path: root/lib/checks/dynamics.ml
diff options
authorChimrod <>2024-12-14 23:06:12 +0100
committerChimrod <>2025-01-03 15:05:00 +0100
commit75f3eabb46eded01460f7700a75d094100047438 (patch)
tree4dcee7d2fc9310ff41776d9df8986f5efa0db229 /lib/checks/dynamics.ml
parent289dc576624d4233116806e566bb791fee1de178 (diff)
Added dynamic check mecanismHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/checks/dynamics.ml')
1 files changed, 262 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/checks/dynamics.ml b/lib/checks/dynamics.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c16ff8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/checks/dynamics.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+open StdLabels
+module S = Qsp_syntax.S
+module T = Qsp_syntax.T
+module Report = Qsp_syntax.Report
+let identifier = "dynamics"
+let description = "Report all dynamics string in the module"
+let is_global = true
+let active = ref false
+type text = { content : string; position : S.pos } [@@deriving eq, ord]
+module StringSet = Set.Make (struct
+ type t = text [@@deriving ord]
+type context = StringSet.t ref
+let initialize () = ref StringSet.empty
+module Expression = struct
+ (** Elements wich can be given to dynamic.
+ For Text, I do not evaluate text containing expression. This need to be a
+ plain text.
+ In the case of variable, indexes will probably not work if they include
+ function or complex expression *)
+ type t = None | Text of text | Variable of (unit, t) S.variable
+ [@@deriving eq, ord]
+ (** Remove all the locations inside a variable in order to be able to compare
+ two of them at differents locations *)
+ let rec anonymize_variable : (unit, t) S.variable -> (unit, t) S.variable =
+ fun ({ index; _ } as variable) ->
+ let index =
+ Option.map
+ (function
+ | None -> None
+ | Text { content; _ } ->
+ let position = (Lexing.dummy_pos, Lexing.dummy_pos) in
+ Text { content; position }
+ | Variable var -> Variable (anonymize_variable var))
+ index
+ in
+ { variable with index }
+ include Default.Expression (struct
+ type nonrec t = t
+ let default = None
+ end)
+ let v : t -> t' = Fun.id
+ (** Only keep the raw strings *)
+ let literal : S.pos -> t T.literal list -> t =
+ fun position content ->
+ ignore position;
+ match content with
+ | [ T.Text content ] -> Text { content; position }
+ | _ -> (
+ (* Here I analyse if the expression is a string or
+ numeric. In case of numeric, it is possible to replace it with a
+ default value *)
+ let buffer = Buffer.create 16 in
+ let res =
+ List.fold_left ~init:`Ok content ~f:(fun state literal ->
+ match (state, literal) with
+ | `None, _ -> `None
+ | `Ok, T.Expression None -> `None
+ | `Ok, T.Expression (Text content) ->
+ Buffer.add_string buffer content.content;
+ `Ok
+ | `Ok, T.Text content ->
+ Buffer.add_string buffer content;
+ `Ok
+ | `Ok, T.Expression (Variable { name; _ }) ->
+ let res =
+ if Char.equal '$' name.[0] then `None
+ else (
+ Buffer.add_char buffer '0';
+ `Ok)
+ in
+ res)
+ in
+ match res with
+ | `Ok -> Text { content = Buffer.contents buffer; position }
+ | _ -> None)
+ (** Consider the integer as text. This is easier for evaluating the indices in
+ the arrays (it use the same code as text indices), and will report bad use
+ of dynamics. *)
+ let integer : S.pos -> string -> t =
+ fun position content -> Text { content; position }
+ (** If the identifier uses any unmanaged expression in the indices, ignore it.
