path: root/path/draw.ml
diff options
authorSébastien Dailly <sebastien@chimrod.com>2020-12-17 13:56:00 +0100
committerSébastien Dailly <sebastien@chimrod.com>2020-12-17 13:56:00 +0100
commit20d10a93e5becb41d1145f9d35136782365b0ba4 (patch)
treecb4e78c05ec538a3f47ba37231b705b713219a11 /path/draw.ml
parent4f262d6540281487f79870aff589ca92f5d2f6c6 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'path/draw.ml')
1 files changed, 229 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/path/draw.ml b/path/draw.ml
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..757c778
--- /dev/null
+++ b/path/draw.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+open StdLabels
+module Path = Brr_canvas.C2d.Path
+module Point = Point
+(** Translate the point in the canva area *)
+let translate_point
+ : area:Gg.v2 -> Gg.v2 -> (float * float)
+ = fun ~area point ->
+ let x, y = Gg.V2.(to_tuple @@ mul area point) in
+ x, ((Gg.V2.y area) -. y)
+let translate_point'
+ : area:Gg.v2 -> Gg.v2 -> Gg.v2 -> (float * float)
+ = fun ~area vect point ->
+ let open Gg.V2 in
+ translate_point ~area
+ (point + vect)
+(* Draw a straight line between two points *)
+let line
+ : Gg.v2 -> p1:Point.t -> Path.t -> unit
+ = fun area ~p1 path ->
+ let x, y = translate_point ~area (Point.get_coord p1) in
+ Path.line_to path ~x ~y
+(* Draw a simple bezier curve from the three given points *)
+let three_points
+ : Gg.v2 -> p0:Point.t -> p1:Point.t -> p2:Point.t -> Path.t -> unit
+ = fun area ~p0 ~p1 ~p2 path ->
+ let p0 = Point.get_coord p0
+ and p1 = Point.get_coord p1
+ and p2 = Point.get_coord p2 in
+ let bezier = Shapes.Bezier.three_points_quadratic p0 p1 p2
+ |> Shapes.Bezier.quadratic_to_cubic in
+ let cx, cy = translate_point ~area bezier.Shapes.Bezier.ctrl0
+ and cx', cy' = translate_point ~area bezier.Shapes.Bezier.ctrl1
+ and x, y = translate_point ~area bezier.Shapes.Bezier.p1 in
+ Path.ccurve_to path
+ ~cx ~cy
+ ~cx' ~cy'
+ ~x ~y
+let multi_points
+ : ?connexion:Gg.v2 -> Gg.v2 -> Point.t list -> Path.t -> unit
+ = fun ?connexion area points path ->
+ let (let*) v f =
+ match v with
+ | Ok beziers -> f beziers
+ | _ -> () in
+ let points = List.map ~f:Point.get_coord points in
+ let* beziers = Shapes.Bspline.to_bezier ?connexion1:connexion points in
+ Array.iter beziers
+ ~f:(fun bezier ->
+ let cx, cy = translate_point ~area bezier.Shapes.Bezier.ctrl0
+ and cx', cy' = translate_point ~area bezier.Shapes.Bezier.ctrl1
+ and x, y = translate_point ~area bezier.Shapes.Bezier.p1 in
+ Path.ccurve_to path
+ ~cx ~cy
+ ~cx' ~cy'
+ ~x ~y
+ )
+let circle
+ : Gg.v2 -> center:Gg.v2 -> float -> Path.t -> Path.t
+ = fun area ~center r path ->
+ let cx, cy = translate_point ~area center in
+ Path.arc
+ path
+ ~cx ~cy
+ ~r
+ ~start:0.
