path: root/test/qsp_parser_test.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/qsp_parser_test.ml')
1 files changed, 727 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/qsp_parser_test.ml b/test/qsp_parser_test.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4665737
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/qsp_parser_test.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,727 @@
+module Parser = Qsp_parser.Parser.Make (Qsp_syntax.Tree)
+module Ast = Qsp_syntax.Tree.Ast
+module T = Ast
+let _position = (Lexing.dummy_pos, Lexing.dummy_pos)
+type 'a location = 'a * 'a Ast.statement list [@@deriving eq, show]
+let parse : string -> T.pos location =
+ fun content ->
+ let lexing = Lexing.from_string content in
+ Parser.main Qsp_parser.Lexer.token lexing
+let location : T.pos location Alcotest.testable =
+ let equal = equal_location (fun _ _ -> true) in
+ let pp =
+ pp_location (fun formater _ -> Format.fprintf formater "_position")
+ in
+ Alcotest.testable pp equal
+let test_empty_location () =
+ let expected = (_position, [])
+ and actual = parse {|# Location
+------- |}
+ and msg = "Empty location" in
+ Alcotest.(check' location ~msg ~expected ~actual)
+let test_location_without_database () =
+ let expected = (_position, [])
+ and actual = parse {|# $Location
+------- |}
+ and msg = "Location without database" in
+ let () = Alcotest.(check' location ~msg ~expected ~actual) in
+ let actual = parse {|# !Location
+------- |} in
+ let () = Alcotest.(check' location ~msg ~expected ~actual) in
+ let actual = parse {|# ^Location
+------- |} in
+ Alcotest.(check' location ~msg ~expected ~actual)
+let _test_instruction : string -> Ast.pos Ast.statement list -> unit =
+ fun literal expected ->
+ let expected = (_position, expected)
+ and _location = Printf.sprintf {|# Location
+------- |} literal in
+ let actual = parse _location and msg = literal in
+ Alcotest.(check' location ~msg ~expected ~actual)
+let test_numeric_expression () =
+ _test_instruction "123" [ Expression (Integer (_position, "123")) ]
+let test_negative_numeric_expression () =
+ _test_instruction "-123"
+ [ Expression (Op (_position, Neg, Integer (_position, "123"))) ]
+let test_negative_numeric_expression2 () =
+ let index = Some Ast.(Integer (_position, "0")) in
+ let var = { Ast.pos = _position; name = "CURTIMESUN"; index } in
+ _test_instruction "-(780-CurTimeSun)"
+ Ast.
+ [
+ Expression
+ (Op
+ ( _position,
+ Neg,
+ BinaryOp (_position, Minus, Integer (_position, "780"), Ident var)
+ ));
+ ]
+let test_str_variable () =
+ let index = Some T.(Integer (_position, "0")) in
+ let var = { Ast.pos = _position; name = "$VALUE"; index } in
+ _test_instruction "$value" [ Expression (Ident var) ]
+let test_variable () =
+ let index = Some Ast.(Integer (_position, "0")) in
+ let var = { Ast.pos = _position; name = "VALUE"; index } in
+ _test_instruction "value" [ Expression (Ident var) ]
+let test_indexed_variable () =
+ let index = Some Ast.(Integer (_position, "1")) in
+ let var = { Ast.pos = _position; name = "VALUE"; index } in
+ _test_instruction "value[1]" [ Expression (Ident var) ]
+let test_let_literal () =
+ let index = Some Ast.(Integer (_position, "0")) in
+ let var = { Ast.pos = _position; name = "VALUE"; index } in
+ _test_instruction "let value = '123'"
+ Ast.[ Declaration (_position, var, Eq', Literal (_position, "123")) ]
+let test_set_array_append () =
+ let var = { Ast.pos = _position; name = "$VALUE"; index = None } in
+ _test_instruction "set $value[] = ''"
+ Ast.[ Declaration (_position, var, Eq', Literal (_position, "")) ]
+let test_direct_assignation () =
+ let index = Some Ast.(Integer (_position, "0")) in
+ let var = { T.pos = _position; name = "VALUE"; index } in
+ _test_instruction "value = '123'"
+ Ast.[ Declaration (_position, var, Eq', Literal (_position, "123")) ]
+let test_command_assignation () =
+ let index = Some Ast.(Integer (_position, "0")) in
+ let st_1 = { Ast.pos = _position; name = "ST_1"; index } in
+ _test_instruction "st_1 = input 'Enter the amount'"
+ Ast.
