path: root/editor/prosemirror/prosemirror.ml
diff options
authorSébastien Dailly <sebastien@dailly.me>2022-02-07 16:40:45 +0100
committerSébastien Dailly <sebastien@dailly.me>2022-02-07 16:43:33 +0100
commit8d23a029c57be92a7aed0f18d9fcf1c931c1038e (patch)
tree5bce8907c420b171de9f49679045723aad03e247 /editor/prosemirror/prosemirror.ml
parent6f1b152a6927171b0c0bfed207307ed1bac1900d (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'editor/prosemirror/prosemirror.ml')
1 files changed, 265 insertions, 315 deletions
diff --git a/editor/prosemirror/prosemirror.ml b/editor/prosemirror/prosemirror.ml
index c44d090..4d75f4c 100755
--- a/editor/prosemirror/prosemirror.ml
+++ b/editor/prosemirror/prosemirror.ml
@@ -5,435 +5,385 @@ type t = Jv.t
type t' = t
-let v
- : unit -> t
- = fun () ->
- Jv.get Jv.global "PM"
+let v : unit -> t = fun () -> Jv.get Jv.global "PM"
module O = Bindings.TypedObject
module Model = struct
include Bindings.Model
module Fragment = struct
(** https://prosemirror.net/docs/ref/#model.Fragment^fromArray *)
- let from_array
- : t -> node Js.t Js.js_array Js.t -> fragment Js.t
- = fun t elements ->
- let model = Jv.get t "model" in
- let class_ = Jv.get model "Fragment" in
- Jv.call (Jv.Id.to_jv class_ ) "fromArray" [|Jv.Id.to_jv elements |]
- |> Jv.Id.of_jv
+ let from_array : t -> node Js.t Js.js_array Js.t -> fragment Js.t =
+ fun t elements ->
+ let model = Jv.get t "model" in
+ let class_ = Jv.get model "Fragment" in
+ Jv.call (Jv.Id.to_jv class_) "fromArray" [| Jv.Id.to_jv elements |]
+ |> Jv.Id.of_jv
module Mark = struct
+ let _set_from : t -> 'a Js.t -> mark Js.t =
+ fun t element ->
+ let model = Jv.get t "model" in
+ let class_ = Jv.get model "Mark" in
+ Jv.call (Jv.Id.to_jv class_) "setFrom" [| Jv.Id.to_jv element |]
+ |> Jv.Id.of_jv
- let _set_from
- : t -> 'a Js.t -> mark Js.t
- = fun t element ->
- let model = Jv.get t "model" in
- let class_ = Jv.get model "Mark" in
- Jv.call (Jv.Id.to_jv class_ ) "setFrom" [|Jv.Id.to_jv element |]
- |> Jv.Id.of_jv
+ let set_from_mark : t -> mark Js.t -> mark Js.t = _set_from
+ end
+ module DOMParser = struct
+ type parser = Jv.t
- let set_from_mark
- : t -> mark Js.t -> mark Js.t
- = _set_from
+ let from_schema : t -> schema Js.t -> parser =
+ fun t schema ->
+ let model = Jv.get t "model" in
+ let parser = Jv.get model "DOMParser" in
+ Jv.call (Jv.Id.to_jv parser) "fromSchema" [| Jv.Id.to_jv schema |]
+ let parse : parser -> El.t -> node Js.t =
+ fun dom_parser el ->
+ Jv.call dom_parser "parse" [| Jv.Id.to_jv el |] |> Jv.Id.of_jv
- module DOMParser = struct
+ let schema_spec :
+ node_spec Bindings.ordered_map Js.t
+ -> mark_spec Bindings.ordered_map Js.t option
+ -> string option
+ -> schema_spec Js.t =
+ fun nodes marks_opt topNode_opt ->
+ let marks = Jv.of_option ~none:Jv.null Jv.Id.to_jv marks_opt
