path: root/matrix/MatrixI.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'matrix/MatrixI.ml')
1 files changed, 105 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/matrix/MatrixI.ml b/matrix/MatrixI.ml
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fbc4e21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matrix/MatrixI.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+exception NonSquare
+exception ImproperDimensions
+module type MATRIX =
+ (******** TYPES ********)
+ type elt
+ type matrix
+ (* empty matrix of nxp dimensions *)
+ val empty : int -> int -> matrix
+ (* Takes a list of lists and converts that to a matrix *)
+ val from_list : (elt list list) -> matrix
+ val from_array: elt array array -> matrix
+ (******** OPERATIONS ON ONE MATRIX ********)
+ (* Takes in a matrix and returns its dimensions. ie, nxp *)
+ val get_dimensions : matrix -> (int * int)
+ (* get's the row of a matrix: Not zero-indexed. *)
+ val get_row : matrix -> int -> (int * elt array)
+ (* similar to get_row *)
+ val get_column: matrix -> int -> (int * elt array)
+ (* sets the row of a matrix in place! Not zero-index *)
+ val set_row: matrix -> int -> elt array -> unit
+ (* similar to set_row, but for a column *)
+ val set_column: matrix -> int -> elt array -> unit
+ (* gets the element at the specified index. *)
+ val get_elt: matrix -> (int * int) -> elt
+ (* sets the element at the specified index *)
+ val set_elt: matrix -> (int * int) -> elt -> unit
+ (* Scales every element in the matrix by another elt *)
+ val scale : matrix -> elt -> matrix
+ (* Returns the row reduced form of a matrix *)
+ val row_reduce: matrix -> matrix
+ (* We will implement the algorithm found in the link above *)
+ (* Returns the inverse of a matrix *)
+ val inverse: matrix -> matrix
+ (*Transposes a matrix. If the input has dimensions m x n, the output will
+ * have dimensions n x m *)
+ val transpose: matrix -> matrix
+ (* Returns the trace of the matrix *)
+ val trace: matrix -> elt
+ (******** OPERATIONS ON TWO MATRICES ********)
+ (* Adds two matrices. They must have the same dimensions *)
+ val add : matrix -> matrix -> matrix
+ (* Multiplies two matrices. If the matrices have dimensions m x n and p x q, n
+ * and p must be equal, and the resulting matrix will have dimension m x q *)
+ val mult: matrix -> matrix -> matrix
+ (**** Other Library Functions ***)
+ (* Function to make over our matrices *)
+ val map : (elt -> elt) -> matrix -> matrix
+ (*val iter : (elt -> unit) -> matrix -> unit*)
+ (* Returns the LUP decomposition of a matrix *)
+ val lu_decomposition : matrix -> (matrix * matrix * matrix) * int
+ (* Returns the determinant of the matrix *)
+ val determinant: matrix -> elt
+ (************** Other Library Functions *************)
+ val iter : (elt -> unit) -> matrix -> unit
+ val iteri : (int -> int -> elt -> unit) -> matrix -> unit
+ (* folds over each row using base case u and function f *)
+ val reduce: ('a -> elt -> 'a) -> 'a -> matrix -> 'a
+ val fold_row: f:(elt array -> 'b) -> matrix -> 'b list
+ (********** Specific for Simplex Algorithm ***********)
+ (** All of the following functions will raise ImproperDimensions
+ * Exception if the matrix is not the right size for the operation
+ **)
+ (* Scales a row *)
+ val scale_row: matrix -> int -> elt -> unit
+ (* Swaps two rows *)
+ val swap_row: matrix -> int -> int -> unit
+ (* Subtracts a multiple of one row (the 2nd int) from another (the 1st int) *)
+ val sub_mult: matrix -> int -> int -> elt -> unit