+ [
+ Declaration
+ ( _position,
+ st_1,
+ Eq',
+ Function
+ (_position, Input, [ Literal (_position, "Enter the amount") ]) );
+ ]
+let test_assignation2 () =
+ let index = Some Ast.(Integer (_position, "0")) in
+ let var = { Ast.pos = _position; name = "VALUE"; index } in
+ _test_instruction "set value += 123"
+ Ast.[ Declaration (_position, var, Inc, Integer (_position, "123")) ]
+let test_multilie_literal () =
+ let index = Some Ast.(Integer (_position, "0")) in
+ let var = { Ast.pos = _position; name = "VALUE"; index } in
+ _test_instruction {|
+ value = {
+$a = '123'
+ Ast.
+ [
+ Declaration (_position, var, Eq', Literal (_position, "\n$a = '123'\n"));
+ ]
+let test_nested_literal () =
+ _test_instruction
+ {|
+ value = {
+ {
+ }
+ [
+ Ast.Declaration
+ ( _position,
+ {
+ Ast.pos = _position;
+ name = "VALUE";
+ index = Some (Ast.Integer (_position, "0"));
+ },
+ Qsp_syntax.T.Eq',
+ Ast.Literal (_position, "\n\n {\n\n }\n") );
+ ]
+let test_concat_literal () =
+ _test_instruction {|
+ '123'
+ +'456'
+ [
+ Ast.Expression (Ast.Literal (_position, "123"));
+ Ast.Expression
+ (Ast.Op (_position, Qsp_syntax.T.Add, Ast.Literal (_position, "456")));
+ ]
+let test_literal () =
+ _test_instruction "'123'" [ Expression (Literal (_position, "123")) ]
+let test_qutoted_literal () =
+ _test_instruction "'12''3'" [ Expression (Literal (_position, "12'3")) ]
+let test_multiline1 () =
+ let content = {|
+apples = 5
+pears = 10
+|} in
+ let index = Some Ast.(Integer (_position, "0")) in
+ let apples = { Ast.pos = _position; name = "APPLES"; index }
+ and pears = { Ast.pos = _position; name = "PEARS"; index }
+ and value_5 = Ast.Integer (_position, "5")
+ and value_10 = Ast.Integer (_position, "10") in
+ _test_instruction content
+ Ast.
+ [
+ Declaration (_position, apples, Eq', value_5);
+ Declaration (_position, pears, Eq', value_10);
+ ]
+let test_multiline2 () =
+ let content = "apples = 5 & pears = 10" in
+ let index = Some Ast.(Integer (_position, "0")) in
+ let apples = { Ast.pos = _position; name = "APPLES"; index }
+ and pears = { Ast.pos = _position; name = "PEARS"; index }
+ and value_5 = Ast.Integer (_position, "5")
+ and value_10 = Ast.Integer (_position, "10") in
+ _test_instruction content
+ [
+ Declaration (_position, apples, Eq', value_5);
+ Declaration (_position, pears, Eq', value_10);
+ ]
+let test_equality () =
+ let content = "apples = 5 = pears" in
+ let index = Some Ast.(Integer (_position, "0")) in
+ let apples = { Ast.pos = _position; name = "APPLES"; index }
+ and pears = { Ast.pos = _position; name = "PEARS"; index }
+ and value_5 = Ast.Integer (_position, "5") in
+ _test_instruction content
+ [
+ Declaration
+ (_position, apples, Eq', BinaryOp (_position, Eq, value_5, Ident pears));
+ ]
+let test_plus () =
+ let content = {|
+apples = 5 + pears
+|} in
+ let index = Some Ast.(Integer (_position, "0")) in
+ let apples = { Ast.pos = _position; name = "APPLES"; index }
+ and pears = { Ast.pos = _position; name = "PEARS"; index }
+ and value_5 = Ast.Integer (_position, "5") in
+ _test_instruction content
+ [
+ Declaration
+ ( _position,
+ apples,
+ Eq',
+ BinaryOp (_position, Plus, value_5, Ident pears) );
+ ]
+let test_plus_litt () =