+ and topNode = Jv.of_option ~none:Jv.null Jv.of_string topNode_opt in
+ Jv.obj
+ [| ("nodes", Jv.Id.to_jv nodes); ("marks", marks); ("topNode", topNode) |]
+ |> Jv.Id.of_jv
- type parser = Jv.t
+ let schema : t -> schema_spec Js.t -> schema Js.t =
+ fun t spec ->
+ let model = Jv.get t "model" in
+ Jv.new' (Jv.get model "Schema") [| Jv.Id.to_jv spec |] |> Jv.Id.of_jv
- let from_schema
- : t -> schema Js.t -> parser
- = fun t schema ->
- let model = Jv.get t "model" in
- let parser = Jv.get model "DOMParser" in
- Jv.call (Jv.Id.to_jv parser) "fromSchema" [|Jv.Id.to_jv schema|]
- let parse
- : parser -> El.t -> node Js.t
- = fun dom_parser el ->
- Jv.call dom_parser "parse" [|Jv.Id.to_jv el|]
- |> Jv.Id.of_jv
+ let empty_fragment : t -> fragment Js.t =
+ fun t ->
+ let model = Jv.get t "model" in
+ let fragment = Jv.get model "Fragment" in
+ Jv.get fragment "empty" |> Jv.Id.of_jv
- end
- let schema_spec:
- node_spec Bindings.ordered_map Js.t
- -> mark_spec Bindings.ordered_map Js.t option
- -> string option
- -> schema_spec Js.t
- = fun nodes marks_opt topNode_opt ->
- let marks = Jv.of_option ~none:Jv.null Jv.Id.to_jv marks_opt
- and topNode = Jv.of_option ~none:Jv.null Jv.of_string topNode_opt in
- Jv.obj
- [| "nodes", (Jv.Id.to_jv nodes)
- ; "marks", marks
- ; "topNode", topNode
- |]
- |> Jv.Id.of_jv
+ module Dom_output_spec = struct
+ let v :
+ ?attrs:< .. > -> string -> domOutputSpec Js.t list -> domOutputSpec Js.t
+ =
+ fun ?attrs name elems ->
+ let elems =
+ match attrs with
+ | None -> elems
+ | Some v -> Jv.Id.(of_jv @@ to_jv @@ v) :: elems
+ in
+ let elems = (Jv.Id.of_jv @@ Jv.of_string name) :: elems in
+ Jv.of_list Jv.Id.to_jv elems |> Jv.Id.to_jv |> Jv.Id.of_jv
- let schema
- : t -> schema_spec Js.t -> schema Js.t
- = fun t spec ->
- let model = Jv.get t "model" in
- Jv.new' (Jv.get model "Schema") [| Jv.Id.to_jv spec |]
- |> Jv.Id.of_jv
+ let hole : domOutputSpec Js.t = 0 |> Jv.Id.to_jv |> Jv.Id.of_jv
- let empty_fragment
- : t -> fragment Js.t
- = fun t ->
- let model = Jv.get t "model" in
- let fragment = Jv.get model "Fragment" in
- Jv.get fragment "empty"
- |> Jv.Id.of_jv
+ let of_ : 'a -> domOutputSpec Js.t =
+ fun elem -> elem |> Jv.Id.to_jv |> Jv.Id.of_jv
- module Dom_output_spec = struct
- let v
- : ?attrs:< .. > -> string -> domOutputSpec Js.t list -> domOutputSpec Js.t
- = fun ?attrs name elems ->
- let elems = match attrs with
- | None -> elems
- | Some v -> Jv.Id.(of_jv @@ to_jv @@ v)::elems in
- let elems = (Jv.Id.of_jv @@ Jv.of_string name)::elems in
- (Jv.of_list Jv.Id.to_jv elems)
- |> Jv.Id.to_jv
- |> Jv.Id.of_jv
- let hole
- : domOutputSpec Js.t
- = 0
- |> Jv.Id.to_jv
- |> Jv.Id.of_jv
- let of_
- : 'a -> domOutputSpec Js.t
- = fun elem ->
- elem
- |> Jv.Id.to_jv
- |> Jv.Id.of_jv
- let of_el
- : Brr.El.t -> domOutputSpec Js.t
- = of_
- let of_jstr
- : Jstr.t -> domOutputSpec Js.t
- = of_
- let of_obj
