diff options
authorChimrod <>2023-09-29 19:06:19 +0200
committerChimrod <>2023-09-29 19:06:19 +0200
commit7f93c2a6b351c02e506d521ea7363f813618e430 (patch)
parentd98779991ce272017018a94f2e58e63f6c6cc0e3 (diff)
Added strict type comparaison
1 files changed, 19 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/syntax/type_of.ml b/syntax/type_of.ml
index a9e1e79..6faea62 100644
--- a/syntax/type_of.ml
+++ b/syntax/type_of.ml
@@ -34,12 +34,13 @@ module Helper = struct
type argument = Fixed of t | Dynamic of dyn_type | Variable of argument
let compare :
+ ?strict:bool ->
?level:Report.level ->
t ->
argument_repr ->
Report.t list ->
Report.t list =
- fun ?(level = Report.Warn) expected actual report ->
+ fun ?(strict = false) ?(level = Report.Warn) expected actual report ->
let equal =
match (expected, actual.t) with
| _, Any -> true
@@ -47,11 +48,11 @@ module Helper = struct
| String, String -> true
| Integer, Integer -> true
| Bool, Bool -> true
- | Bool, Integer -> true
+ | Bool, Integer when not strict -> true
| Integer, Bool -> true
- | String, Integer -> true
- | String, Bool -> true
- | _, String -> false
+ | String, Integer when not strict -> true
+ | String, Bool when not strict -> true
+ | _, _ -> false
if equal then report
@@ -62,37 +63,39 @@ module Helper = struct
Report.message level actual.pos message :: report
let rec compare_parameter :
+ ?strict:bool ->
?level:Report.level ->
argument ->
argument_repr ->
Report.t list ->
Report.t list =
- fun ?(level = Report.Warn) expected param report ->
+ fun ?(strict = false) ?(level = Report.Warn) expected param report ->
match expected with
| Fixed t -> compare ~level t param report
| Dynamic d ->
let type_ = d param.t in
- compare ~level type_ param report
+ compare ~strict ~level type_ param report
| Variable c -> compare_parameter ~level c param report
(** Compare the arguments one by one *)
let compare_args :
+ ?strict:bool ->
?level:Report.level ->
pos ->
argument list ->
argument_repr list ->
Report.t list ->
Report.t list =
- fun ?(level = Report.Warn) pos expected actuals report ->
+ fun ?(strict = false) ?(level = Report.Warn) pos expected actuals report ->
let tl, report =
List.fold_left actuals ~init:(expected, report)
~f:(fun (expected, report) param ->
match expected with
| (Variable _ as hd) :: _ ->
- let check = compare_parameter ~level hd param report in
+ let check = compare_parameter ~strict ~level hd param report in
(expected, check)
| hd :: tl ->
- let check = compare_parameter ~level hd param report in
+ let check = compare_parameter ~strict ~level hd param report in
(tl, check)
| [] ->
let msg = Report.error param.pos "Unexpected argument" in
@@ -256,10 +259,11 @@ module Expression = struct
match operator with
| T.Plus ->
(* Operation over number *)
- let d = Helper.(Dynamic (dyn_type ())) in
- let expected = [ d; d ] in
+ let d = Helper.(dyn_type ()) in
+ let expected = Helper.[ Dynamic d; Dynamic d ] in
let report = Helper.compare_args pos expected types report in
- { result = Bool; report; pos; empty = false }
+ let result = d Helper.Integer in
+ { result; report; pos; empty = false }
| T.Eq | T.Neq ->
(* If the expression is '' or 0, we accept the comparaison as if
instead of raising a warning *)
@@ -269,7 +273,8 @@ module Expression = struct
let d = Helper.(Dynamic (dyn_type ())) in
let expected = [ d; d ] in
let report =
- Helper.compare_args pos expected (List.rev types) report
+ Helper.compare_args ~strict:true pos expected (List.rev types)
+ report
{ result = Bool; report; pos; empty = false }
| Lt | Gte | Lte | Gt ->