path: root/lib/syntax/dead_end.ml
diff options
authorChimrod <>2023-10-16 16:42:53 +0200
committerChimrod <>2023-10-18 11:19:35 +0200
commit0b75cd5bc0f7d0ad905bce5bebc6e47c927f64d7 (patch)
tree9381b4b3b6c06104d773978f330f073b805a40f0 /lib/syntax/dead_end.ml
parent736456d9952c1d58008f4ca5755913dfff7a32b8 (diff)
Used the dead-end checker in main analysis
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/syntax/dead_end.ml')
1 files changed, 141 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/lib/syntax/dead_end.ml b/lib/syntax/dead_end.ml
index bb78263..36c997f 100644
--- a/lib/syntax/dead_end.ml
+++ b/lib/syntax/dead_end.ml
@@ -1,53 +1,168 @@
open StdLabels
-type pos = Lexing.position * Lexing.position
-type ('a, 'b) variable = { pos : 'a; name : string; index : 'b option }
+module Expression = struct
+ type t = unit
+ type t' = unit
-module Expression = Default.Expression
+ include Default.Expression (struct
+ type nonrec t = t
+ let default = ()
+ end)
+ let v : t * Report.t list -> t' * Report.t list = Fun.id
module Instruction = struct
- type expression = Default.Expression.t' S.repr
- type repr = unit
+ type expression = Expression.t' S.repr
+ type cause = Missing_else | Unchecked_path
+ type t = {
+ block_pos : S.pos;
+ has_gt : bool;
+ is_gt : bool;
+ pos : (cause * S.pos) option;
+ }
+ type t' = t
+ (** For each instruction, return thoses two informations :
+ - the intruction contains at [gt]
+ - the last instruction is a [gt]
+ *)
+ let v : t * Report.t list -> t' * Report.t list = Fun.id
+ let default =
+ {
+ block_pos = (Lexing.dummy_pos, Lexing.dummy_pos);
+ has_gt = false;
+ is_gt = false;
+ pos = None;
+ }
(** Call for an instruction like [GT] or [*CLR] *)
- let call : pos -> string -> expression list -> repr = fun _ _ _ -> ()
+ let call : S.pos -> T.keywords -> expression list -> t S.repr =
+ fun pos f _ report ->
+ ignore pos;
+ match f with
+ | T.Goto | T.XGoto ->
+ ({ block_pos = pos; has_gt = true; is_gt = true; pos = None }, report)
+ | T.Gosub ->
+ ({ block_pos = pos; has_gt = false; is_gt = true; pos = None }, report)
+ | _ -> (default, report)
(** Label for a loop *)
- let location : pos -> string -> repr = fun _ _ -> ()
+ let location : S.pos -> string -> t S.repr =
+ fun _ _ report -> (default, report)
(** Comment *)
- let comment : pos -> repr = fun _ -> ()
+ let comment : S.pos -> t S.repr = fun _ report -> (default, report)
(** Raw expression *)
- let expression : expression -> repr = fun _ -> ()
+ let expression : expression -> t S.repr = fun _ report -> (default, report)
+ (** The content of a block is very linear, I only need to check the last element *)
+ let check_block : S.pos -> t S.repr list -> t S.repr =
+ fun pos instructions report ->
+ let last_element =
+ List.fold_left instructions ~init:(default, report)
+ ~f:(fun (t, report) instruction ->
+ let result, report = instruction report in
+ let has_gt = result.has_gt || t.has_gt in
+ let is_gt = result.is_gt || t.is_gt in
+ ({ result with block_pos = pos; is_gt; has_gt }, report))
+ in
+ last_element
+ let if_ :
+ S.pos ->
+ (expression, t) S.clause ->
+ elifs:(expression, t) S.clause list ->
+ else_:(S.pos * t S.repr list) option ->
+ t S.repr =
+ fun pos clause ~elifs ~else_ report ->
+ (* For each block, evaluate the instructions *)
+ let report, res, has_gt, is_gt =
+ List.fold_left ~init:(report, [], false, false) (clause :: elifs)
+ ~f:(fun (report, acc, has_gt, is_gt) clause ->
+ let pos, _, instructions = clause in
+ let clause_t, report = check_block pos instructions report in
+ let has_gt = has_gt || clause_t.has_gt
+ and is_gt = is_gt || clause_t.is_gt in
- type clause = pos * expression * repr list
+ (report, (clause_t, pos) :: acc, has_gt, is_gt))
+ in
- let if_ : pos -> clause -> elifs:clause list -> else_:repr list -> repr =
- fun _ _ ~elifs ~else_ ->
- ignore elifs;
- ignore else_;
- ()
+ let else_pos, else_block, report =
+ match else_ with
+ | Some (pos, instructions) ->
+ let block, report = check_block pos instructions report in
+ (pos, block, report)
+ | None -> (pos, default, report)
+ in
+ let has_gt = has_gt || else_block.has_gt
+ and is_gt = is_gt || else_block.is_gt in
- let act : pos -> label:expression -> repr list -> repr =
- fun _ ~label _ ->
+ let blocks = (else_block, else_pos) :: res in
+ (* Check if one of the clauses already holds a dead end*)
+ match List.find_opt res ~f:(fun (res, _) -> res.pos != None) with
+ | Some (v, _) -> (v, report)
+ | None -> (
+ match (is_gt, has_gt) with
+ | _, true -> (
+ (* There is gt intruction in one of the branch, we need to checks
+ the others *)
+ match List.find_opt blocks ~f:(fun (f, _) -> not f.is_gt) with
+ | None ->
+ (* Every branch in the if is covered. It’s ok. *)
+ ({ default with block_pos = pos; is_gt; has_gt }, report)
+ | Some (_, pos) ->
+ (* TODO check if [pos] is the whole block *)
+ let cause =
+ match else_ with None -> Missing_else | _ -> Unchecked_path
+ in
+ ( { default with block_pos = pos; pos = Some (cause, pos) },
+ report ))
+ | _, _ -> ({ default with block_pos = pos; has_gt; is_gt }, report))
+ let act : S.pos -> label:expression -> t S.repr list -> t S.repr =
+ fun pos ~label expressions report ->
ignore label;
- ()
+ check_block pos expressions report
let assign :
- pos ->
+ S.pos ->
(S.pos, expression) S.variable ->
T.assignation_operator ->
expression ->
- repr =
- fun _ _ _ _ -> ()
+ t S.repr =
+ fun _ _ _ _ report -> (default, report)
module Location = struct
- type repr = Instruction.repr
- type instruction = Instruction.repr
+ type t = unit
+ type instruction = Instruction.t
+ let location : S.pos -> instruction S.repr list -> t S.repr =
+ fun _pos instructions report ->
+ ( (),
+ List.fold_left instructions ~init:report ~f:(fun report instruction ->
+ let t, report = instruction report in
- let location : pos -> instruction list -> repr =
- fun _pos instructions ->
- List.fold_left instructions ~init:() ~f:(fun () instruction -> instruction)
+ match (t.Instruction.is_gt, t.Instruction.pos) with
+ | false, Some (cause, value) ->
+ ignore cause;
+ if t.Instruction.block_pos != value then
+ match cause with
+ | Missing_else ->
+ Report.debug value "Possible dead end (no else fallback)"
+ :: report
+ | Unchecked_path ->
+ Report.warn value "Possible dead end (unmatched path)"
+ :: report
+ else report
+ | _ -> report) )