- : < dom: node Js.t Js.readonly_prop ; contentDOM : node Js.t Js.opt Js.readonly_prop > Js.t -> domOutputSpec Js.t
- = of_
- end
+ let of_el : Brr.El.t -> domOutputSpec Js.t = of_
- module ParseRule = struct
+ let of_jstr : Jstr.t -> domOutputSpec Js.t = of_
- let tag
- : Jstr.t -> parse_rule Js.t
- = fun name ->
- Jv.obj [| "tag", Jv.of_jstr name |]
- |> Jv.Id.of_jv
+ let of_obj :
+ < dom : node Js.t Js.readonly_prop
+ ; contentDOM : node Js.t Js.opt Js.readonly_prop >
+ Js.t
+ -> domOutputSpec Js.t =
+ of_
+ end
+ module ParseRule = struct
+ let tag : Jstr.t -> parse_rule Js.t =
+ fun name -> Jv.obj [| ("tag", Jv.of_jstr name) |] |> Jv.Id.of_jv
module State = struct
include Bindings.State
- let configuration_prop
- : unit -> configuration_prop Js.t
- = fun () -> Js.Unsafe.obj [||]
+ let configuration_prop : unit -> configuration_prop Js.t =
+ fun () -> Js.Unsafe.obj [||]
- let creation_prop
- : unit -> creation_prop Js.t
- = fun () -> Js.Unsafe.obj [||]
- let create
- : t -> creation_prop Js.t -> editor_state Js.t
- = fun t props ->
- let state = Jv.get t "state" in
- let editor_state = Jv.get state "EditorState" in
- Jv.call editor_state "create" [|Jv.Id.to_jv props|]
- |> Jv.Id.of_jv
+ let creation_prop : unit -> creation_prop Js.t = fun () -> Js.Unsafe.obj [||]
- let fromJSON
- : t -> configuration_prop Js.t -> Brr.Json.t -> editor_state Js.t
- = fun t config json ->
- let state = Jv.get t "state" in
- let editor_state = Jv.get state "EditorState" in
- Jv.call editor_state "fromJSON" [|Jv.Id.to_jv config ; json |]
- |> Jv.Id.of_jv
+ let create : t -> creation_prop Js.t -> editor_state Js.t =
+ fun t props ->
+ let state = Jv.get t "state" in
+ let editor_state = Jv.get state "EditorState" in
+ Jv.call editor_state "create" [| Jv.Id.to_jv props |] |> Jv.Id.of_jv
- let selection_from
- : selection Js.t -> Model.resolved_pos Js.t
- = fun selection ->
- Jv.Id.(of_jv @@ Jv.get (to_jv selection) "$from")
- let selection_to
- : selection Js.t -> Model.resolved_pos Js.t
- = fun selection ->
- Jv.Id.(of_jv @@ Jv.get (to_jv selection) "$to")
- let node_selection
- : t -> Model.resolved_pos Js.t -> node_selection Js.t
- = fun t pos ->
- let state = Jv.get t "state" in
- Jv.new' (Jv.get state "NodeSelection") [| Jv.Id.to_jv pos |]
- |> Jv.Id.of_jv
- let is_selectable
- : t -> Model.node Js.t -> bool Js.t
- = fun t node ->
- let selection = Jv.get (Jv.get t "state") "NodeSelection" in
- Jv.call selection "isSelectable" [|Jv.Id.to_jv node|]
- |> Jv.Id.of_jv
+ let fromJSON : t -> configuration_prop Js.t -> Brr.Json.t -> editor_state Js.t
+ =
+ fun t config json ->
+ let state = Jv.get t "state" in
+ let editor_state = Jv.get state "EditorState" in
+ Jv.call editor_state "fromJSON" [| Jv.Id.to_jv config; json |]
+ |> Jv.Id.of_jv
- let selection_at_start
- : t-> Model.node Js.t -> selection Js.t
