/common/classes/tex/DUsidebar/DUsidebar.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4e709e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/classes/tex/DUsidebar/DUsidebar.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+\ProvidesPackage{DUsidebar}[2017/04/16 Docutils sidebar]
+% Option for the color line (
+\DeclareStringOption {linecolor}[blue]
+% Défini une note de marge entourée d'un petit cadre
+ % Node bar colored defined, juste put the note in the margin
+ \newcommand{\DUsidebar}[1]{\marginpar{\small#1}}%
+ \newcommand{\DUsidebar}[1]{%
+ \marginpar[{\begin{mdframed}[topline=false,%
+ bottomline=false,%
+ leftline=false,%
+ linecolor=\DUsidebar@linecolor,%
+ innerrightmargin=2pt,%
+ linewidth=.4pt]%
+ {\small#1}%
+ \end{mdframed}%
+ }]{\begin{mdframed}[topline=false,%
+ bottomline=false,%
+ rightline=false,%
+ linecolor=\DUsidebar@linecolor,%
+ innerleftmargin=2pt,%
+ linewidth=.4pt]%
+ {\small#1}%
+ \end{mdframed}%
+ }%
+ }%
+% Permet de créer une note en utilisant le rôle « note »
+% .. role:: note
+% :note:`Ceci est un test`
+% Permet de référencer un élément dans la marge en utilisant le rôle « index »
+% .. role:: index
+% :index:`Terme`
diff --git a/common/classes/tex/DUsmallcaps/DUsmallcaps.sty b/common/classes/tex/DUsmallcaps/DUsmallcaps.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b11be8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/classes/tex/DUsmallcaps/DUsmallcaps.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+\ProvidesPackage{DUsmallcaps}[2017/04/16 Docutils smallcaps role]