path: root/editor/editor.ml
diff options
authorSébastien Dailly <sebastien@dailly.me>2022-02-07 16:00:56 +0100
committerSébastien Dailly <sebastien@dailly.me>2022-02-07 16:43:33 +0100
commit1961a9779b482cf9cbdb3365137c2e74423067c6 (patch)
tree3965e0e464b9dfb8ddff10338dd6757af13238c2 /editor/editor.ml
parentd20d14b4f4a903ef9aea4c01dd46fab5ecbab6ae (diff)
Text editor using quill
Diffstat (limited to 'editor/editor.ml')
1 files changed, 203 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/editor/editor.ml b/editor/editor.ml
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..aeb96c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editor/editor.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+open Brr
+open Note
+module Prop
+ : sig
+ type ('a, 'b) prop
+ val prop
+ : string -> ('a, 'b) prop
+ val get
+ : 'a -> ('a, 'b) prop -> 'b option
+ val set
+ : 'a -> ('a, 'b) prop -> 'b -> unit
+ end
+= struct
+ type ('a, 'b) prop = Jv.prop'
+ let prop
+ : string -> ('a, 'b) prop
+ = Jstr.of_string
+ let get
+ : 'a -> ('a, 'b) prop -> 'b option
+ = fun obj prop ->
+ Jv.get' (Jv.Id.to_jv obj) prop
+ |> Jv.to_option Jv.Id.of_jv
+ let set
+ : 'a -> ('a, 'b) prop -> 'b -> unit
+ = fun obj prop value ->
+ Jv.set'
+ (Jv.Id.to_jv obj)
+ prop
+ (Jv.Id.to_jv value)
+module Quill = struct
+ type t = Jv.t
+ type options
+ let bounds
+ : (options, El.t) Prop.prop
+ = Prop.prop "bounds"
+ let debug
+ : (options, Jstr.t) Prop.prop
+ = Prop.prop "debug"
+ let placeholder
+ : (options, Jstr.t) Prop.prop
+ = Prop.prop "placeholder"
+ let readonly
+ : (options, Jstr.t) Prop.prop
+ = Prop.prop "readonly"
+ let theme
+ : (options, Jstr.t) Prop.prop
+ = Prop.prop "theme"
+ let scrollingContainer
+ : (options, El.t) Prop.prop
+ = Prop.prop "scrollingContainer"
+ let options
+ : unit -> options
+ = Jv.Id.of_jv @@ Jv.obj' [||]
+ (* Constructor.
+ [quill element] will create the editor inside the given element
+ *)
+ let quill
+ : ?options:options -> El.t -> (t, Jv.Error.t) Result.t
+ = fun ?options element ->
+ let quill = Jv.get Jv.global "Quill" in
+ let options = Jv.of_option ~none:Jv.undefined Jv.Id.to_jv options in
+ match Jv.new' quill Jv.Id.[| to_jv element; options |] with
+ | exception Jv.Error e -> Error e
+ | v -> Ok v
+ type delta = Jv.t
+ (* Operations is an array *)
+ type operations = Jv.t
+ let ops
+ : (delta, operations) Prop.prop
+ = Prop.prop "ops"
+ (** Return the editor content *)
+ let get_contents
+ : t -> delta
+ = fun t ->
+ Jv.call t "getContents" [||]
+ let set_contents
+ : t -> delta -> unit
+ = fun t contents ->
+ ignore @@ Jv.call t "setContents" [|contents|]
+ (** [extract_content index length] return the content starting from index, with length elements *)
+ let extract_contents
+ : t -> int -> int -> delta
+ = fun t index length ->
+ Jv.call t "getContents" [|Jv.of_int index; Jv.of_int length|]
+ let on_text_change
+ : t -> (string -> string -> string -> unit) -> unit
+ = fun t callback ->
+ ignore @@ Jv.call t "on" [|Jv.Id.to_jv @@ Jstr.v "text-change" ; Jv.repr callback|]
+let storage_key = (Jstr.v "content")
+let save_contents
+ : Quill.t -> unit
+ = fun editor ->
+ let storage = Brr_io.Storage.local G.window in
+ let contents = Quill.get_contents editor in
+ Brr_io.Storage.set_item
+ storage
+ storage_key
+ (Json.encode @@ Jv.Id.of_jv @@ contents)
+ |> Console.log_if_error ~use:()
+let load_contents
+ : Quill.t -> unit
+ = fun editor ->
+ let storage = Brr_io.Storage.local G.window in
+ Brr_io.Storage.get_item
+ storage
+ storage_key
+ |> Option.iter (fun contents ->
+ Json.decode contents
+ |> Result.map (fun json ->
+ Quill.set_contents editor json
+ )
+ |> Console.log_if_error ~use:()
+ )
+let page_main id =
+ begin match (Jv.is_none id) with
+ | true -> Console.(error [str "No element with id '%s' found"; id])
+ | false ->
+ let options = Quill.options () in
+ Prop.set options Quill.placeholder (Jstr.v "Nouvelle note…");
+ Prop.set options Quill.theme (Jstr.v "snow");
+ (* Create the editor with the configuration *)
+ Quill.quill ~options (Jv.Id.of_jv id)
+ |> Result.iter (fun editor ->
+ load_contents editor;
+ let () = Quill.on_text_change editor (fun delta old source ->
+ let _ = delta
+ and _ = old
+ and _ = source
+ in
+ ()
+ )
+ in
+ (* Attach an event on focus out *)
+ let out_event = Brr_note.Evr.on_el
+ (Ev.focusout)
+ (fun _ -> save_contents editor)
+ (Jv.Id.of_jv id) in
+ (* Prevent the event to be garbage collected *)
+ E.log out_event (fun _ -> ())
+ |> Option.iter Logr.hold
+ )
+ end
+let () =
+ let open Jv in
+ let editor = obj
+ [| "attach", (repr page_main)
+ |] in
+ set global "editor" editor