+ ~stop:Gg.Float.two_pi;
+ path
+type path =
+ | Empty
+ | Line of Point.t * Point.t
+ | Three_point of Point.t * Point.t * Point.t
+ | Curve of Shapes.Bezier.t array
+type t =
+ { id : int
+ ; path : path }
+let move_to
+ : area:Gg.v2 -> Brr_canvas.C2d.Path.t -> path -> unit
+ = fun ~area canvaPath path ->
+ match path with
+ | Empty -> ()
+ | Line (p0, _)
+ | Three_point (p0, _, _) ->
+ let x, y = translate_point ~area (Point.get_coord p0) in
+ Path.move_to canvaPath ~x ~y
+ | Curve beziers ->
+ try
+ let bezier = Array.get beziers 0 in
+ let x, y = translate_point ~area bezier.Shapes.Bezier.p0 in
+ Path.move_to canvaPath ~x ~y
+ with _ -> ()
+let draw
+ : ?connexion:Point.t -> area:Gg.v2 -> Brr_canvas.C2d.Path.t -> path -> unit
+ = fun ?connexion ~area canvaPath path ->
+ match connexion, path with
+ | _, Empty -> ()
+ | None, Line (_, p1) ->
+ ignore @@ line area ~p1 canvaPath
+ | Some p0, Line (p1, p2)
+ | None, Three_point (p0, p1, p2)
+ | Some _, Three_point (p0, p1, p2) ->
+ ignore @@ three_points area ~p0 ~p1 ~p2 canvaPath
+ | _, Curve beziers ->
+ Array.iter beziers
+ ~f:(fun bezier ->
+ let cx, cy = translate_point ~area bezier.Shapes.Bezier.ctrl0
+ and cx', cy' = translate_point ~area bezier.Shapes.Bezier.ctrl1
+ and x, y = translate_point ~area bezier.Shapes.Bezier.p1 in
+ Path.ccurve_to canvaPath
+ ~cx ~cy
+ ~cx' ~cy'
+ ~x ~y
+ )
+let go_back
+ : ?connexion:Point.t -> area:Gg.v2 -> Brr_canvas.C2d.Path.t -> path -> unit
+ = fun ?connexion ~area canvaPath path ->
+ let vect = Gg.V2.of_polar @@ Gg.V2.v
+ 0.02
+ Gg.Float.pi_div_4
+ in
+ match connexion, path with
+ | _, Empty -> ()
+ | _, Three_point (p0, p1, p2) ->
+ let open Point in
+ let p0' = p0 + vect
+ and p1' = p1 + vect
+ and p2' = p2 + vect in
+ let x, y = translate_point' ~area vect @@ Point.get_coord p2 in
+ Path.line_to canvaPath ~x ~y;
+ ignore @@ three_points area ~p0:p2' ~p1:p1' ~p2:p0' canvaPath
+ | _, Curve beziers ->
+ let last = Array.get beziers ((Array.length beziers) -1) in
+ let x, y =
+ last.Shapes.Bezier.p1
+ |> translate_point' vect ~area in
+ Path.line_to canvaPath ~x ~y;
+ for i = 1 to Array.length beziers do
+ let i = (Array.length beziers) - i in
+ let bezier = Array.get beziers i in
+ let cx, cy = translate_point' vect ~area bezier.Shapes.Bezier.ctrl1
+ and cx', cy' = translate_point' vect ~area bezier.Shapes.Bezier.ctrl0
+ and x, y = translate_point' vect ~area bezier.Shapes.Bezier.p0 in
+ Path.ccurve_to canvaPath
+ ~cx ~cy
+ ~cx' ~cy'
+ ~x ~y
+ done;
+ | _ -> ()
+type quick_path = Point.t list * Shapes.Bezier.t list
+let id = ref 0
+let to_path
+ : quick_path -> t
+ = fun (points, beziers) ->
+ incr id;
+ let id = !id in
+ match beziers with
+ | [] ->
+ begin match points with
+ | p0::p1::[] -> {id; path=Line (p0, p1)}
+ | p0::p1::p2::[] -> {id; path=Three_point (p0, p1, p2)}
+ | points ->
+ let (let*) v f =
+ match v with
+ | Ok beziers -> f beziers
+ | _ -> {id; path=Empty} in
+ let points' = List.map ~f:Point.get_coord points in
+ let* beziers = Shapes.Bspline.to_bezier points' in
+ {id; path=Curve beziers}
+ end
+ | _ ->
+ let (let*) v f =
+ match v with
+ | Ok beziers -> f beziers
+ | _ -> {id; path=Curve (Array.of_list beziers)} in
+ let connexion = match beziers with
+ | hd::_ -> Some hd.Shapes.Bezier.p1
+ | _ -> None in
+ let* beziers' = Shapes.Bspline.to_bezier
+ ?connexion1:connexion
+ (List.map points ~f:Point.get_coord) in
+ (* Create a new array with both lenght *)
+ let t = Array.append
+ beziers'
+ (Array.of_list beziers)
+ in
+ {id; path = Curve t}