path: root/syntax/type_of.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'syntax/type_of.ml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 385 deletions
diff --git a/syntax/type_of.ml b/syntax/type_of.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index d578700..0000000
--- a/syntax/type_of.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,385 +0,0 @@
-open StdLabels
-type pos = Lexing.position * Lexing.position
-(** Extract the type for expression *)
-module Helper = struct
- type t = Integer | Bool | String | Any
- [@@deriving show { with_path = false }]
- type argument_repr = { pos : pos; t : t }
- type dyn_type = t -> t
- (** Dynamic type is a type unknown during the code.
- For example, the equality operator accept either Integer or String, but
- we expect that both sides of the equality uses the same type.*)
- (** Build a new dynamic type *)
- let dyn_type : unit -> dyn_type =
- fun () ->
- let stored = ref None in
- fun t ->
- match !stored with
- | None ->
- stored := Some t;
- t
- | Some t -> t
- (** Declare an argument for a function.
- - Either we already know the type and we just have to compare.
- - Either the type shall constrained by another one
- - Or we have a variable number of arguments. *)
- type argument = Fixed of t | Dynamic of dyn_type | Variable of argument
- let compare :
- ?strict:bool ->
- ?level:Report.level ->
- t ->
- argument_repr ->
- Report.t list ->
- Report.t list =
- fun ?(strict = false) ?(level = Report.Warn) expected actual report ->
- let equal =
- match (expected, actual.t) with
- | _, Any -> true
- | Any, _ -> true
- | String, String -> true
- | Integer, Integer -> true
- | Bool, Bool -> true
- | Bool, Integer when not strict -> true
- | Integer, Bool -> true
- | String, Integer when not strict -> true
- | String, Bool when not strict -> true
- | _, _ -> false
- in
- if equal then report
- else
- let message =
- Format.asprintf "The type %a is expected but got %a" pp expected pp
- actual.t
- in
- Report.message level actual.pos message :: report
- let rec compare_parameter :
- ?strict:bool ->
- ?level:Report.level ->
- argument ->
- argument_repr ->
- Report.t list ->
- Report.t list =
- fun ?(strict = false) ?(level = Report.Warn) expected param report ->
- match expected with
- | Fixed t -> compare ~level t param report
- | Dynamic d ->
- let type_ = d param.t in
- compare ~strict ~level type_ param report
- | Variable c -> compare_parameter ~level c param report
- (** Compare the arguments one by one *)
- let compare_args :
- ?strict:bool ->
- ?level:Report.level ->
- pos ->
- argument list ->
- argument_repr list ->
- Report.t list ->
- Report.t list =
- fun ?(strict = false) ?(level = Report.Warn) pos expected actuals report ->
- let tl, report =
- List.fold_left actuals ~init:(expected, report)
- ~f:(fun (expected, report) param ->
- match expected with
- | (Variable _ as hd) :: _ ->
- let check = compare_parameter ~strict ~level hd param report in
- (expected, check)
- | hd :: tl ->
- let check = compare_parameter ~strict ~level hd param report in
- (tl, check)
- | [] ->
- let msg = Report.error param.pos "Unexpected argument" in
- ([], msg :: report))
- in
- match tl with
- | [] | Variable _ :: _ -> report
- | _ ->
- let msg = Report.error pos "Not enougth arguments given" in
- msg :: report
-module Expression = struct
- type 'a obs
- type t = {
- result : Helper.t;
- report : Report.t list; (* See the comment below *)
- pos : pos;
- empty : bool;
- }
- type repr = Report.t list -> t
- (** The type repr is a function accepting the report as a first argement.
- When the report is given, it will be reported into the tree and collected
- in bottom-top.
- It’s easy to forget that the report is updated when the type is created.
- The function takes the report in argument, and store the report in the
- returned type. Maybe should I make a tupple instead in order to make it
- explicit ?