- = fun t node ->
- let selection = Jv.get (Jv.get t "state") "NodeSelection" in
- Jv.call selection "atStart" [|Jv.Id.to_jv node|]
- |> Jv.Id.of_jv
+ let selection_from : selection Js.t -> Model.resolved_pos Js.t =
+ fun selection -> Jv.Id.(of_jv @@ Jv.get (to_jv selection) "$from")
- let create_node_selection
- : t -> Model.node Js.t -> int -> node_selection Js.t
- = fun t doc number ->
- let state = Jv.get t "state" in
- Jv.call (Jv.get state "NodeSelection") "create" Jv.Id.[|to_jv doc; Jv.of_int number|]
- |> Jv.Id.of_jv
- let create_text_selection
- : t -> Model.node Js.t -> int -> node_selection Js.t
- = fun t doc number ->
- let state = Jv.get t "state" in
- Jv.call (Jv.get state "TextSelection") "create" Jv.Id.[|to_jv doc; Jv.of_int number|]
- |> Jv.Id.of_jv
+ let selection_to : selection Js.t -> Model.resolved_pos Js.t =
+ fun selection -> Jv.Id.(of_jv @@ Jv.get (to_jv selection) "$to")
+ let node_selection : t -> Model.resolved_pos Js.t -> node_selection Js.t =
+ fun t pos ->
+ let state = Jv.get t "state" in
+ Jv.new' (Jv.get state "NodeSelection") [| Jv.Id.to_jv pos |] |> Jv.Id.of_jv
+ let is_selectable : t -> Model.node Js.t -> bool Js.t =
+ fun t node ->
+ let selection = Jv.get (Jv.get t "state") "NodeSelection" in
+ Jv.call selection "isSelectable" [| Jv.Id.to_jv node |] |> Jv.Id.of_jv
+ let selection_at_start : t -> Model.node Js.t -> selection Js.t =
+ fun t node ->
+ let selection = Jv.get (Jv.get t "state") "NodeSelection" in
+ Jv.call selection "atStart" [| Jv.Id.to_jv node |] |> Jv.Id.of_jv
+ let create_node_selection : t -> Model.node Js.t -> int -> node_selection Js.t
+ =
+ fun t doc number ->
+ let state = Jv.get t "state" in
+ Jv.call
+ (Jv.get state "NodeSelection")
+ "create"
+ Jv.Id.[| to_jv doc; Jv.of_int number |]
+ |> Jv.Id.of_jv
+ let create_text_selection : t -> Model.node Js.t -> int -> node_selection Js.t
+ =
+ fun t doc number ->
+ let state = Jv.get t "state" in
+ Jv.call
+ (Jv.get state "TextSelection")
+ "create"
+ Jv.Id.[| to_jv doc; Jv.of_int number |]
+ |> Jv.Id.of_jv
+ let cursor : selection Js.t -> Model.resolved_pos Js.t Js.opt =
+ fun selection -> Jv.Id.(of_jv @@ Jv.get (to_jv selection) "$cursor")
- let cursor
- : selection Js.t -> Model.resolved_pos Js.t Js.opt
- = fun selection ->
- Jv.Id.(of_jv @@ Jv.get (to_jv selection) "$cursor")
- let create_str_meta_data
- : Jstr.t -> 'a meta_data Js.t
- = Obj.magic
+ let create_str_meta_data : Jstr.t -> 'a meta_data Js.t = Obj.magic
(* Editor view *)
module View = struct
module EditorProps = struct
type t = Jv.t
include Bindings.View
- let direct_editor_props
- : unit -> direct_editor_props Js.t
- = fun () -> Js.Unsafe.obj [||]
- let editor_view
- : t -> El.t -> direct_editor_props Js.t -> editor_view Js.t
- = fun t node props ->
- Jv.new' (Jv.get (Jv.get t "view") "EditorView") [|Jv.Id.to_jv node ; Jv.Id.to_jv props|]
