
Licht is a console spreadsheet. This application allow you to view, edit, and save spreadsheet in Open document format.


Licht is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

licht is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with licht. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


licht requires ocaml 4.06, ncurses and gmp. The easest way to compile it is to use opam :

# sudo aptitude install opam libncures-dev libiconv-dev libgmp-dev
$ opam pin add licht http://git.chimrod.com/cgit.cgi/licht.git


Run licht with licht or licht file.ods in order to load a file.


Licht is a modal application. When you start the spreadsheet, you are in Normal mode, which allow you to navigate in the sheet, and switch to others modes.

Normal mode

Allow edition and sheet modification

Key Action
v switch to selection mode
: Insert commands
e edit a cell content (edition mode)
= insert a formula (edition mode)
y yank a cell
p paste a cell
DEL delete a cell
u undo the last action


You can insert commands with the key : in Normal mode

Command Action
:enew Start a new spreadsheet
:w filename Save the file with the given name
:q Quit the spreadsheet. (No confirmation will be asked if the spreadsheet has been modified)

Selection mode

In this mode, you can select and apply action to many cells. You can use arrow keys to extend the selection in any direction.

Key Action
ESC go back to normal mode
y yank the selection
DEL delete the selection

Edition mode

Use the arrows to insert a reference to an other cell.

Data types


Any value wich does not match the following types is considered as a string.

You can enter a string in formula by enclosing it with a " (="this a \"quote").


Any numeric value can be written directly : 123, -.43.


Date are represented with this format YYYY/MM/DD. Any operation that can apply to Numeric can also by applied to Date.


This type cannot be created directly. You can instead use the function true() and false() or comparaison operator.


You can reference cells in the formulas

Reference to a single cell

You can reference a cell by naming it (A1, B22).

The value for a reference to a single cell is the value of the pointed cell. (In case of cycle between differents cell the result is unspecified but it is garanted to not loop.)


Yan can reference a range by naming the two bounds (C6:A1).


If a reference point to an an empty cell, the content will be interpreted as Undefined. Any formula impliyng Undefined will return Error


You can enter a formula by starting the value with =. The evaluation always expands the reference to other cells.

Licht is provided with built-in functions :

Generic comparaison

Thoses function can be applied to any value, and return a Boolean.

Function Value
x = y True if x equals y
x > y True if x > y
x >= y True if x >= y
x < y True if x < y
x <= y True if x <= y
x <> y True if x does not equals y


Function Value
true() True
false() False
not(Bool) True if the parameter is False, False if the parameter is True
and(Bool; Bool) Logical and
or(Bool; Bool) Logical or
xor(Bool; Bool) Logical exclusive or


Function Value
if(Bool; x ; y ) Return x if Bool is True, otherwise y


Function Value
x + y Addition
x - y Difference
x * y Multiplication
x / y Division
x ^ y Compute x ^ y
gcd( x; y ) Greatest common divisor
lcm( x; y ) Lowest common multiple
rand() A random number between 0 and 1
sqrt(Numeric) Square root
exp(Numeric) Exponential
ln(Numeric) Natural logarithm
abs(Numeric) Absolute value


The table show the differents results for the rounding functions

Function 1.2 1.8 -1.2 -1.8
int(Numeric) 1 1 -2 -2
rounddown(Numeric) 1 1 -1 -1
round(Numeric) 1 2 -1 -2

Operations on lists

Function Value
sum(Numeric List) Compute the sum of the list.
min(Numeric List) Get the minimum value
max(Numeric List) Get the maximum value


All the trigonometry functions works in radian.

Function Value
pi() Get the value for π
cos(Numeric) Get the cosine for the value
sin(Numeric) Get the sine for the value
tan(Numeric) Get the tangent for the value
acos(Numeric) Arc cosine
asin(Numeric) Arc sine
atan(Numeric) Arc tangent
cosh(Numeric) Hyperbolic cosine
sinh(Numeric) Hyperbolic sine
tanh(Numeric) Hyperbolic tangent
atan2( x; y ) Arc tangent of x / y


Function Value
trim(Text) Remove all space on left and right
upper(Text) Convert the string to uppercase
lower(Text) Convert the string to lowercase
unicode(Text) Returns the numeric code for the first Unicode character
unichar(Numeric) Converts a code number into a Unicode character or letter
substitute(Text, Text, Text) Substitutes new text for old text in a string
len(Text) Return the length of a string
left(Text, Numeric) Return the first n characters
right(Text, Numeric) Return the last n characters