- *)
- type variable = { pos : pos; name : string; index : repr option }
- let arg_of_repr : t -> Helper.argument_repr =
- fun { result; report; pos; empty } ->
- ignore report;
- ignore empty;
- { pos; t = result }
- (** The variable has type string when starting with a '$' *)
- let ident : variable -> repr =
- fun var report ->
- let empty = false in
- match var.name.[0] with
- | '$' -> { result = String; report; pos = var.pos; empty }
- | _ -> { result = Integer; report; pos = var.pos; empty }
- let integer : pos -> string -> repr =
- fun pos value report ->
- let empty =
- match int_of_string_opt value with Some 0 -> true | _ -> false
- in
- { result = Integer; report; pos; empty }
- let literal : pos -> string -> repr =
- fun pos value report ->
- let empty = String.equal String.empty value in
- { result = String; report; pos; empty }
- let function_ : pos -> T.function_ -> repr list -> repr =
- fun pos function_ params _acc ->
- (* Accumulate the expressions and get the results, the report is given in
- the differents arguments, and we build a list with the type of the
- parameters. *)
- let types, report =
- List.fold_left params ~init:([], _acc) ~f:(fun (types, report) param ->
- let t = param report in
- let arg = arg_of_repr t in
- (arg :: types, t.report))
- in
- let types = List.rev types
- and default = { result = Any; report; pos; empty = false } in
- match function_ with
- | Arrcomp | Arrpos | Arrsize | Countobj | Desc | Dyneval | Func | Getobj
- | Instr | Isplay ->
- { default with result = Integer }
- | Desc' | Dyneval' | Func' | Getobj' -> { default with result = String }
- | Iif | Iif' ->
- let d = Helper.dyn_type () in
- let expected = Helper.[ Fixed Bool; Dynamic d; Dynamic d ] in
- let report = Helper.compare_args pos expected types report in
- (* Extract the type for the expression *)
- let result = d Helper.Bool in
- { result; report; pos; empty = false }
- | Input | Input' ->
- (* Input should check the result if the variable is a num and raise a
- message in this case.*)
- let expected = Helper.[ Fixed String ] in
- let report = Helper.compare_args pos expected types report in
- { result = String; report; pos; empty = false }
- | Isnum ->
- let expected = Helper.[ Fixed String ] in
- let report = Helper.compare_args pos expected types report in
- { result = Bool; report; pos; empty = false }
- | Lcase | Lcase' | Ucase | Ucase' ->
- let expected = Helper.[ Fixed String ] in
- let report = Helper.compare_args pos expected types report in
- { result = String; report; pos; empty = false }
- | Len ->
- let expected = Helper.[ Fixed Any ] in
- let report = Helper.compare_args pos expected types report in
- { result = Integer; report; pos; empty = false }
- | Loc ->
- let expected = Helper.[ Fixed String ] in
- let report = Helper.compare_args pos expected types report in
- { result = Bool; report; pos; empty = false }
- | Max | Max' | Min | Min' ->
- let d = Helper.dyn_type () in
- (* All the arguments must have the same type *)
- let expected = Helper.[ Variable (Dynamic d) ] in
- let report = Helper.compare_args pos expected types report in
- let result = d Helper.Bool in
- { result; report; pos; empty = false }
- | Mid | Mid' ->
- let expected = Helper.[ Fixed String; Variable (Fixed Integer) ] in
- let report = Helper.compare_args pos expected types report in
- { result = String; report; pos; empty = false }
- | Msecscount -> { result = Integer; report; pos; empty = false }
- | Rand ->
- let expected = Helper.[ Variable (Fixed Integer) ] in
- let report = Helper.compare_args pos expected types report in
- { result = Integer; report; pos; empty = false }
- | Replace -> { result = Integer; report; pos; empty = false }
- | Replace' -> { result = String; report; pos; empty = false }
- | Rgb -> { result = Integer; report; pos; empty = false }
- | Qspver | Qspver' | Rnd ->
- (* No arg *)
- let report = Helper.compare_args pos [] types report in
- { result = Integer; report; pos; empty = false }
- | Selact -> { result = Integer; report; pos; empty = false }
- | Stattxt -> { result = Integer; report; pos; empty = false }
- | Stattxt' -> { result = String; report; pos; empty = false }
- | Str | Str' ->
- let expected = Helper.[ Variable (Fixed Integer) ] in
- let report = Helper.compare_args pos expected types report in
- { default with result = String; report }
- | Strcomp -> { result = Integer; report; pos; empty = false }
- | Strfind -> { result = Integer; report; pos; empty = false }
- | Strfind' -> { result = String; report; pos; empty = false }
- | Strpos -> { result = Integer; report; pos; empty = false }
- | Trim -> { result = Integer; report; pos; empty = false }
- | Trim' -> { result = String; report; pos; empty = false }
- | Val ->
- let expected = Helper.[ Fixed Any ] in