- |> Jv.Id.of_jv
+ let direct_editor_props : unit -> direct_editor_props Js.t =
+ fun () -> Js.Unsafe.obj [||]
+ let editor_view : t -> El.t -> direct_editor_props Js.t -> editor_view Js.t =
+ fun t node props ->
+ Jv.new'
+ (Jv.get (Jv.get t "view") "EditorView")
+ [| Jv.Id.to_jv node; Jv.Id.to_jv props |]
+ |> Jv.Id.of_jv
module Transform = struct
include Bindings.Transform
- let offset
- : t -> int -> step_map Js.t
- = fun t n ->
- let stepmap = Jv.get (Jv.get t "transform") "StepMap" in
- Jv.call stepmap "offset" [|Jv.Id.to_jv n|]
- |> Jv.Id.of_jv
- let insertPoint
- : t -> Model.node Js.t -> pos:int -> Model.node_type Js.t -> int Js.opt
- = fun t node ~pos node_t ->
- let transform = Jv.get t "transform" in
- Jv.call transform "insertPoint" Jv.Id.[|to_jv node ; to_jv pos; to_jv node_t|]
- |> Jv.Id.of_jv
+ let offset : t -> int -> step_map Js.t =
+ fun t n ->
+ let stepmap = Jv.get (Jv.get t "transform") "StepMap" in
+ Jv.call stepmap "offset" [| Jv.Id.to_jv n |] |> Jv.Id.of_jv
+ let insertPoint :
+ t -> Model.node Js.t -> pos:int -> Model.node_type Js.t -> int Js.opt =
+ fun t node ~pos node_t ->
+ let transform = Jv.get t "transform" in
+ Jv.call
+ transform
+ "insertPoint"
+ Jv.Id.[| to_jv node; to_jv pos; to_jv node_t |]
+ |> Jv.Id.of_jv
module Commands = struct
type t = State.editor_state Js.t -> State.dispatch Js.opt -> bool Js.t
- let baseKeymap
- : t' -> (string * t) array
- = fun t ->
- Jv.get (Jv.get t "commands") "baseKeymap"
- |> Jv.Id.of_jv
+ let baseKeymap : t' -> (string * t) array =
+ fun t -> Jv.get (Jv.get t "commands") "baseKeymap" |> Jv.Id.of_jv
- let set_block_type
- : t' -> Model.node_type Js.t -> < .. > Js.t Js.opt -> t
- = fun t node props ->
- Jv.call (Jv.get t "commands") "setBlockType" Jv.Id.[| to_jv node ; to_jv props |]
- |> Jv.Id.of_jv
- let toggle_mark
- : t' -> Model.mark_type Js.t -> < .. > Js.t Js.opt -> t
- = fun t mark props ->
- Jv.call (Jv.get t "commands") "toggleMark" Jv.Id.[| to_jv mark ; to_jv props |]
- |> Jv.Id.of_jv
+ let set_block_type : t' -> Model.node_type Js.t -> < .. > Js.t Js.opt -> t =
+ fun t node props ->
+ Jv.call
+ (Jv.get t "commands")
+ "setBlockType"
+ Jv.Id.[| to_jv node; to_jv props |]
+ |> Jv.Id.of_jv
+ let toggle_mark : t' -> Model.mark_type Js.t -> < .. > Js.t Js.opt -> t =
+ fun t mark props ->
+ Jv.call
+ (Jv.get t "commands")
+ "toggleMark"
+ Jv.Id.[| to_jv mark; to_jv props |]
+ |> Jv.Id.of_jv
module History = struct
include Bindings.History
- let history_prop
- : unit -> history_prop Js.t
- = fun () -> Js.Unsafe.obj [||]
+ let history_prop : unit -> history_prop Js.t = fun () -> Js.Unsafe.obj [||]
- let history
- : t -> history_prop Js.t -> State.plugin Js.t
- = fun t props ->
- Jv.call (Jv.get t "history") "history" [|Jv.Id.to_jv props|]
- |> Jv.Id.of_jv
+ let history : t -> history_prop Js.t -> State.plugin Js.t =