+ let content = {|
+'five'+ pears
+|} in
+ let index = Some Ast.(Integer (_position, "0")) in
+ let pears = { Ast.pos = _position; name = "PEARS"; index } in
+ _test_instruction content
+ [
+ Ast.(
+ Expression
+ (BinaryOp (_position, Plus, Literal (_position, "five"), Ident pears)));
+ ]
+let test_concat () =
+ let content = {|
+$firstName + ' ' + $lastName
+|} in
+ let index = Some Ast.(Integer (_position, "0")) in
+ let firstname = { Ast.pos = _position; name = "$FIRSTNAME"; index }
+ and lastName = { Ast.pos = _position; name = "$LASTNAME"; index }
+ and space = Ast.Literal (_position, " ") in
+ _test_instruction content
+ [
+ Expression
+ (BinaryOp
+ ( _position,
+ Plus,
+ Ident firstname,
+ BinaryOp (_position, Plus, space, Ident lastName) ));
+ ]
+let test_comment () = _test_instruction "! Comment" [ Comment _position ]
+let test_comment2 () =
+ let index = Some Ast.(Integer (_position, "0")) in
+ let a = { Ast.pos = _position; name = "A"; index }
+ and value_0 = Ast.Integer (_position, "0") in
+ _test_instruction "a = 0 &! Comment"
+ Ast.[ Declaration (_position, a, Eq', value_0); Comment _position ]
+let test_comment3 () = _test_instruction {|!!1234
+ |} [ Comment _position ]
+(** The exclamation mark here is an operation and not a comment *)
+let test_comment4 () =
+ let index = Some Ast.(Integer (_position, "0")) in
+ let a = { Ast.pos = _position; name = "A"; index }
+ and value_0 = Ast.Integer (_position, "0") in
+ _test_instruction "a = rand(0, 1) ! 0"
+ [
+ Ast.(
+ Declaration
+ ( _position,
+ a,
+ Eq',
+ BinaryOp
+ ( _position,
+ Neq,
+ Function
+ ( _position,
+ Rand,
+ [ Integer (_position, "0"); Integer (_position, "1") ] ),
+ value_0 ) ));
+ ]
+let test_comment5 () =
+ _test_instruction "a = rand() &! Comment"
+ [
+ Ast.Declaration
+ ( _position,
+ {
+ Ast.pos = _position;
+ name = "A";
+ index = Some (Ast.Integer (_position, "0"));
+ },
+ Qsp_syntax.T.Eq',
+ Ast.Function (_position, Rand, []) );
+ Ast.Comment _position;
+ ]
+let test_comment6 () =
+ _test_instruction
+ "gs 'stat' &!! It should be here, because some of the strigs have to be \
+ initialized"
+ [
+ Ast.Call (_position, "GOSUB", [ Ast.Literal (_position, "stat") ]);
+ Ast.Comment _position;
+ ]
+let test_long_comment () =
+ _test_instruction
+ {| !'this part of the comment is inside
+single quotes' but "this is still part
+of the same comment because sometimes
+life is unfair." Oh yeah, {curly brackets
+also count}. This is still the same comment. |}
+ [ Comment _position ]
+(** This test ensure that the unary operator is applied to the whole expression
+ *)
+let test_precedence () =
+ let index = Some Ast.(Integer (_position, "0")) in
+ let x = Ast.Ident { Ast.pos = _position; name = "X"; index }
+ and y = Ast.Ident { Ast.pos = _position; name = "Y"; index } in
+ _test_instruction "no x = y"
+ Ast.[ Expression (Op (_position, No, BinaryOp (_position, Eq, x, y))) ]
+(** This test ensure that a ! is not considered as a comment in an
+ expression *)
+let test_precedence2 () =
+ let index = Some Ast.(Integer (_position, "0")) in
+ let x = { Ast.pos = _position; name = "X"; index }
+ and y = Ast.Ident { Ast.pos = _position; name = "Y"; index } in
+ _test_instruction "x = y ! 0"
+ Ast.
