path: root/editor/storage.ml
diff options
authorSébastien Dailly <sebastien@chimrod.com>2021-04-08 20:27:36 +0200
committerSébastien Dailly <sebastien@dailly.me>2022-02-07 16:43:33 +0100
commit7d83ee3912582d3435d5a7c5fe4cb8a21617425b (patch)
tree39d374dfa22c7f4092226082c9d1260462cb8a88 /editor/storage.ml
parent210a4d94836d07bb71cad46b3e670c1977cfe833 (diff)
Added custom link popin in text editor
Diffstat (limited to 'editor/storage.ml')
1 files changed, 86 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/editor/storage.ml b/editor/storage.ml
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2dc768a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editor/storage.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+open Js_of_ocaml
+open Brr
+module PM = Prosemirror
+let storage_key = (Jstr.v "editor")
+let storage = Brr_io.Storage.local G.window
+let create_new_state pm mySchema content =
+ let module PM = Prosemirror in
+ let doc = PM.Model.(
+ DOMParser.parse
+ (DOMParser.from_schema pm mySchema)
+ (Jv.Id.of_jv content)) in
+ let props = PM.State.creation_prop () in
+ props##.doc := Js.some doc;
+ props##.plugins := Plugins.default pm mySchema;
+ PM.State.create
+ pm
+ props
+let page_id
+ : unit -> Jstr.t option
+ = fun () ->
+ let uri = Brr.Window.location Brr.G.window in
+ let query = Brr.Uri.query uri in
+ let params = Brr.Uri.Params.of_jstr query in
+ Brr.Uri.Params.find (Jstr.v "page") params
+(** Read the state from the local storage, or load the content from the given
+ element *)
+let load'
+ : PM.t -> PM.Model.schema Js.t -> Jv.t -> Jstr.t -> PM.State.editor_state Js.t
+ = fun pm schema content key ->
+ let opt_data = Brr_io.Storage.get_item storage key in
+ match opt_data with
+ | None -> create_new_state pm schema content
+ | Some contents ->
+ (* Try to load from the storage *)
+ match Json.decode contents with
+ | Error _ -> create_new_state pm schema content
+ | Ok json ->
+ let obj = PM.State.configuration_prop () in
+ obj##.plugins := Plugins.default pm schema;
+ obj##.schema := Js.some schema;
+ PM.State.fromJSON pm obj json
+let load
+ : PM.t -> PM.Model.schema Js.t -> Jv.t -> PM.State.editor_state Js.t
+ = fun pm schema content ->
+ match page_id () with
+ | None -> load' pm schema content storage_key
+ | Some value ->
+ let key = Jstr.concat
+ ~sep:(Jstr.v "_")
+ [storage_key ; value] in
+ load' pm schema content key
+(** Save the view *)
+let save'
+ : PM.View.editor_view Js.t -> Jstr.t -> unit
+ = fun view key ->
+ let contents = view##.state##toJSON () in
+ let storage = Brr_io.Storage.local G.window in
+ Brr_io.Storage.set_item
+ storage
+ key
+ (Json.encode @@ contents)
+ |> Console.log_if_error ~use:()
+let save
+ : PM.View.editor_view Js.t -> unit
+ = fun view ->
+ match page_id () with
+ | None -> save' view storage_key
+ | Some value ->
+ let key = Jstr.concat
+ ~sep:(Jstr.v "_")
+ [storage_key ; value] in
+ save' view key