path: root/lib/qparser/analyzer.ml
diff options
authorChimrod <>2023-10-07 15:05:25 +0200
committerChimrod <>2023-10-07 15:05:25 +0200
commit7ff1e525b39a42f94e32c65f8c2aac0a52465dc3 (patch)
tree45e3557a12fe868ddd3dc96488129244ef807ec9 /lib/qparser/analyzer.ml
parent97ab5c9a21166f0bffee482210d69877fd6809fa (diff)
Added the error message in case of unclosed quote in a text
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/qparser/analyzer.ml')
1 files changed, 34 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/lib/qparser/analyzer.ml b/lib/qparser/analyzer.ml
index da1adbf..c165d03 100644
--- a/lib/qparser/analyzer.ml
+++ b/lib/qparser/analyzer.ml
@@ -16,27 +16,39 @@ let parse :
let init = Parser.Incremental.main (fst (Lexbuf.positions l)) in
- IncrementalParser.of_lexbuf lexer l init
- |> Result.map_error (fun e ->
- let message =
- match e.IncrementalParser.code with
- | Interpreter.InvalidSyntax -> "Invalid Syntax"
- | Interpreter.UnrecoverableError -> "UnrecoverableError"
- | Interpreter.MenhirCode c ->
- let message_content =
- try Parser_messages.message c
- with Not_found ->
- String.concat "" [ "(Error code "; string_of_int c; ")" ]
- in
+ let evaluation =
+ try IncrementalParser.of_lexbuf lexer l init
+ with Lexer.UnclosedQuote ->
+ let start_pos, end_pos = Lexbuf.positions l in
+ let err =
+ IncrementalParser.
+ { code = Interpreter.Custom "Unclosed text"; start_pos; end_pos }
+ in
+ Error err
+ in
- String.concat "" [ String.trim @@ message_content ]
- in
- let report =
- Qsp_syntax.Report.error (e.start_pos, e.end_pos) message
- in
+ Result.map_error
+ (fun e ->
+ let message =
+ match e.IncrementalParser.code with
+ | Interpreter.InvalidSyntax -> "Invalid Syntax"
+ | Interpreter.UnrecoverableError -> "UnrecoverableError"
+ | Interpreter.Custom msg -> msg
+ | Interpreter.MenhirCode c ->
+ let message_content =
+ try Parser_messages.message c
+ with Not_found ->
+ String.concat "" [ "(Error code "; string_of_int c; ")" ]
+ in
- (* Discard the remaining file to read. The parser is now in a blank
- state, it does not make sense to keep feeding it with the new
- tokens. *)
- Lexer.discard l;
- report)
+ String.concat "" [ String.trim @@ message_content ]
+ in
+ let report = Qsp_syntax.Report.error (e.start_pos, e.end_pos) message in
+ (* Discard the remaining file to read. The parser is now in a blank
+ state, it does not make sense to keep feeding it with the new
+ tokens. *)
+ let () = try Lexer.discard l with _ -> () in
+ report)
+ evaluation