+ [
+ Declaration
+ ( _position,
+ x,
+ Eq',
+ BinaryOp (_position, Neq, y, Integer (_position, "0")) );
+ ]
+let test_if () =
+ let index = Some Ast.(Integer (_position, "0")) in
+ let args = Ast.(Ident { pos = _position; name = "$ARGS"; index })
+ and expr1 = Ast.(Literal (_position, "blockA"))
+ and expr2 = Ast.(Expression (Literal (_position, "You are in block A"))) in
+ _test_instruction {| if $ARGS[0] = 'blockA':
+ 'You are in block A'
+end |}
+ Ast.
+ [
+ If
+ {
+ loc = _position;
+ then_ = (_position, BinaryOp (_position, Eq, args, expr1), [ expr2 ]);
+ elifs = [];
+ else_ = [];
+ };
+ ]
+let test_if2 () =
+ let index = Some Ast.(Integer (_position, "0")) in
+ let args = Ast.(Ident { pos = _position; name = "$ARGS"; index })
+ and expr1 = Ast.(Literal (_position, "blockA"))
+ and expr2 = Ast.(Expression (Literal (_position, "You are in block A"))) in
+ _test_instruction {| if $ARGS[0] = 'blockA':
+ 'You are in block A'
+end if|}
+ Ast.
+ [
+ If
+ {
+ loc = _position;
+ then_ = (_position, BinaryOp (_position, Eq, args, expr1), [ expr2 ]);
+ elifs = [];
+ else_ = [];
+ };
+ ]
+let test_if_chained () =
+ let value_0 = Ast.Integer (_position, "0") in
+ _test_instruction {| if 0:
+ 0
+end &! -- |}
+ Ast.
+ [
+ If
+ {
+ loc = _position;
+ then_ = (_position, value_0, [ Expression value_0 ]);
+ elifs = [];
+ else_ = [];
+ };
+ Comment _position;
+ ]
+let test_if_equality () =
+ _test_instruction {|
+if 0 = 0:
+end &! --
+ [
+ Ast.If
+ {
+ loc = _position;
+ then_ =
+ ( _position,
+ Ast.BinaryOp
+ ( _position,
+ Qsp_syntax.T.Eq,
+ Ast.Integer (_position, "0"),
+ Ast.Integer (_position, "0") ),
+ [] );
+ elifs = [];
+ else_ = [];
+ };
+ Ast.Comment _position;
+ ]
+let test_if_inline () =
+ let value_0 = Ast.Integer (_position, "0") in
+ _test_instruction "if 0: 0 else 0"
+ Ast.
+ [
+ If
+ {
+ loc = _position;
+ then_ = (_position, value_0, [ Expression value_0 ]);
+ elifs = [];
+ else_ = [ Expression value_0 ];
+ };
+ ]
+let test_if_inline_comment () =
+ let value_0 = Ast.Integer (_position, "0") in
+ _test_instruction "if 0: 0 else 0 &! comment "
+ Ast.
+ [
+ If
+ {
+ loc = _position;
+ then_ = (_position, value_0, [ Expression value_0 ]);
+ elifs = [];
+ else_ = [ Expression value_0 ];
+ };
+ Comment _position;
+ ]
+let test_if_inline_comment2 () =
+ _test_instruction "if 0: 1 & !! Comment"
+ [
+ Ast.If
+ {
+ loc = _position;
+ then_ =
+ ( _position,
+ Ast.Integer (_position, "0"),
+ [
+ Ast.Expression (Ast.Integer (_position, "1"));
+ Ast.Comment _position;
+ ] );
+ elifs = [];
+ else_ = [];
+ };
+ ]
+let test_if_inline_act () =
+ _test_instruction "if 1 and hour >= 8: minut += 1 & act 'go': gt 'go'"
+ [
+ Ast.If
+ {
+ loc = _position;
+ then_ =
+ ( _position,
+ Ast.BinaryOp
+ ( _position,
+ Qsp_syntax.T.And,
+ Ast.Integer (_position, "1"),
+ Ast.BinaryOp
+ ( _position,
+ Qsp_syntax.T.Gte,
+ Ast.Ident
+ {
+ Ast.pos = _position;
+ name = "HOUR";
+ index = Some (Ast.Integer (_position, "0"));
+ },
+ Ast.Integer (_position, "8") ) ),
+ [
+ Ast.Declaration
+ ( _position,
+ {