+ fun t props ->
+ Jv.call (Jv.get t "history") "history" [| Jv.Id.to_jv props |]
+ |> Jv.Id.of_jv
- let undo
- : t -> Commands.t
- = fun t state fn ->
- Jv.call (Jv.get t "history") "undo" [|Jv.Id.to_jv state; Jv.repr fn|]
- |> Jv.Id.of_jv
- let redo
- : t -> Commands.t
- = fun t state fn ->
- Jv.call (Jv.get t "history") "redo" [|Jv.Id.to_jv state; Jv.repr fn|]
- |> Jv.Id.of_jv
+ let undo : t -> Commands.t =
+ fun t state fn ->
+ Jv.call (Jv.get t "history") "undo" [| Jv.Id.to_jv state; Jv.repr fn |]
+ |> Jv.Id.of_jv
-module Keymap = struct
- let keymap
- : t -> (string * Commands.t) array -> State.plugin Js.t
- = fun t props ->
- let props = Jv.obj @@ Array.map (fun (id, f) -> (id, Jv.repr f)) props in
- Jv.call (Jv.get t "keymap") "keymap" [|props|]
- |> Jv.Id.of_jv
+ let redo : t -> Commands.t =
+ fun t state fn ->
+ Jv.call (Jv.get t "history") "redo" [| Jv.Id.to_jv state; Jv.repr fn |]
+ |> Jv.Id.of_jv
+module Keymap = struct
+ let keymap : t -> (string * Commands.t) array -> State.plugin Js.t =
+ fun t props ->
+ let props = Jv.obj @@ Array.map (fun (id, f) -> (id, Jv.repr f)) props in
+ Jv.call (Jv.get t "keymap") "keymap" [| props |] |> Jv.Id.of_jv
module InputRule = struct
type input_rule
- let create
- : t -> Js.regExp Js.t -> fn:(State.editor_state Js.t -> Jstr.t Js.js_array Js.t -> from:int -> to_:int -> State.transaction Js.t Js.opt) Js.callback -> input_rule Js.t
- = fun t match' ~fn ->
- Jv.new' (Jv.get (Jv.get t "inputrules") "InputRule") [|Jv.Id.to_jv match' ; Jv.Id.to_jv fn|]
- |> Jv.Id.of_jv
- let to_plugin
- : t -> input_rule Js.t Js.js_array Js.t -> State.plugin Js.t
- = fun t rules ->
- let obj = Jv.obj [|("rules", Jv.Id.to_jv rules)|] in
- Jv.call (Jv.get t "inputrules") "inputRules" [| obj |]
- |> Jv.Id.of_jv
+ (** Create a new inputRule.
+ The callback is called with the following elements :
+ - the editor state
+ - the elements matched by the regex
+ - starting position
+ - ending position
+ and shall return a transaction if any modifications are applied. *)
+ let create :
+ t
+ -> Js.regExp Js.t
+ -> fn:
+ ( State.editor_state Js.t
+ -> Jstr.t Js.js_array Js.t
+ -> from:int
+ -> to_:int
+ -> State.transaction Js.t Js.opt )
+ Js.callback
+ -> input_rule Js.t =
+ fun t match' ~fn ->
+ Jv.new'
+ (Jv.get (Jv.get t "inputrules") "InputRule")
+ [| Jv.Id.to_jv match'; Jv.Id.to_jv fn |]
+ |> Jv.Id.of_jv
+ let to_plugin : t -> input_rule Js.t Js.js_array Js.t -> State.plugin Js.t =
+ fun t rules ->
+ let obj = Jv.obj [| ("rules", Jv.Id.to_jv rules) |] in
+ Jv.call (Jv.get t "inputrules") "inputRules" [| obj |] |> Jv.Id.of_jv
module SchemaBasic = struct
include Bindings.SchemaBasic
- let schema
- : t -> Model.schema Js.t
- = fun t ->
- Jv.get (Jv.get t "schema_basic") "schema"
- |> Jv.Id.of_jv
+ let schema : t -> Model.schema Js.t =
+ fun t -> Jv.get (Jv.get t "schema_basic") "schema" |> Jv.Id.of_jv
