path: root/syntax
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5 files changed, 320 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/syntax/S.ml b/syntax/S.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3873eed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/syntax/S.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+ This module describe the type an analyzer must implement in order to be
+ used with the parser.
+ The module is divided in three modules :
+ - Expression : the finest part of the QSP syntax.
+ - Instruction : if/act block,
+ - Location
+ All the elements of the syntax are represented with a dedicated function
+ (instead of a big sum type). The module [Tree] provide an implementation
+ which build the AST.
+ *)
+type pos = Lexing.position * Lexing.position
+type ('a, 'b) variable = { pos : 'a; name : string; index : 'b option }
+(** Represent the evaluation over an expression *)
+module type Expression = sig
+ type 'a obs
+ type repr
+ type variable = { pos : pos; name : string; index : repr option }
+ (**
+ Describe a variable, using the name in capitalized text, and an optionnal
+ index.
+ If missing, the index should be considered as [0].
+ *)
+ val ident : variable -> repr
+ (*
+ Basic values, text, number…
+ *)
+ val integer : pos -> string -> repr
+ val literal : pos -> string -> repr
+ val function_ : pos -> T.function_ -> repr list -> repr
+ (** Call a function. The functions list is hardcoded in lib/lexer.mll *)
+ val uoperator : pos -> T.uoperator -> repr -> repr
+ (** Unary operator like [-123] or [+'Text']*)
+ val boperator : pos -> T.boperator -> repr -> repr -> repr
+ (** Binary operator, for a comparaison, or an operation *)
+module type Instruction = sig
+ type repr
+ type expression
+ type variable
+ val call : pos -> string -> expression list -> repr
+ (** Call for an instruction like [GT] or [*CLR] *)
+ val location : pos -> string -> repr
+ (** Label for a loop *)
+ val comment : pos -> repr
+ (** Comment *)
+ val expression : expression -> repr
+ (** Raw expression *)
+ type clause = pos * expression * repr list
+ val if_ : pos -> clause -> elifs:clause list -> else_:repr list -> repr
+ val act : pos -> label:expression -> repr list -> repr
+ val assign : pos -> variable -> T.assignation_operator -> expression -> repr
+module type Location = sig
+ type repr
+ type instruction
+ val location : pos -> instruction list -> repr
+module type Analyzer = sig
+ module Expression : Expression
+ module Instruction :
+ Instruction
+ with type expression = Expression.repr
+ and type variable = Expression.variable
+ module Location : Location with type instruction = Instruction.repr
diff --git a/syntax/dune b/syntax/dune
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8188de8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/syntax/dune
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ (name qsp_syntax)
+ (preprocess (pps
+ ppx_deriving.show
+ ppx_deriving.eq )))
diff --git a/syntax/t.ml b/syntax/t.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12be4b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/syntax/t.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+ This module contains the basic operators used in the QSP syntax.
+ *)
+type boperator =
+ | Eq
+ | Neq
+ | Plus
+ | Minus
+ | Product
+ | Div
+ | Gt
+ | Lt
+ | Gte
+ | Lte
+ | And
+ | Or
+ | Mod
+[@@deriving eq, show]
+and uoperator = No | Neg | Add [@@deriving eq, show]
+and assignation_operator = Eq' | Inc (** += *) | Decr (** -= *)
+[@@deriving eq, show]
+type function_ =
+ | Arrcomp
+ | Arrpos
+ | Arrsize
+ | Countobj
+ | Desc
+ | Desc'
+ | Dyneval
+ | Dyneval'
+ | Func
+ | Func'
+ | Getobj
+ | Getobj'
+ | Iif
+ | Iif'
+ | Input
+ | Input'
+ | Instr
+ | Isnum
+ | Isplay
+ | Lcase
+ | Lcase'
+ | Len
+ | Max
+ | Max'
+ | Mid
+ | Mid'
+ | Min
+ | Min'
+ | Msecscount
+ | Qspver
+ | Qspver'
+ | Rand
+ | Replace
+ | Replace'
+ | Rgb
+ | Rnd
+ | Selact
+ | Stattxt
+ | Stattxt'
+ | Str
+ | Str'
+ | Strcomp
+ | Strfind
+ | Strfind'
+ | Strpos
+ | Trim
+ | Trim'
+ | Ucase
+ | Ucase'
+ | Val
+[@@deriving eq, show]
diff --git a/syntax/tree.ml b/syntax/tree.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb31253
--- /dev/null
+++ b/syntax/tree.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+type pos = Lexing.position * Lexing.position
+module Ast = struct
+ type nonrec pos = pos
+ type 'a variable = { pos : 'a; name : string; index : 'a expression option }
+ [@@deriving eq, show]
+ and 'a expression =
+ | Integer of 'a * string
+ | Literal of 'a * string
