path: root/script.it/script.ml
diff options
authorSébastien Dailly <sebastien@chimrod.com>2021-01-12 13:41:00 +0100
committerSébastien Dailly <sebastien@chimrod.com>2021-01-12 14:07:56 +0100
commit228eceeed40b0f86e75a394fe8d65e6e93ca2370 (patch)
tree1409c2d9aa6924a35464e30af78e7281502ab36e /script.it/script.ml
parent1aa90219e3e74bac3afbde0ec120e098b50bd0c5 (diff)
Move path, some refactoring
Diffstat (limited to 'script.it/script.ml')
1 files changed, 72 insertions, 48 deletions
diff --git a/script.it/script.ml b/script.it/script.ml
index 3859cc9..73e5ac3 100755
--- a/script.it/script.ml
+++ b/script.it/script.ml
@@ -3,7 +3,9 @@ open Note
open Brr
open Brr_note
+let post
+ : Brr_webworkers.Worker.t -> Worker_messages.to_worker -> unit
+ = Brr_webworkers.Worker.post
(** Create the element in the page, and the event handler *)
let canva
@@ -47,7 +49,7 @@ let canva
let click =
Brr_note_kit.Mouse.left_down mouse
- |> E.map (fun c -> `Click c) in
+ |> E.map (fun c -> `MouseDown c) in
let up =
Brr_note_kit.Mouse.left_up mouse
@@ -190,8 +192,21 @@ let backgroundColor = Blog.Nord.nord0
let white = Jstr.v "#eceff4"
let green = Jstr.v "#a3be8c"
+let draw_point point context =
+ let module Cd2d = Brr_canvas.C2d in
+ let x, y = Gg.V2.to_tuple @@ Path.Point.get_coord point in
+ Cd2d.stroke_rect
+ ~x:(x -. 5.)
+ ~y:(y -. 5.)
+ ~w:10.
+ ~h:10.
+ context
(** Redraw the canva on update *)
let on_change canva mouse_position timer state =
+ let pos = S.rough_value mouse_position in
+ let pos_v2 = Option.map Gg.V2.of_tuple pos in
let module Cd2d = Brr_canvas.C2d in
let w, h = Brr_canvas.Canvas.(float_of_int @@ w canva, float_of_int @@ h canva) in
@@ -213,7 +228,6 @@ let on_change canva mouse_position timer state =
be far away in the past, and would give to the user a sensation of lag.
- let pos = S.rough_value mouse_position in
let current =
begin match state.State.mode, pos with
| Edit, Some point ->
@@ -252,52 +266,63 @@ let on_change canva mouse_position timer state =
Layer.Paths.to_canva (module Path.Fixed) (p, path.Outline.back) context state.rendering
+ (* Draw the selected path, and operate the modifications directly as a preview *)
let () = match state.mode with
- | Selection (Path id) ->
- Cd2d.set_stroke_style context (Cd2d.color white);
- List.iter
- state.paths
- ~f:(fun path ->
- if id = path.Outline.id then
- let p = path.Outline.path in
- Layer.Paths.to_canva (module Path.Fixed) (p, path.Outline.back) context `Line
- )
- | Selection (Point (id, point)) ->
- (* As before, mark the selected path *)
+ | Selection t ->
Cd2d.set_stroke_style context (Cd2d.color white);
- List.iter
- state.paths
- ~f:(fun outline ->
- if id = outline.Outline.id then
- let path = begin match pos with
- | Some pos ->
- let pos_v2 = Gg.V2.of_tuple pos in
- if Elements.Timer.delay timer < 0.3 then
- outline.Outline.path
- else
- let point' = Path.Point.copy point pos_v2 in
- begin match Path.Fixed.replace_point outline.Outline.path point' with
- | None -> outline.Outline.path
- | Some p -> p
- end
- | None -> outline.Outline.path end in
- Layer.Paths.to_canva (module Path.Fixed) (path, outline.Outline.back) context `Line
- );
- (* Now draw the selected point *)
- let x, y = Gg.V2.to_tuple @@ Path.Point.get_coord point in
- Cd2d.stroke_rect
- ~x:(x -. 5.)
- ~y:(y -. 5.)
- ~w:10.
- ~h:10.
- context;
+ begin match pos_v2, Selection.find_selection t state.paths with
+ (* The selected element does not exist, just do nothing *)
+ | _, None -> ()
+ (* There is no click on the canva, print the line *)
+ | None, Some (Path outline) ->
+ Layer.Paths.to_canva
+ (module Path.Fixed)
+ (outline.path, outline.back)
+ context
+ `Line;
+ (* The user is modifiying the path *)
+ | Some pos_v2, Some (Path outline) ->
+ (* Translate the path *)
+ let delta = Gg.V2.(pos_v2 - state.State.mouse_down_position) in
+ let path = Path.Fixed.map
+ outline.Outline.path
+ (fun pt -> Path.Point.get_coord pt
+ |> Gg.V2.add delta
+ |> Path.Point.copy pt) in
+ Layer.Paths.to_canva
+ (module Path.Fixed)
+ (path, path)
+ context
+ `Line;
+ (* The user is modifiying the point *)
+ | Some pos_v2, Some (Point (outline, point)) when Elements.Timer.delay timer > 0.3 ->
+ let point' = Path.Point.copy point pos_v2 in
+ let path = begin match Path.Fixed.replace_point outline.Outline.path point' with
+ | None -> outline.Outline.path
+ | Some p -> p
+ end in
+ Layer.Paths.to_canva
+ (module Path.Fixed)
+ (path, path)
+ context
+ `Line;
+ draw_point point context
+ | _, Some (Point (outline, point)) ->
+ Layer.Paths.to_canva
+ (module Path.Fixed)
+ (outline.path, outline.back)
+ context
+ `Line;
+ draw_point point context
+ end
| _ -> ()
let spawn_worker () =
@@ -387,12 +412,11 @@ let page_main id =
let _ =
[ E.map (fun _ -> ()) (S.changes mouse_position)
- ; E.map (fun _ -> ()) (S.changes parameters.angle)
- ; E.map (fun _ -> ()) (S.changes parameters.width)
; E.map (fun _ -> ()) parameters.rendering
; E.map (fun _ -> ()) worker_event
; parameters.delete ]
- |> fun ev -> E.log ev (fun _ -> on_change canva mouse_position timer (S.value state) )
+ |> fun ev -> E.log ev (fun _ ->
+ on_change canva mouse_position timer (S.value state) )
|> Option.iter Logr.hold in