+ Ast.pos = _position;
+ name = "MINUT";
+ index = Some (Ast.Integer (_position, "0"));
+ },
+ Qsp_syntax.T.Inc,
+ Ast.Integer (_position, "1") );
+ Ast.Act
+ {
+ loc = _position;
+ label = Ast.Literal (_position, "go");
+ statements =
+ [
+ Ast.Call
+ (_position, "GOTO", [ Ast.Literal (_position, "go") ]);
+ ];
+ };
+ ] );
+ elifs = [];
+ else_ = [];
+ };
+ ]
+let test_if_inline_act2 () =
+ _test_instruction "if 1: act 'go': gt 'go' &! comment "
+ [
+ Ast.If
+ {
+ loc = _position;
+ then_ =
+ ( _position,
+ Ast.Integer (_position, "1"),
+ [
+ Ast.Act
+ {
+ loc = _position;
+ label = Ast.Literal (_position, "go");
+ statements =
+ [
+ Ast.Call
+ (_position, "GOTO", [ Ast.Literal (_position, "go") ]);
+ Ast.Comment _position;
+ ];
+ };
+ ] );
+ elifs = [];
+ else_ = [];
+ };
+ ]
+let test_precedence3 () =
+ let index = Some Ast.(Integer (_position, "0")) in
+ let args = Ast.(Ident { pos = _position; name = "$ARGS"; index })
+ and expr1 = Ast.(Literal (_position, "blockA"))
+ and expr2 = Ast.(Expression (Literal (_position, "You are in block A")))
+ and expr3 = Ast.(Expression (Integer (_position, "0"))) in
+ _test_instruction {| if $ARGS[0] = 'blockA': 'You are in block A' & 0|}
+ Ast.
+ [
+ If
+ {
+ loc = _position;
+ then_ =
+ ( _position,
+ BinaryOp (_position, Eq, args, expr1),
+ [ expr2; expr3 ] );
+ elifs = [];
+ else_ = [];
+ };
+ ]
+let test_gs () =
+ _test_instruction "gs '123'"
+ [ Ast.(Call (_position, "GOSUB", [ Literal (_position, "123") ])) ]
+let test_gt () =
+ _test_instruction "gt $curloc"
+ [
+ Ast.Call
+ ( _position,
+ "GOTO",
+ [
+ Ast.Ident
+ {
+ Ast.pos = _position;
+ name = "CURLOC";
+ index = Some (Ast.Integer (_position, "0"));
+ };
+ ] );
+ ]
+let test_nl () =
+ _test_instruction "*NL 'It'"
+ [ Ast.Call (_position, "*NL", [ Ast.Literal (_position, "It") ]) ]
+let test_function () =
+ _test_instruction "iif(123, 1, 0)"
+ [
+ Ast.(
+ Expression
+ (Function
+ ( _position,
+ Iif,
+ [
+ Integer (_position, "123");
+ Integer (_position, "1");
+ Integer (_position, "0");
+ ] )));
+ ]
+(** Include a space before the parameters *)
+let test_function2 () =
+ _test_instruction "rand (0, 1)"
+ [
+ Ast.(
+ Expression
+ (Function
+ ( _position,
+ Rand,
+ [ Integer (_position, "0"); Integer (_position, "1") ] )));
+ ]
+let test_precedence4 () =
+ _test_instruction "trim()" Ast.[ Expression (Function (_position, Trim, [])) ]
+(** This should not be a keyword without arguments, followed by an expression *)
+let test_precedence5 () =
+ _test_instruction "clear()" Ast.[ Call (_position, "CLEAR", []) ]
+(** An identifier cannot start by a number *0 is a product and not an
+ identifier *)
+let test_operator () =
+ let index = Some Ast.(Integer (_position, "0")) in
+ let a = { Ast.pos = _position; name = "A"; index }
+ and value_0 = Ast.Integer (_position, "0") in
+ _test_instruction "a *0"
+ Ast.[ Expression (BinaryOp (_position, Product, Ident a, value_0)) ]
+let test_operator2 () =
+ let value_0 = Ast.Integer (_position, "0") in
+ _test_instruction "0 *rand()"
+ Ast.
