path: root/syntax/tree.mli
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 51 deletions
diff --git a/syntax/tree.mli b/syntax/tree.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index ca5a639..0000000
--- a/syntax/tree.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
- Implementation for S.Analyzer for building a complete Ast.
- Used in the unit test in order to check if the grammar is interpreted as
- expected, not really usefull over a big qsp.
- *)
-(** This module is the result of the evaluation. *)
-module Ast : sig
- type pos = Lexing.position * Lexing.position
- type 'a variable = { pos : 'a; name : string; index : 'a expression option }
- [@@deriving eq, show]
- (** A variable, used both in an expression (reference) or in a statement
- (assignation) *)
- and 'a expression =
- | Integer of 'a * string
- | Literal of 'a * string
- | Ident of 'a variable
- | BinaryOp of 'a * T.boperator * 'a expression * 'a expression
- | Op of 'a * T.uoperator * 'a expression
- | Function of 'a * T.function_ * 'a expression list
- [@@deriving eq, show]
- and 'a condition = 'a * 'a expression * 'a statement list
- (** A condition in if or elseif statement *)
- and 'a statement =
- | If of {
- loc : 'a;
- then_ : 'a condition;
- elifs : 'a condition list;
- else_ : 'a statement list;
- }
- | Act of { loc : 'a; label : 'a expression; statements : 'a statement list }
- | Declaration of ('a * 'a variable * T.assignation_operator * 'a expression)
- | Expression of 'a expression
- | Comment of 'a
- | Call of 'a * string * 'a expression list
- | Location of 'a * string
- [@@deriving eq, show]
-(** / **)
- S.Analyzer
- with type Expression.repr = Ast.pos Ast.expression
- and type Instruction.repr = Ast.pos Ast.statement
- and type Location.repr = Ast.pos * Ast.pos Ast.statement list