+ | Ident of 'a variable
+ | BinaryOp of 'a * T.boperator * 'a expression * 'a expression
+ | Op of 'a * T.uoperator * 'a expression
+ | Function of 'a * T.function_ * 'a expression list
+ [@@deriving eq, show]
+ and 'a condition = 'a * 'a expression * 'a statement list
+ and 'a statement =
+ | If of {
+ loc : 'a;
+ then_ : 'a condition;
+ elifs : 'a condition list;
+ else_ : 'a statement list;
+ }
+ | Act of { loc : 'a; label : 'a expression; statements : 'a statement list }
+ | Declaration of ('a * 'a variable * T.assignation_operator * 'a expression)
+ | Expression of 'a expression
+ | Comment of 'a
+ | Call of 'a * string * 'a expression list
+ | Location of 'a * string
+ [@@deriving eq, show]
+(** Default implementation for the expression *)
+module Expression : S.Expression with type repr = pos Ast.expression = struct
+ type 'a obs
+ type repr = pos Ast.expression
+ type variable = { pos : pos; name : string; index : repr option }
+ let integer : pos -> string -> repr = fun pos i -> Ast.Integer (pos, i)
+ let literal : pos -> string -> repr = fun pos l -> Ast.Literal (pos, l)
+ let function_ : pos -> T.function_ -> repr list -> repr =
+ fun pos name args -> Ast.Function (pos, name, args)
+ let uoperator : pos -> T.uoperator -> repr -> repr =
+ fun pos op expression -> Ast.Op (pos, op, expression)
+ let boperator : pos -> T.boperator -> repr -> repr -> repr =
+ fun pos op op1 op2 -> Ast.BinaryOp (pos, op, op1, op2)
+ let ident : variable -> repr =
+ fun { pos; name; index } -> Ast.Ident { pos; name; index }
+module Instruction :
+ S.Instruction
+ with type expression = Expression.repr
+ and type repr = pos Ast.statement
+ and type variable = Expression.variable = struct
+ type repr = pos Ast.statement
+ type expression = Expression.repr
+ type variable = Expression.variable
+ let call : pos -> string -> expression list -> repr =
+ fun pos name args -> Ast.Call (pos, name, args)
+ let location : pos -> string -> repr =
+ fun loc label -> Ast.Location (loc, label)
+ let comment : pos -> repr = fun pos -> Ast.Comment pos
+ let expression : expression -> repr = fun expr -> Ast.Expression expr
+ type clause = pos * expression * repr list
+ let if_ : pos -> clause -> elifs:clause list -> else_:repr list -> repr =
+ fun pos predicate ~elifs ~else_ ->
+ Ast.If { loc = pos; then_ = predicate; elifs; else_ }
+ let act : pos -> label:expression -> repr list -> repr =
+ fun pos ~label statements -> Ast.Act { loc = pos; label; statements }
+ let assign : pos -> variable -> T.assignation_operator -> expression -> repr =
+ fun pos_loc { pos; name; index } op expr ->
+ Ast.Declaration (pos_loc, { pos; name; index }, op, expr)
+module Location = struct
+ type instruction = pos Ast.statement
+ type repr = pos * instruction list
+ let location : pos -> instruction list -> repr = fun pos block -> (pos, block)
diff --git a/syntax/tree.mli b/syntax/tree.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca5a639
--- /dev/null
+++ b/syntax/tree.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ Implementation for S.Analyzer for building a complete Ast.
+ Used in the unit test in order to check if the grammar is interpreted as
+ expected, not really usefull over a big qsp.
+ *)
+(** This module is the result of the evaluation. *)
+module Ast : sig
+ type pos = Lexing.position * Lexing.position
+ type 'a variable = { pos : 'a; name : string; index : 'a expression option }
+ [@@deriving eq, show]
+ (** A variable, used both in an expression (reference) or in a statement
+ (assignation) *)
+ and 'a expression =
+ | Integer of 'a * string
+ | Literal of 'a * string
+ | Ident of 'a variable
+ | BinaryOp of 'a * T.boperator * 'a expression * 'a expression
+ | Op of 'a * T.uoperator * 'a expression
+ | Function of 'a * T.function_ * 'a expression list
+ [@@deriving eq, show]
+ and 'a condition = 'a * 'a expression * 'a statement list
+ (** A condition in if or elseif statement *)
+ and 'a statement =
+ | If of {
+ loc : 'a;
+ then_ : 'a condition;
+ elifs : 'a condition list;
+ else_ : 'a statement list;
+ }
+ | Act of { loc : 'a; label : 'a expression; statements : 'a statement list }
+ | Declaration of ('a * 'a variable * T.assignation_operator * 'a expression)
+ | Expression of 'a expression
+ | Comment of 'a
+ | Call of 'a * string * 'a expression list
+ | Location of 'a * string
+ [@@deriving eq, show]
+(** / **)
+ S.Analyzer
+ with type Expression.repr = Ast.pos Ast.expression
+ and type Instruction.repr = Ast.pos Ast.statement
+ and type Location.repr = Ast.pos * Ast.pos Ast.statement list