- let nodes
- : t -> nodes Js.t
- = fun t ->
- Jv.get (Jv.get t "schema_basic") "nodes"
- |> Jv.Id.of_jv
+ let nodes : t -> nodes Js.t =
+ fun t -> Jv.get (Jv.get t "schema_basic") "nodes" |> Jv.Id.of_jv
module SchemaList = struct
- let add_list_nodes
- : t -> Model.node_spec Bindings.ordered_map Js.t -> Jstr.t -> Jstr.t option -> Model.node_spec Bindings.ordered_map Js.t
- = fun t nodes item_content list_group_opt ->
- let schema_list = Jv.get t "schema_list" in
- let list_group = Jv.of_option ~none:Jv.null Jv.of_jstr list_group_opt in
- Jv.call schema_list "addListNodes"
- [|Jv.Id.to_jv nodes
- ; Jv.of_jstr item_content
- ; list_group |]
- |> Jv.Id.of_jv
+ let add_list_nodes :
+ t
+ -> Model.node_spec Bindings.ordered_map Js.t
+ -> Jstr.t
+ -> Jstr.t option
+ -> Model.node_spec Bindings.ordered_map Js.t =
+ fun t nodes item_content list_group_opt ->
+ let schema_list = Jv.get t "schema_list" in
+ let list_group = Jv.of_option ~none:Jv.null Jv.of_jstr list_group_opt in
+ Jv.call
+ schema_list
+ "addListNodes"
+ [| Jv.Id.to_jv nodes; Jv.of_jstr item_content; list_group |]
+ |> Jv.Id.of_jv
module Menu = struct
include Bindings.Menu
- let menuItemSpec
- : unit -> menuItemSpec Js.t
- = fun () -> Js.Unsafe.obj [||]
- let menu_item
- : t -> menuItemSpec Js.t -> menuItem Js.t
- = fun t spec ->
- let menu = Jv.get t "menu" in
- Jv.new' (Jv.get menu "MenuItem") [| Jv.Id.to_jv spec |]
- |> Jv.Id.of_jv
+ let menuItemSpec : unit -> menuItemSpec Js.t = fun () -> Js.Unsafe.obj [||]
+ let menu_item : t -> menuItemSpec Js.t -> menuItem Js.t =
+ fun t spec ->
+ let menu = Jv.get t "menu" in
+ Jv.new' (Jv.get menu "MenuItem") [| Jv.Id.to_jv spec |] |> Jv.Id.of_jv
(* Example Setup *)
module Example = struct
include Bindings.Example
- let options
- : Model.schema Js.t -> options Js.t
- = fun schema ->
- Jv.obj [|("schema", Jv.Id.to_jv schema)|]
- |> Jv.Id.of_jv
+ let options : Model.schema Js.t -> options Js.t =
+ fun schema -> Jv.obj [| ("schema", Jv.Id.to_jv schema) |] |> Jv.Id.of_jv
- let example_setup
- : t -> options Js.t -> State.plugin Js.t Js.js_array Js.t
- = fun t options ->
- let setup = Jv.get t "example_setup" in
- Jv.call setup "exampleSetup" [|Jv.Id.to_jv options|]
- |> Jv.Id.of_jv
- let buildMenuItems
- : t -> Model.schema Js.t -> menuItems Js.t
- = fun t schema ->
- let setup = Jv.get t "example_setup" in
- Jv.call setup "buildMenuItems" [|Jv.Id.to_jv schema|]
- |> Jv.Id.of_jv
+ let example_setup : t -> options Js.t -> State.plugin Js.t Js.js_array Js.t =
+ fun t options ->
+ let setup = Jv.get t "example_setup" in
+ Jv.call setup "exampleSetup" [| Jv.Id.to_jv options |] |> Jv.Id.of_jv
+ let buildMenuItems : t -> Model.schema Js.t -> menuItems Js.t =
+ fun t schema ->
+ let setup = Jv.get t "example_setup" in
+ Jv.call setup "buildMenuItems" [| Jv.Id.to_jv schema |] |> Jv.Id.of_jv