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3 files changed, 38 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/lib/syntax/t.ml b/lib/syntax/t.ml
index cb9c7ce..882a375 100644
--- a/lib/syntax/t.ml
+++ b/lib/syntax/t.ml
@@ -7,6 +7,13 @@ type 'a literal = Text of string | Expression of 'a
let map_litteral : f:('a -> 'b) -> 'a literal -> 'b literal =
fun ~f -> function Text t -> Text t | Expression e -> Expression (f e)
+let eq_literal : eq:('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a literal -> 'a literal -> bool =
+ fun ~eq l1 l2 ->
+ match (l1, l2) with
+ | Text s1, Text s2 -> String.equal s1 s2
+ | Expression e1, Expression e2 -> eq e1 e2
+ | _ -> false
type boperator =
| Eq
| Neq
diff --git a/lib/syntax/tree.ml b/lib/syntax/tree.ml
index b7d9d15..72ae754 100644
--- a/lib/syntax/tree.ml
+++ b/lib/syntax/tree.ml
@@ -45,10 +45,31 @@ module Ast = struct
(** Default implementation for the expression *)
-module Expression : S.Expression with type t' = S.pos Ast.expression = struct
+module Expression : sig
+ include S.Expression with type t' = S.pos Ast.expression
+ val eq : (S.pos -> S.pos -> bool) -> t -> t -> bool
+ val hash : (S.pos -> int) -> t -> int
+end = struct
type t = S.pos Ast.expression
type t' = t
+ let eq : (S.pos -> S.pos -> bool) -> t -> t -> bool = Ast.equal_expression
+ let rec hash : (S.pos -> int) -> t -> int =
+ fun f -> function
+ | Integer (pos, v) -> Hashtbl.hash (f pos, v)
+ | Literal (pos, l) ->
+ let litt = List.map ~f:(T.map_litteral ~f:(hash f)) l in
+ Hashtbl.hash (f pos, litt)
+ | Ident { pos; name; index } ->
+ Hashtbl.hash (f pos, name, Option.map (hash f) index)
+ | BinaryOp (pos, op, o1, o2) ->
+ Hashtbl.hash (f pos, op, hash f o1, hash f o2)
+ | Op (pos, op, o1) -> Hashtbl.hash (f pos, op, hash f o1)
+ | Function (pos, name, args) ->
+ Hashtbl.hash (f pos, name, List.map ~f:(hash f) args)
let v : t -> t' = fun t -> t
let integer : S.pos -> string -> t = fun pos i -> Ast.Integer (pos, i)
diff --git a/lib/syntax/tree.mli b/lib/syntax/tree.mli
index 8ce577e..a82c07c 100644
--- a/lib/syntax/tree.mli
+++ b/lib/syntax/tree.mli
@@ -43,9 +43,17 @@ module Ast : sig
[@@deriving eq, show]
+(** Extend the default Expression module with an eq operator *)
+module Expression : sig
+ include S.Expression with type t' = S.pos Ast.expression
+ val eq : (S.pos -> S.pos -> bool) -> t -> t -> bool
+ val hash : (S.pos -> int) -> t -> int
- with type Expression.t' = S.pos Ast.expression
+ with module Expression := Expression
and type Instruction.t' = S.pos Ast.statement
and type Location.t = S.pos * S.pos Ast.statement list
and type context = unit