+ *)
+ let ident : (S.pos, t) S.variable -> t =
+ fun ({ index; _ } as ident) ->
+ let is_valid =
+ Option.fold ~none:true index ~some:(fun opt ->
+ match opt with None -> false | _ -> true)
+ in
+ match is_valid with
+ | false -> None
+ | true -> Variable (anonymize_variable { ident with pos = () })
+module Instruction = struct
+ (** This map holds the values for each variable seen in the code *)
+ module StringMap = struct
+ include Hashtbl.Make (struct
+ type t = (unit, Expression.t) S.variable [@@deriving eq]
+ let hash = Hashtbl.hash
+ end)
+ (** Recursive search in the table *)
+ let rec_find :
+ Expression.t' t -> (unit, Expression.t) S.variable -> StringSet.t =
+ fun table key ->
+ let rec _f init key =
+ let values = find_all table key in
+ List.fold_left values ~init ~f:(fun acc value ->
+ match value with
+ | Expression.None -> acc
+ | Expression.Text text -> StringSet.add text acc
+ | Expression.Variable variable -> _f acc variable)
+ in
+ _f StringSet.empty key
+ end
+ module VariableSet = Set.Make (struct
+ type t = (unit, Expression.t) S.variable [@@deriving ord]
+ end)
+ type context = {
+ catalog : Expression.t' StringMap.t;
+ texts : StringSet.t;
+ blacklist : VariableSet.t;
+ variable_called : VariableSet.t;
+ }
+ (** Keep the content of each string in order to parse it later *)
+ (** This module do two things : keep a track of the raw strings in the
+ location, and identify the calls to the function dynamic.
+ The dynamic parameter are reported as is, and are evaluated only at the
+ end of the module. *)
+ type t = context -> context
+ type t' = t
+ let v = Fun.id
+ include
+ Default.Instruction
+ (Expression)
+ (struct
+ type nonrec t = t
+ let fold : t Seq.t -> t =
+ fun seq init_context ->
+ let result =
+ Seq.fold_left
+ (fun context (instr : t) -> instr context)
+ init_context seq
+ in
+ result
+ let default context = context
+ end)
+ (** Keep the track of dynamic instructions *)
+ let call : S.pos -> T.keywords -> Expression.t' list -> t =
+ fun position keyword arg context ->
+ ignore position;
+ ignore arg;
+ match keyword with
+ | T.Dynamic -> (
+ match arg with
+ | [ Expression.Text text ] ->
+ let texts = StringSet.add text context.texts in
+ { context with texts }
+ | [ Expression.Variable var ] ->
+ let variable_called = VariableSet.add var context.variable_called in
+ { context with variable_called }
+ | _ -> context)
+ | _ -> context
+ let assign :
+ S.pos ->
+ (S.pos, Expression.t') S.variable ->
+ T.assignation_operator ->
+ Expression.t' ->
+ t =
+ fun pos variable op expression context ->
+ ignore pos;
+ let variable' = Expression.anonymize_variable { variable with pos = () } in
+ let is_blacklisted = VariableSet.mem variable' context.blacklist in
+ let is_string = variable.name.[0] = '$' in
+ match (op, expression, is_blacklisted, is_string) with
+ | T.Eq', Expression.Text content, false, true
+ when not (String.equal content.content "") ->
+ StringMap.add context.catalog variable' expression;
+ context
+ | T.Eq', Expression.Variable _, false, _ ->
+ StringMap.add context.catalog variable' expression;
+ context
+ | _ ->
+ (* If the assignation is not direct, we **remove** all the bindings
+ from the catalog. *)
+ StringMap.find_all context.catalog variable'
+ |> List.iter ~f:(fun _ -> StringMap.remove context.catalog variable');
+ (* We also black list this variable and prevent further additions *)
+ let blacklist = VariableSet.add variable' context.blacklist in
+ { context with blacklist }
+module Location = struct
+ type t = unit
+ type instruction = Instruction.t'
+ let location : context -> S.pos -> instruction list -> t =
+ fun context pos instr ->
+ ignore pos;
+ let catalog = Instruction.StringMap.create 16 in
+ let init =
+ Instruction.
+ {
+ catalog;
+ texts = !context;
+ blacklist = VariableSet.empty;
+ variable_called = VariableSet.empty;
+ }
+ in
+ let res = List.fold_left instr ~init ~f:(fun acc instr -> instr acc) in
+ (* Now, for each dynamics calling a variable, looks in the catalog if we
+ can find the associated string *)
+ let texts =
+ Instruction.VariableSet.fold
+ (fun variable acc ->
+ let indirects = Instruction.StringMap.rec_find res.catalog variable in
+ StringSet.union acc indirects)
+ res.variable_called res.texts
+ in
+ context := texts
+ let v : t -> Report.t list = fun _ -> []
+let finalize context =
+ ignore context;
+ []
+let dynamics_string : context -> text Seq.t =
+ fun context -> StringSet.to_seq !context