path: root/lib/syntax/tree.ml
diff options
authorChimrod <>2023-10-07 12:24:37 +0200
committerChimrod <>2023-10-18 09:49:47 +0200
commitc2f87ff1e6e5676968804cd50b86fc2f0f9ad672 (patch)
treeab0770cc70bbe6ed26606200110cc503390ac420 /lib/syntax/tree.ml
parenta70c88bd727c7938c3d8d1355bf5474546d7d72e (diff)
Made explicit the use of the report in the parser
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/syntax/tree.ml')
1 files changed, 70 insertions, 54 deletions
diff --git a/lib/syntax/tree.ml b/lib/syntax/tree.ml
index 51033a1..02c6b36 100644
--- a/lib/syntax/tree.ml
+++ b/lib/syntax/tree.ml
@@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
open StdLabels
-type pos = Lexing.position * Lexing.position
module Ast = struct
- type nonrec pos = pos
type 'a variable = { pos : 'a; name : string; index : 'a expression option }
[@@deriving eq, show]
@@ -36,31 +32,34 @@ module Ast = struct
(** Default implementation for the expression *)
-module Expression : S.Expression with type t = pos Ast.expression = struct
- type 'a obs
- type t = pos Ast.expression
- type repr = Report.t list -> t * Report.t list
- type variable = { pos : pos; name : string; index : repr option }
+module Expression : S.Expression with type t' = S.pos Ast.expression = struct
+ type t = S.pos Ast.expression
+ type t' = t
+ let v : t * Report.t list -> t' * Report.t list = fun (t, r) -> (t, r)
- let integer : pos -> string -> repr = fun pos i r -> (Ast.Integer (pos, i), r)
- let literal : pos -> string -> repr = fun pos l r -> (Ast.Literal (pos, l), r)
+ let integer : S.pos -> string -> t S.repr =
+ fun pos i r -> (Ast.Integer (pos, i), r)
- let function_ : pos -> T.function_ -> repr list -> repr =
+ let literal : S.pos -> string -> t S.repr =
+ fun pos l r -> (Ast.Literal (pos, l), r)
+ let function_ : S.pos -> T.function_ -> t S.repr list -> t S.repr =
fun pos name args r ->
let args = List.map ~f:(fun f -> fst (f r)) args in
(Ast.Function (pos, name, args), r)
- let uoperator : pos -> T.uoperator -> repr -> repr =
+ let uoperator : S.pos -> T.uoperator -> t S.repr -> t S.repr =
fun pos op expression r ->
let expression = fst (expression r) in
(Ast.Op (pos, op, expression), r)
- let boperator : pos -> T.boperator -> repr -> repr -> repr =
+ let boperator : S.pos -> T.boperator -> t S.repr -> t S.repr -> t S.repr =
fun pos op op1 op2 r ->
let op1 = fst (op1 r) and op2 = fst (op2 r) in
(Ast.BinaryOp (pos, op, op1, op2), r)
- let ident : variable -> repr =
+ let ident : (S.pos, t S.repr) S.variable -> t S.repr =
fun { pos; name; index } r ->
let index = Option.map (fun i -> fst (i r)) index in
(Ast.Ident { pos; name; index }, r)
@@ -68,50 +67,67 @@ end
module Instruction :
- with type expression = Expression.repr
- and type repr = pos Ast.statement
- and type variable = Expression.variable = struct
- type repr = pos Ast.statement
- type expression = Expression.repr
- type variable = Expression.variable
- let call : pos -> T.keywords -> expression list -> repr =
- fun pos name args ->
- let args = List.map ~f:(fun f -> fst (f [])) args in
- Ast.Call (pos, name, args)
- let location : pos -> string -> repr =
- fun loc label -> Ast.Location (loc, label)
+ with type expression = Expression.t' S.repr
+ and type t' = S.pos Ast.statement = struct
+ type t = S.pos Ast.statement
+ type t' = t
- let comment : pos -> repr = fun pos -> Ast.Comment pos
+ let v = Fun.id
- let expression : expression -> repr =
- fun expr -> Ast.Expression (fst (expr []))
+ type expression = Expression.t' S.repr
- type clause = pos * expression * repr list
- let if_ : pos -> clause -> elifs:clause list -> else_:repr list -> repr =
- fun pos predicate ~elifs ~else_ ->
- let clause (pos, expr, repr) = (pos, fst (expr []), repr) in
- let elifs = List.map ~f:clause elifs in
- Ast.If { loc = pos; then_ = clause predicate; elifs; else_ }
- let act : pos -> label:expression -> repr list -> repr =
- fun pos ~label statements ->
- let label = fst (label []) in
- Ast.Act { loc = pos; label; statements }
- let assign : pos -> variable -> T.assignation_operator -> expression -> repr =
- fun pos_loc { pos; name; index } op expr ->
- let index = Option.map (fun i -> fst (i [])) index
- and expr = fst (expr []) in
- Ast.Declaration (pos_loc, { pos; name; index }, op, expr)
+ let call : S.pos -> T.keywords -> expression list -> t S.repr =
+ fun pos name args report ->
+ let args = List.map ~f:(fun f -> fst (f [])) args in
+ (Ast.Call (pos, name, args), report)
+ let location : S.pos -> string -> t S.repr =
+ fun loc label report -> (Ast.Location (loc, label), report)
+ let comment : S.pos -> t S.repr = fun pos report -> (Ast.Comment pos, report)
+ let expression : expression -> t S.repr =
+ fun expr report -> (Ast.Expression (fst (expr [])), report)
+ type clause = S.pos * expression * t S.repr list
+ let if_ :
+ S.pos -> clause -> elifs:clause list -> else_:t S.repr list -> t S.repr =
+ fun pos predicate ~elifs ~else_ report ->
+ let clause (pos, expr, repr) =
+ let repr = List.map ~f:(fun instr -> fst @@ instr []) repr in
+ (pos, fst @@ expr [], repr)
+ in
+ let elifs = List.map ~f:clause elifs
+ and else_ = List.map ~f:(fun instr -> fst @@ instr []) else_ in
+ (Ast.If { loc = pos; then_ = clause predicate; elifs; else_ }, report)
+ let act : S.pos -> label:expression -> t S.repr list -> t S.repr =
+ fun pos ~label statements report ->
+ let label = fst (label [])
+ and statements = List.map ~f:(fun instr -> fst @@ instr []) statements in
+ (Ast.Act { loc = pos; label; statements }, report)
+ let assign :
+ S.pos ->
+ (S.pos, expression) S.variable ->
+ T.assignation_operator ->
+ expression ->
+ t S.repr =
+ fun pos_loc { pos; name; index } op expr report ->
+ (*let index = Option.map (fun i -> fst @@ Expression.observe (i [])) index*)
+ let index = Option.map (fun f -> fst @@ f []) index in
+ let expr = fst (expr []) in
+ (Ast.Declaration (pos_loc, { pos; name; index }, op, expr), report)
module Location = struct
- type instruction = pos Ast.statement
- type repr = pos * instruction list
+ type instruction = S.pos Ast.statement S.repr
+ type repr = S.pos * S.pos Ast.statement list
- let location : pos -> instruction list -> repr = fun pos block -> (pos, block)
+ let location : S.pos -> instruction list -> repr =
+ fun pos block ->
+ let block = List.map block ~f:(fun b -> fst @@ b []) in
+ (pos, block)