- let report = Helper.compare_args pos expected types report in
- { result = Integer; report; pos; empty = false }
- (** Unary operator like [-123] or [+'Text']*)
- let uoperator : pos -> T.uoperator -> repr -> repr =
- fun pos operator t1 report ->
- let t = t1 report in
- let report = t.report in
- match operator with
- | Add -> t
- | Neg | No ->
- let types = [ arg_of_repr t ] in
- let expected = Helper.[ Fixed Integer ] in
- let report = Helper.compare_args pos expected types report in
- { result = Integer; report; pos; empty = false }
- let boperator : pos -> T.boperator -> repr -> repr -> repr =
- fun pos operator t1 t2 report ->
- let t1 = t1 report in
- let t2 = t2 t1.report in
- let report = t2.report in
- let types = [ arg_of_repr t1; arg_of_repr t2 ] in
- match operator with
- | T.Plus ->
- (* Operation over number *)
- let d = Helper.(dyn_type ()) in
- let expected = Helper.[ Dynamic d; Dynamic d ] in
- let report = Helper.compare_args pos expected types report in
- let result = d Helper.Integer in
- { result; report; pos; empty = false }
- | T.Eq | T.Neq ->
- (* If the expression is '' or 0, we accept the comparaison as if
- instead of raising a warning *)
- if t1.empty || t2.empty then
- { result = Bool; report; pos; empty = false }
- else
- let d = Helper.(Dynamic (dyn_type ())) in
- let expected = [ d; d ] in
- let report =
- Helper.compare_args ~strict:true pos expected (List.rev types)
- report
- in
- { result = Bool; report; pos; empty = false }
- | Lt | Gte | Lte | Gt ->
- let d = Helper.(Dynamic (dyn_type ())) in
- let expected = [ d; d ] in
- let report = Helper.compare_args pos expected types report in
- { result = Bool; report; pos; empty = false }
- | T.Mod | T.Minus | T.Product | T.Div ->
- (* Operation over number *)
- let expected = Helper.[ Fixed Integer; Fixed Integer ] in
- let report = Helper.compare_args pos expected types report in
- { result = Integer; report; pos; empty = false }
- | T.And | T.Or ->
- (* Operation over booleans *)
- let expected = Helper.[ Fixed Bool; Fixed Bool ] in
- let report = Helper.compare_args pos expected types report in
- { result = Bool; report; pos; empty = false }
-module Instruction = struct
- type repr = Report.t list -> Report.t list
- type expression = Expression.repr
- type variable = Expression.variable
- (** Call for an instruction like [GT] or [*CLR] *)
- let call : pos -> string -> expression list -> repr =
- fun _pos _ expressions report ->
- List.fold_left expressions ~init:report ~f:(fun report expression ->
- let result = expression report in
- result.Expression.report)
- let location : pos -> string -> repr = fun _pos _ report -> report
- (** Comment *)
- let comment : pos -> repr = fun _pos report -> report
- (** Raw expression *)
- let expression : expression -> repr =
- fun expression report -> (expression report).report
- type clause = pos * expression * repr list
- let if_ : pos -> clause -> elifs:clause list -> else_:repr list -> repr =
- fun _pos clause ~elifs ~else_ report ->
- (* Helper function *)
- let fold_clause report (_pos, expr, instructions) : Report.t list =
- let result = expr report in
- let report =
- Helper.compare Helper.Bool
- (Expression.arg_of_repr result)
- result.Expression.report
- in
- List.fold_left instructions ~init:report ~f:(fun report instruction ->
- instruction report)
- in
- (* Traverse the whole block recursively *)
- let report = fold_clause report clause in
- let report = List.fold_left elifs ~f:fold_clause ~init:report in
- List.fold_left else_ ~init:report ~f:(fun report instruction ->
- instruction report)
- let act : pos -> label:expression -> repr list -> repr =
- fun _pos ~label instructions report ->
- let result = label report in
- let report =
- Helper.compare Helper.String
- (Expression.arg_of_repr result)
- result.Expression.report
- in
- List.fold_left instructions ~init:report ~f:(fun report instruction ->
- instruction report)
- let assign : pos -> variable -> T.assignation_operator -> expression -> repr =
- fun pos variable _ expression report ->
- let right_expression = expression report in
- match right_expression.empty with
- | true -> report
- | false ->
- let op1 = Expression.arg_of_repr (Expression.ident variable report) in
- let report = right_expression.Expression.report in
- let op2 = Expression.arg_of_repr right_expression in
- let d = Helper.dyn_type () in
- (* Every part of the assignation should be the same type *)
- let expected = Helper.[ Dynamic d; Dynamic d ] in
- Helper.compare_args ~level:Report.Debug pos expected [ op1; op2 ] report
-module Location = struct
- type repr = Instruction.repr
- type instruction = Instruction.repr
- let location : pos -> instruction list -> repr =
- fun _pos instructions report ->
- List.fold_left instructions ~init:report ~f:(fun report instruction ->
- instruction report)