path: root/bin/qsp_parser.ml
diff options
authorChimrod <>2023-09-28 19:20:58 +0200
committerChimrod <>2023-09-29 10:00:21 +0200
commit6c080cae7b1ea26bc66f710f4b71a372f83645a0 (patch)
tree96154bb096a3a1efbbdf0b135321edbb2e04e12f /bin/qsp_parser.ml
parent9afade0826dba875ced9954b4c36f4e80e9f7731 (diff)
Skip the faulty location when reading the whole compiled file
Diffstat (limited to 'bin/qsp_parser.ml')
1 files changed, 45 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/bin/qsp_parser.ml b/bin/qsp_parser.ml
index 0459fe2..1d846e0 100644
--- a/bin/qsp_parser.ml
+++ b/bin/qsp_parser.ml
@@ -38,6 +38,39 @@ let filter_report : filters -> Report.t list -> Report.t -> Report.t list =
match is_ok with true -> r :: reports | _ -> reports
+(** Read the source file until getting a report (the whole location has been
+ read properly), or until the first syntax error.
+ *)
+let parse_location :
+ (module Qparser.Lexer.Encoding) -> Sedlexing.lexbuf -> filters -> unit =
+ fun encoding lexbuf filters ->
+ let result =
+ Qparser.Analyzer.parse (module Qsp_syntax.Type_of) encoding lexbuf
+ in
+ let result =
+ Result.map
+ (fun f -> List.fold_left (f []) ~init:[] ~f:(filter_report filters))
+ result
+ in
+ match result with
+ | Ok report -> (
+ (* Display the result *)
+ match report with
+ | [] -> ()
+ | _ ->
+ let start_position, _ = Sedlexing.lexing_positions lexbuf in
+ Format.fprintf Format.std_formatter "Location %s@;@[%a@]@."
+ start_position.Lexing.pos_fname pp_result report;
+ let () =
+ match Sys.os_type with "Win32" -> ignore @@ read_line () | _ -> ()
+ in
+ ())
+ | Error e ->
+ let start_position, _ = Sedlexing.lexing_positions lexbuf in
+ Format.fprintf Format.std_formatter "Location %s@;@[%a]@."
+ start_position.Lexing.pos_fname Report.pp e
let () =
let file_names, filters = Args.parse () in
let file_name = List.hd file_names in
@@ -53,32 +86,19 @@ let () =
| ".txt" ->
( Sedlexing.Utf16.from_channel ic (Some Little_endian),
(module struct
- let lexeme lexbuf = Sedlexing.Utf16.lexeme lexbuf Little_endian true
+ let lexeme lexbuf = Sedlexing.Utf8.lexeme lexbuf
end : Qparser.Lexer.Encoding) )
| _ -> raise (Failure "unknown extension")
- let result = Qparser.Analyzer.parse (module Qsp_syntax.Type_of) mod_ lexer in
- match result with
- | Ok f -> (
- let report = List.fold_left (f []) ~init:[] ~f:(filter_report filters) in
- (* Display the result *)
- match report with
- | [] -> exit 0
- | _ ->
- Format.fprintf Format.std_formatter "Location %s@;%a@." file_name
- pp_result report;
- let () =
- match Sys.os_type with "Win32" -> ignore @@ read_line () | _ -> ()
- in
- exit 1)
- | Error e ->
- Format.fprintf Format.std_formatter "\nError in location %s\n%a" file_name
- Qparser.Analyzer.format_error e;
- let () =
- match Sys.os_type with "Win32" -> ignore @@ read_line () | _ -> ()
- in
- exit 1
+ let () =
+ try
+ while true do
+ parse_location mod_ lexer filters
+ done
+ with Qparser.Lexer.EOF -> ()
+ in
+ let () =
+ match Sys.os_type with "Win32" -> ignore @@ read_line () | _ -> ()
+ in
+ ()