path: root/cell.ml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cell.ml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 70 deletions
diff --git a/cell.ml b/cell.ml
deleted file mode 100755
index e6ccd63..0000000
--- a/cell.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-type t = (int * int) * (bool * bool)
-let u = UTF8.from_utf8string
-let from_string (fixed_x, x_name) (fixed_y, y) =
- let x = ref 0 in
- String.iter (function
- | 'a'..'z' as c -> x:= (!x * 26) + ((int_of_char c) - 96)
- | 'A'..'Z' as c -> x:= (!x * 26) + ((int_of_char c) - 64)
- | _ -> ()
- ) x_name;
- (!x, y), (fixed_x, fixed_y)
-let to_hname x = begin
- let rec extract acc value =
- if value > 0 then (
- let value' = value - 1 in
- let rem = value' mod 26 in
- let quot = (value' - rem) / 26
- in extract ((char_of_int (65 + rem))::acc) quot
- ) else (
- acc
- )
- in
- let res = extract [] x
- and buff = UTF8.Buffer.create 4 in
- List.iter (fun c -> UTF8.Buffer.add_char buff c) res;
- UTF8.Buffer.contents buff
-let to_string ((x, y), (fixed_x, fixed_y)) =
- let buff = UTF8.Buffer.create 2 in
- if fixed_x then UTF8.Buffer.add_char buff '$';
- UTF8.Buffer.add_string buff (to_hname x);
- if fixed_y then UTF8.Buffer.add_char buff '$';
- UTF8.Buffer.add_string buff @@ u @@ string_of_int y;
- UTF8.Buffer.contents buff
-let to_buffer buff ((x, y), (fixed_x, fixed_y)) = begin
- if fixed_x then UTF8.Buffer.add_char buff '$';
- UTF8.Buffer.add_string buff (to_hname x);
- if fixed_y then UTF8.Buffer.add_char buff '$';
- UTF8.Buffer.add_string buff @@ u @@ string_of_int y
-let to_string t =
- let buff = UTF8.Buffer.create 2 in
- to_buffer buff t;
- UTF8.Buffer.contents buff
-let to_pair = Pervasives.fst
-module Set = (struct
- include Set.Make(struct
- type t = (int * int)
- let compare = Pervasives.compare
- end)
- let show_int_tuple b t = Tools.Tuple2.printb
- (fun b x -> UTF8.Buffer.add_string b @@u(string_of_int x))
- (fun b x -> UTF8.Buffer.add_string b @@u(string_of_int x))
- b t
- let printb buff =
- iter (fun x -> to_buffer buff (x, (false,false)); UTF8.Buffer.add_char buff ' ')