path: root/macropad.pyw
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'macropad.pyw')
1 files changed, 244 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macropad.pyw b/macropad.pyw
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f35e141
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macropad.pyw
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import serial
+import tkinter as tk
+from tkinter import Text
+import pystray
+from pystray import MenuItem as item
+from PIL import Image, ImageTk
+import threading
+from os import path
+import sys
+from zope import component
+import interfaces
+from interfaces import endpoint
+from interfaces.message import IMessage, Debug
+import configparser
+script_path = path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__))
+config_file = path.join(script_path, "config.ini")
+config = configparser.ConfigParser(delimiters="=")
+init_mapping = config["mapping"]
+mapping = dict(init_mapping)
+from queue import Queue
+q = Queue()
+# Guess the platform and the load the corresponding event listener
+from sys import platform
+if platform == "win32":
+ import win32
+ window_listener = win32.Listener(mapping, q)
+ window_listener.start()
+ component.provideUtility(window_listener, interfaces.desktopEvent.IDesktop)
+elif platform == 'linux':
+ import xlib
+ xlib_listener = xlib.Listener(mapping, q)
+ xlib_listener.start()
+ component.provideUtility(xlib_listener, interfaces.desktopEvent.IDesktop)
+# How to connect to the peripherical
+if config.has_section("connection.serial"):
+ from serial_conn import SerialConnection
+ endpoint = component.queryAdapter(SerialConnection(config["connection.serial"]), endpoint.IEndpoint)
+ endpoint.queue = q
+ endpoint.connect()
+ component.provideUtility(endpoint, interfaces.endpoint.IEndpoint)
+elif config.has_section("connection.socket"):
+ from socket_conn import SocketConnection
+ endpoint = component.queryAdapter(SocketConnection(config["connection.socket"]), endpoint.IEndpoint)
+ endpoint.queue = q
+ endpoint.connect()
+ component.provideUtility(endpoint, interfaces.endpoint.IEndpoint)
+if config.has_section("socket.serve"):
+ import socketserver
+ server = socketserver.Handler(config["socket.serve"], q)
+ server = None
+class Icon(object):
+ def __init__(self, image):
+ menu=(
+ item('Quit', self.quit_window),
+ item('Show', self.show_window, default=True),
+ item('Reset',self.reset),
+ )
+ self.icon=pystray.Icon("name", image, "Macropad companion", menu)
+ self.stop = threading.Event()
+ self.show_hide = threading.Event()
+ # Start the icon into a new thread in order to keep the main loop control
+ icon_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.icon.run)
+ self.icon_thread = icon_thread
+ def start(self):
+ self.icon_thread.start()
+ def quit(self):
+ self.icon.stop()
+ def quit_window(self):
+ self.stop.set()
+ def show_window(self):
+ self.show_hide.set()
+ def reset(self):
+ # Create a copy of the dictonnary before updating the keys
+ tmp_mapping = dict(mapping)
+ for key in tmp_mapping.keys() :
+ if key not in init_mapping.keys():
+ del mapping[key]
+import json
+class Application(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.window = tk.Tk()
+ self.text = Text(self.window, height=8)
+ ## State of the #pplication
+ self.running = True
+ self.visible = False
+ self.focused_window = None
+ self.last_layout = None
+ component.provideHandler(self.log)
+ # Window property
+ self.window.withdraw()
+ self.window.title("Macropad companion")
+ icon = path.join(script_path, "favicon.ico")
+ try:
+ self.window.iconbitmap(icon)
+ except:
+ pass
+ self.text.pack()
+ # When closing, return back to the iconified mode
+ self.window.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.hide)
+ # Start the application in iconified mode
+ image=Image.open(icon)
+ self.icon = Icon(image)
+ self.icon.start()
+ component.handle(Debug("Started"))
+ def hide(self):
+ self.icon.show_hide.clear()
+ self.visible = False
+ self.window.withdraw()
+ self.update()
+ def update(self):
+ if self.icon.stop.is_set():
+ self.icon.quit()
+ self.running = False
+ self.window.destroy()
+ component.queryUtility(interfaces.desktopEvent.IDesktop).stop()
+ return
+ if self.icon.show_hide.is_set():
+ if not self.visible:
+ self.window.deiconify()
+ else:
+ self.window.withdraw()
+ self.icon.show_hide.clear()
+ self.visible = not self.visible
+ @component.adapter(IMessage)
+ def log(self, message : str):
+ print(message.content)
+ try:
+ f = open("/tmp/macropad.log", "a")
+ f.write(message.content)
+ f.write("\n")
+ f.close()
+ self.text.insert("1.0", "\n")
+ self.text.insert("1.0", message.content)
+ self.text.delete("200.0", "end")
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ def send(self, data: str):
+ if data == self.last_layout:
+ return
+ self.last_layout = data
+ if data == "Windows":
+ j = [ {"layout": data} ]
+ else:
+ # Add the Windows layout in the bottom layer
+ j = [ {"layout": "Windows"}, {"stack": data} ]
+ component.queryUtility(interfaces.endpoint.IEndpoint).send(j)
+ def associate(self, layout: str, name: str):
+ mapping[name] = layout
+ component.handle(Debug("Associating %s with %s" % (name, layout)))
+ def exec(self):
+ try:
+ self.update()
+ if server is not None: server.update()
+ conn = component.queryUtility(interfaces.endpoint.IEndpoint)
+ if not conn.isConnected():
+ component.handle(Debug("Reconnecting…"))
+ conn.state = conn.STATE_CONNECTING
+ self.window.after(5000, conn.connect)
+ else:
+ conn.fetch()
+ except Exception as e:
+ component.handle(Debug( str(e) ))
+ print(e)
+ # Got any error, stop the application properly
+ self.icon.stop.set()
+ if app.running:
+ self.window.after(200, self.exec)
+ while not q.empty():
+ last_layout, app_ = q.get(False)
+ self.send(last_layout)
+ if app_ is not None: self.associate(last_layout, app_)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ app = Application()
+ # Initialize the main loop
+ app.exec()
+ try:
+ app.window.mainloop()
+ except:
+ app.running = False
+ app.window.destroy()
+ app.icon.quit()
+ component.queryUtility(interfaces.desktopEvent.IDesktop).stop()