path: root/lib/elements/popup.ml
diff options
authorSébastien Dailly <sebastien@dailly.me>2023-08-08 10:40:52 +0200
committerSébastien Dailly <sebastien@dailly.me>2023-08-08 10:40:52 +0200
commit9e7f27c60a425e2baa67cd459d8509a43b1d123d (patch)
tree53d79526c3a665e077ce85d8ea48a2ac3fcb07ff /lib/elements/popup.ml
parente4f50f8df6e4bc72664b0e5fc2f054694c038973 (diff)
Update to brr 0.0.6
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/elements/popup.ml')
1 files changed, 90 insertions, 101 deletions
diff --git a/lib/elements/popup.ml b/lib/elements/popup.ml
index 28c414e..7b65661 100755
--- a/lib/elements/popup.ml
+++ b/lib/elements/popup.ml
@@ -1,104 +1,93 @@
open Brr
-open Brr_note
+open Note_brr
module Js = Js_of_ocaml.Js
-let create:
- ?form:('a Note.signal * El.t)
- -> ?valid_on:(bool Note.signal)
- -> title:Jstr.t
- -> unit
- -> 'a option Note.event
- = fun ?form ?valid_on ~title () ->
- (* Ensure we keep a track for the signal event.
- This looks a bit like the old memory magment in C, as it require to
- destroy the logger each time the popup is removed. *)
- let log_opt = Option.map
- (fun (values, _) -> Note.S.log values (fun _ -> ()))
- form in
- let close_btn =
- El.span
- ~at:At.[class' (Jstr.v "modal-close")]
- [ El.txt' "×"]
- and submit_btn = El.input ()
- ~at:At.[type' (Jstr.v "submit")] in
- begin match valid_on with
- | None -> ()
- | Some s ->
- Elr.def_at
- (Jstr.v "disabled")
- (Note.S.map
- (fun value -> if (not value) then Some (Jstr.empty) else None)
- s)
- submit_btn
- end;
- let container = match form with
- | None -> El.div
- | Some _ -> El.form
- and body = match form with
- | None -> El.div []
- | Some (_, content) -> content
- and footer = match form with
- | None -> El.txt Jstr.empty
- | Some _ ->
- El.div [ submit_btn ]
- ~at:At.[class' (Jstr.v "row")] in
- (* HTML Element creation *)
- let el = El.div
- ~at:At.[class' (Jstr.v "modal")]
- [ container
- ~at:At.[class' (Jstr.v "modal-content")]
- [ El.div
- ~at:At.[class' (Jstr.v "modal-header")]
- [ close_btn
- ; El.h3
- [ El.txt title ]]
- ; El.div
- ~at:At.[class' (Jstr.v "modal-body")]
- [ body ]
- ; El.div
- ~at:At.[class' (Jstr.v "modal-footer")]
- [ footer ]]] in
- let () = El.append_children (Document.body G.document)
- [ el ] in
- (* Add the focus to the first input element inside the form *)
- let () = match form with
- | Some (_, el) when El.is_el el ->
- begin match (El.find_by_tag_name ~root:el (Jstr.v "input")) with
- | [] -> ()
- | hd::_ -> El.set_has_focus true hd
- end
- | _ -> ()
- in
- (* Event handler *)
- let close_event = Evr.on_el
- Ev.click
- (fun _ ->
- El.remove el;
- Option.iter Note.Logr.destroy log_opt;
- None)
- close_btn
- and submit_event = Evr.on_el
- Ev.click
- (fun _ ->
- El.remove el;
- Option.iter Note.Logr.destroy log_opt;
- Option.map (fun v -> Note.S.value (fst v)) form)
- submit_btn in
- Note.E.select
- [ close_event
- ; submit_event ]
+let create :
+ ?form:'a Note.signal * El.t
+ -> ?valid_on:bool Note.signal
+ -> title:Jstr.t
+ -> unit
+ -> 'a option Note.event =
+ fun ?form ?valid_on ~title () ->
+ (* Ensure we keep a track for the signal event.
+ This looks a bit like the old memory magment in C, as it require to
+ destroy the logger each time the popup is removed. *)
+ let log_opt =
+ Option.map (fun (values, _) -> Note.S.log values (fun _ -> ())) form
+ in
+ let close_btn =
+ El.span ~at:At.[ class' (Jstr.v "modal-close") ] [ El.txt' "×" ]
+ and submit_btn = El.input () ~at:At.[ type' (Jstr.v "submit") ] in
+ (match valid_on with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some s ->
+ Elr.def_at (Jstr.v "disabled")
+ (Note.S.map
+ (fun value -> if not value then Some Jstr.empty else None)
+ s)
+ submit_btn);
+ let container =
+ match form with
+ | None -> El.div
+ | Some _ -> El.form
+ and body =
+ match form with
+ | None -> El.div []
+ | Some (_, content) -> content
+ and footer =
+ match form with
+ | None -> El.txt Jstr.empty
+ | Some _ -> El.div [ submit_btn ] ~at:At.[ class' (Jstr.v "row") ]
+ in
+ (* HTML Element creation *)
+ let el =
+ El.div
+ ~at:At.[ class' (Jstr.v "modal") ]
+ [
+ container
+ ~at:At.[ class' (Jstr.v "modal-content") ]
+ [
+ El.div
+ ~at:At.[ class' (Jstr.v "modal-header") ]
+ [ close_btn; El.h3 [ El.txt title ] ]
+ ; El.div ~at:At.[ class' (Jstr.v "modal-body") ] [ body ]
+ ; El.div ~at:At.[ class' (Jstr.v "modal-footer") ] [ footer ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ in
+ let () = El.append_children (Document.body G.document) [ el ] in
+ (* Add the focus to the first input element inside the form *)
+ let () =
+ match form with
+ | Some (_, el) when El.is_el el -> (
+ match El.find_by_tag_name ~root:el (Jstr.v "input") with
+ | [] -> ()
+ | hd :: _ -> El.set_has_focus true hd)
+ | _ -> ()
+ in
+ (* Event handler *)
+ let close_event =
+ Evr.on_el Ev.click
+ (fun _ ->
+ El.remove el;
+ Option.iter Note.Logr.destroy log_opt;
+ None)
+ close_btn
+ and submit_event =
+ Evr.on_el Ev.click
+ (fun _ ->
+ El.remove el;
+ Option.iter Note.Logr.destroy log_opt;
+ Option.map (fun v -> Note.S.value (fst v)) form)
+ submit_btn
+ in
+ Note.E.select [ close_event; submit_event ]