+ [
+ Expression
+ (BinaryOp (_position, Product, value_0, Function (_position, Rand, [])));
+ ]
+let test_dyneval () =
+ _test_instruction "dyneval ''"
+ [
+ Ast.Expression
+ (Ast.Function (_position, Dyneval, [ Ast.Literal (_position, "") ]));
+ ]
+let syntax =
+ ( "Syntax",
+ [
+ Alcotest.test_case "Location" `Quick test_empty_location;
+ Alcotest.test_case "Location" `Quick test_location_without_database;
+ Alcotest.test_case " Numeric expression" `Quick test_numeric_expression;
+ Alcotest.test_case "-Numeric expression" `Quick
+ test_negative_numeric_expression;
+ Alcotest.test_case "-Numeric expression2" `Quick
+ test_negative_numeric_expression2;
+ Alcotest.test_case "$Variable expression" `Quick test_str_variable;
+ Alcotest.test_case " Variable expression" `Quick test_variable;
+ Alcotest.test_case "Indexed Variable expression" `Quick
+ test_indexed_variable;
+ Alcotest.test_case "Let instruction" `Quick test_let_literal;
+ Alcotest.test_case "Set array_append" `Quick test_set_array_append;
+ Alcotest.test_case "Variable_assignation" `Quick test_direct_assignation;
+ Alcotest.test_case "Command assignation" `Quick test_command_assignation;
+ Alcotest.test_case "Variable_assignation2" `Quick test_assignation2;
+ Alcotest.test_case "Literal" `Quick test_literal;
+ Alcotest.test_case "Literal2" `Quick test_qutoted_literal;
+ Alcotest.test_case "Literal3" `Quick test_multilie_literal;
+ Alcotest.test_case "Concat Literal" `Quick test_concat_literal;
+ Alcotest.test_case "Nested Literal" `Quick test_nested_literal;
+ Alcotest.test_case "Multiline1" `Quick test_multiline1;
+ Alcotest.test_case "Multiline2" `Quick test_multiline2;
+ Alcotest.test_case "Equality" `Quick test_equality;
+ Alcotest.test_case "Plus" `Quick test_plus;
+ Alcotest.test_case "Plus_litt" `Quick test_plus_litt;
+ Alcotest.test_case "PlusChained" `Quick test_concat;
+ Alcotest.test_case "Comment" `Quick test_comment;
+ Alcotest.test_case "Comment2" `Quick test_comment2;
+ Alcotest.test_case "Comment3" `Quick test_comment3;
+ Alcotest.test_case "Comment4" `Quick test_comment4;
+ Alcotest.test_case "Comment5" `Quick test_comment5;
+ Alcotest.test_case "Comment6" `Quick test_comment6;
+ Alcotest.test_case "Multiline Comment" `Quick test_long_comment;
+ Alcotest.test_case "If" `Quick test_if;
+ Alcotest.test_case "If - end if" `Quick test_if2;
+ Alcotest.test_case "If_chained" `Quick test_if_chained;
+ Alcotest.test_case "If_equality" `Quick test_if_equality;
+ Alcotest.test_case "If inline" `Quick test_if_inline;
+ Alcotest.test_case "If inline &!" `Quick test_if_inline_comment;
+ Alcotest.test_case "If inline & !!" `Quick test_if_inline_comment2;
+ Alcotest.test_case "If : act" `Quick test_if_inline_act;
+ Alcotest.test_case "If : act: &!" `Quick test_if_inline_act2;
+ Alcotest.test_case "Precedence1" `Quick test_precedence;
+ Alcotest.test_case "Precedence2" `Quick test_precedence2;
+ Alcotest.test_case "Precedence3" `Quick test_precedence3;
+ Alcotest.test_case "Call gs" `Quick test_gs;
+ Alcotest.test_case "Call gt" `Quick test_gt;
+ Alcotest.test_case "Call nl" `Quick test_nl;
+ Alcotest.test_case "Function iif" `Quick test_function;
+ Alcotest.test_case "Function rand" `Quick test_function2;
+ Alcotest.test_case "Precedence4" `Quick test_precedence4;
+ Alcotest.test_case "Precedence5" `Quick test_precedence5;
+ Alcotest.test_case "Operator" `Quick test_operator;
+ Alcotest.test_case "Operator2" `Quick test_operator2;
+ Alcotest.test_case "Dyneval" `Quick test_dyneval;
+ ] )
+let () = Alcotest.run "qsp_parser" [ syntax ]